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1、几组近义介词的用法 及其搭配方法 一. IN, TO, ON和OFF在方位名词前的区别 1. in表示A地在B地范围之内。如: Taiwan is in the southeast of China. 2. to表示A地在B地范围之外,即二者之间有距离间 隔。如: Japan lies to the east of China. 3. on表示A地与B地接壤、毗邻。如: North Korea is on the east of China. 4. off表示“离一些距离或离不远的海上”。如: They arrived at a house off the main road. New Zea

2、land lies off the eastern coast of Australia. 二. AT, IN, ON, BY和THROUGH在表示时间上的 区别 1. at指时间表示: (1)时间的一点、时刻等。如: They came home at sunrise (at noon, at midnight, at ten oclock, at daybreak, at dawn). (2)较短暂的一段 时间。可指某个节日或被认为是一年中标志大事的日 子。如: He went home at Christmas (at New Year, at the Spring Festival,

3、at night). 2. in指时间表示: 1)在某个较长的时间(如世 纪、朝代、年、月、季节以及泛指的上午、下午或傍 晚等)内。如: in 2004, in March, in spring, in the morning, in the evening. (2)在一段时间之后。一般 情况下,用于将来时,谓语动词为瞬间动词,意为“ 在以后”。如: He will arrive in two hours. 谓语 动词为延续性动词时,in意为“在以内”。 如:These products will be produced in a month. 注意 :after用于将来时间也指一段时间之后,

4、但其后的时 间是“一点”,而不是“一段”。如: He will arrive after two oclock. 3. on指时间表示: (1)具体的时日和一个特定的时 间,如某日、某节日、星期几等。如: On Christmas Day(On May 4th), there will be a celebration. (2)在某个特定的早晨、下午或晚上。 如: He arrived at 10 oclock on the night of the 5th. (3)准时,按时。如: If the train should be on time, I should reach home bef

5、ore dark. 4. by指时间表示: (1)不迟于,在(某时)前。如 : He will come by six oclock. Jack had made some friends by the time you came. (2)在间,在的时 候。如: He worked by day and slept by night. 5. through指时间意为“从开始到结束”,此时与 throughout相同。如: We work hard all through the year. 三. NEAR, BY, BESIDE, AT表示“在附近”时 的区别 1. near表示相对的近,实际

6、距离可能还很远。如: Suzhou is near Shanghai. 2. by和beside都表示靠近,实际距离不可能很远,但 beside比by更具体地表示出“在旁边”的意思。如 : He was sitting beside her. 3. at也有“在旁边”的意思,但多表示有目的的行为 所处的位置,而by和beside仅表示位置关系。如: The students are sitting at the desks listening to the teacher. Several students are sitting by / beside the window talking

7、about a film. 四. AT, IN和ON表示地点时的区别 1. at表示地点:(1)用于指较小的地方。如: I shall wait for you at the station. (2)用于门牌号码 前。如:He lives at 115 ZhongShan Road. 2. in表示地点:(1)用于指较大的地方。如: He lives in Shanghai.(2)虽然是很小的地方,如果说话 人住在那里,也可用in。商店、学校、机关等,若看 作一个地点(point)用at,若看作一个场所(place) 用in。如: I met him at the post-office. I

8、m now working in the post-office. 3. on表示地点,一般指与面或线接触,意为“在上 ;在旁”。如: The picture was hanging on the wall. New York is on the Hudson River. 五. BESIDES, EXCEPT, EXCEPT FOR, BUT表示“ 除外”之间的区别 1. besides表示“除了以外,还有”,具有附加性 质。如: Besides Mr. Wang, we also went to see the film.( 王先生也去了) 注意:besides用于否定句中时, 与exce

9、pt, but同义,可互换。如: We have no other books besides / except these. 2. except表示“除外”,具有排它性质。如: We all went to see the film except Mr. Wang.(王先生 没去) 3. except for表示“除了”,即表示除去整体中的一 部分。如: The composition is very good except for a few spellin g mistakes. 4. but意为“除了”,与except同义,except强调被排 除的部分,but则强调整句的内容,常修饰

10、否定意义 的代词。如: Nobody knew it but me. 六.时间介词TILL与UNTIL用法的异同 till和until用在肯定句中,均可表示“直到为止”, 如:I will wait till(until)seven oclock till和until用在否定句中,均可表示“在以前”或“ 直到才”。 如:Tom didnt come back till(until)midnight till多用于普通文体,而 until则用于多种文体,并且 在句子开头时,用until而不用till。 如:Until he comes back,nothing can be done. 七.方位

11、介词ACROSS, 、THROUGH、OVER, 、 PAST的用法辨析 介词across着重于“从一头或一边到另一头或另一边 ”,强调从表面穿过。 如:She went across the street to make some purchases. 介词through着重于“穿越”,强调从一定的空间内 穿过。 如:The sunlight was coming in through the window. 介词over多表示从“上方越过”,如:He failed to go over the mountain; he had to go round it. 介词past表示从“面前经过”

12、,如:Someone has just gone past the window. 八.原因介词BECAUSE、AS、FOR的用法辨析 介词because表示“因为;由于”指直接的、明确的 原因,用来回答why的问句,语气最强。 如:The boy was absent because he was ill. 介词as表示“由于;鉴于”指一种显而易见、谈话双 方已知的理由。 如:She stayed at home as she had no car. 介词for表示 “因为;由于”指一种间接原因,甚至 只是一种附带的说明。 如:It must have rained last night,

13、for the road is wet. 九.时间介词DURING与FOR的用法辨析 当所指的时间起止分明时用介词during如:He swims every day during the summer. 如果一段时间不明确则用介词for如:I havent seen her for years. 不用介词表达时间的几种情况 当表示时间的词前有this, that时,其前面不用介词,如: this morning 当表示时间的词前有next时,其前面不用介词,如:next Sunday 当表示时间的词前有last时,其前面不用介词,如:last Sunday 当表示时间的词前有one, any

14、, each, every, some或all时,其 前面不用介词,如:You can come any day. 十. BY, THROUGH, WITH表示方式,方法,手段 的区别 1.By表方式: (1)表示以一般的方法或方式。如:No one in those days could live by writing poems. (2)表示 传达,传递的方式或媒介。如:How did you send the letter, by airmail or by ordinary mail? (3)表示用交通工具,通讯工具,后接名词单数,不 加冠词。如: He came by train,

15、but his wife came by bus. 2.Through 表示“以,通过,经由”。如:He succeeded through hard work. 3.With表示方式。 (1).表示行为方式,意为“以,带着,用”。如: We are well provided with food and clothing. (2).表示使用具体的工具或手段。如: He writes with a pen. 注意:在表示手段时,by, through, with 有时也可换用 ,但with的意思更明确。如:Through/By/With his efforts he succeeded in making so many useful inventions. 十一THROUGH, WITH, FROM, FOR,AT表 示原因的区别. 1.through表示原因,作“因为”解,常和neglect, carelessness, mistake, fault等词连用,表示偶然或消极 的原因,如疏忽,过错,不慎等。如: He cut himself through carelessness. The experiment fail


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