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1、ADB PRCM Jiang H. (hjiangadb.org) 1 ADB Resident Mission in the PRC 亚行驻中国代表处 Procurement Guidelines 亚洲开发银行采购指南亚洲开发银行采购指南 ADB PRCM Jiang H. (hjiangadb.org) 2 Procurement Basics Procurement Basics 采购基本介绍采购基本介绍 ADB PRCM Jiang H. (hjiangadb.org) 3 1.Procurement Basics 采购基本采购基本 介绍介绍 Procurement Flow Diag

2、ram Procurement Flow Diagram 采购流程图采购流程图 Policy and ProceduresPolicy and Procedures 政策与程序政策与程序 Sources Sources 导则的来源导则的来源 Responsibility for Procurement Actions Responsibility for Procurement Actions 采购责任采购责任 Eligibility Eligibility 合格性合格性 Basic PrinciplesBasic Principles 基本原则基本原则 Fraud and Corruptio

3、nFraud and Corruption 欺诈与腐败欺诈与腐败 ApplicabilityApplicability 适应性适应性 Misprocurement Misprocurement 错误采购错误采购 Review of Procurement ActionsReview of Procurement Actions 采购程序总揽采购程序总揽 ADB PRCM Jiang H. (hjiangadb.org) 4 1.Procurement Basics采购基本采购基本 介绍介绍 Procurement Flow Diagram 流程图 Procurement PlanProcure

4、ment Plan 采购计划 PrequalificationPrequalification资格预审 Bidding DocumentsBidding Documents 标书 Bid OpeningBid Opening 开标 Bid EvaluationBid Evaluation 评标 Award of ContractAward of Contract 授予合同 ADB PRCM Jiang H. (hjiangadb.org) 5 1.Procurement Basics采购基本采购基本 介绍介绍 Policy and Procedures 政策与程序 Procurement Gu

5、idelinesProcurement Guidelines 采购导采购导 则则 Covers Goods, Works, Turnkey (Plant) contracts 涵盖货物、工程及交钥匙工程合同 Supporting Documents (SBDs) 相关文件:标准招标文件 Maintained by ADB 亚行负责维护相关的政策与程序 ADB PRCM Jiang H. (hjiangadb.org) 6 ADB Board Policy Commercial Practices Other MDBs ADB Experience 1.Procurement Basics 采购

6、基本采购基本 介绍介绍 Sources 导则的来源 商务实践 亚行以往经验 其他跨国开发银行实践 ADB Charter 亚行宪章 亚行董事会政策 ADB PRCM Jiang H. (hjiangadb.org) 7 The Borrower (Executing Agency) is responsible for all procurement activities 借款人(执行机构)对所有采购活动负最终责任 ADBs RoleADBs Role: Review the procurement activities to ensure the Guidelines are followe

7、d 亚行审查 采购活动,保证遵守亚行的采购指南 Declare misprocurement in case the agreed procedures not followed in any material respect 对已经同意的程序未实质性执行的情况,宣布错误采购 ADB Procedures should be followed for contracts financed wholly or partially by ADB 部分 或全部使用亚行贷款的合同都必须遵守亚行采购指南和程序 1.Procurement Basics采购基本采购基本 介绍介绍 Responsibilit

8、y for Procurement Actions 采购 责任 ADB PRCM Jiang H. (hjiangadb.org) 8 1.Procurement Basics采购基本采购基本 介绍介绍 Eligibility 合格性 Procurement is in member countries 采购是在亚行成员国 Goods and services are produced in and provided from member countries. 货物和服务必须生产于或提供于亚行成员国 Other Eligibility Factors 其他因素 No conflicts of

9、 interest 没有利益冲突 Not sanctioned by ADB or UN 没有受过联合国或亚行的制裁 State-owned enterprises 国有企业 Military of a borrowing country 军工单位 ADB PRCM Jiang H. (hjiangadb.org) 9 1.Procurement Basics采购基本采购基本 介绍介绍 Eligibility 合格性 Exceptions 不具备合格性的情形: Prohibited by United Nations Security Council on any import of good

10、s from, or payment to, a country, person or entity. 被联合国安理会禁止出口到,或者支付给某国家,个人或 经济实体。 Engaged by the borrower to provide consulting services for the project preparation, and any of its affiliates 在该项目的准备过程中,曾被借款人雇用的公司及其分支机构 Government owned enterprises, if cannot establish that: 不 具备以下条件的国有企业: Legally

11、 and financially autonomous 法律和财务上 自治 Operate under commercial law, and 在商业法律下 运作 Not dependent agencies of the borrower 借款人的 非独立机构 Declared ineligible by ADB in accordance with Clause related with Fraud and Corruption 依据欺诈与腐败条 款,被亚行宣布为不合格 ADB PRCM Jiang H. (hjiangadb.org) 10 Economy and Efficiency

12、经济性和效率原则 Borrowers to obtain goods and services through ICB unless other forms of procurement are more suitable 借款人尽可能采用国际竞争招标 Fairness 公平原则 Procurement activities should give member countries an adequate, fair and equal opportunity to supply goods and services 给予成员国充足、公平和平等的机会来提供货物与服务 Transparency

13、透明原则 To achieve economy and efficiency and to combat fraud and corruption 要达到经济性和效率性,惩治欺诈与腐败 1.Procurement Basics采购基本介采购基本介 绍绍 Basic Principles 基本原则 ADB PRCM Jiang H. (hjiangadb.org) 11 1.Procurement Basics采购基本采购基本 介绍介绍 Fraud and Corruption 欺诈与腐败 Corrupt PracticeCorrupt Practice 腐败行为腐败行为 Fraudulent

14、Practice 欺诈行为 Collusive Practice 共谋行为 Coercive Practice 强迫行为 ADB PRCM Jiang H. (hjiangadb.org) 12 1.Procurement Basics采购基本采购基本 介绍介绍 Fraud and Corruption 欺诈与腐败 The offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, directly or indirectly, of any thing of value to influence the action of any party in the pro

15、curement process or the execution of a contract 直接或间接地献礼、赠与、收 受、或索取任何有价物,以影 响任何一方在采购过程中或合 同执行过程中的行为 Corrupt PracticeCorrupt Practice 腐败行为腐败行为 Fraudulent Practice 欺诈行为 Collusive Practice 共谋行为 Coercive Practice 强迫行为 ADB PRCM Jiang H. (hjiangadb.org) 13 1.Procurement Basics采购基本采购基本 介绍介绍 Fraud and Corrupti



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