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1、尿液、肾功能、粪便尿液、肾功能、粪便 实验室检测实验室检测 杭州师范大学附属医院检验科杭州师范大学附属医院检验科 刘霞刘霞 思考题思考题 1. .尿检的主要临床应用尿检的主要临床应用 2.2.何为多尿、少尿、无尿、蛋白尿何为多尿、少尿、无尿、蛋白尿 3.3.选择性蛋白尿、非选择性蛋白尿选择性蛋白尿、非选择性蛋白尿 4.4.管型形成条件及临床意义管型形成条件及临床意义 5.5.内生肌酐清除率(内生肌酐清除率(CcrCcr)及临床意义及临床意义 6.6.粪便的检测的临床应用粪便的检测的临床应用 7 BUN7 BUN 、CrCr的临床意义的临床意义 尿液尿液是血液经肾小球是血液经肾小球 滤过、肾小管

2、和集合滤过、肾小管和集合 管排泌和重吸收后形管排泌和重吸收后形 成的终末产物成的终末产物 排泄代谢废物、异物排泄代谢废物、异物 维持体内水、盐代谢维持体内水、盐代谢 和酸碱平衡,维持内和酸碱平衡,维持内 环境稳定环境稳定 同时还有内分泌功能同时还有内分泌功能 ,调节血压,钙磷代,调节血压,钙磷代 谢,红细胞生成谢,红细胞生成 尿检的主要临床应用尿检的主要临床应用 ( ( The main clinical application of The main clinical application of urinalyisisurinalyisis ) ) 泌尿系统疾病的诊断和疗效判断:泌尿系统疾

3、病的诊断和疗效判断: (Urinary (Urinary tract tract disease disease diagnosis diagnosis and and efficacy efficacy judgment)judgment) 全身其它系统疾病的诊断:全身其它系统疾病的诊断: ( other system disease diagnosis)( other system disease diagnosis) 应用肾损伤药物的监控:应用肾损伤药物的监控: (The (The application application of of kidney kidney damage da

4、mage drugs drugs surveillance)surveillance) 尿液检测的基本内容尿液检测的基本内容 ( ( The basic content of urinalysis)The basic content of urinalysis) 物理性状检查物理性状检查:量,颜色,气味:量,颜色,气味,比重等比重等 (Physical properties :urine (Physical properties :urine volume,color,smell,specificvolume,color,smell,specific gravity,etcgravity,et

5、c.) .) 化学成分分析化学成分分析:蛋白,糖,胆红素,酮体:蛋白,糖,胆红素,酮体 (Chemical composition (Chemical composition analysis:Proteinanalysis:Protein, glucose, , glucose, bilirubinbilirubin, , ketoneketone body) body) 观察有形成分观察有形成分:细胞,管型,结晶等:细胞,管型,结晶等 (Observation urinary (Observation urinary sediment:cells,casts,uratessediment:

6、cells,casts,urates) ) 病原微生物检查病原微生物检查及其它及其它特殊检查特殊检查 (Pathogenic microorganism inspection and other special inspection)(Pathogenic microorganism inspection and other special inspection) 尿液分析的自动化尿液分析的自动化 (Urine analysis of automation)(Urine analysis of automation) 酸碱度(酸碱度( PHPH ) 蛋白(蛋白(ProteinProtein)

7、葡萄糖(葡萄糖(GlucoseGlucose) 酮体(酮体(KetonsKetons) 胆红素(胆红素( BilirubinBilirubin ) 尿胆原(尿胆原(UrobilinogenUrobilinogen) 比重(比重(Specific gravitySpecific gravity) 隐血(隐血(BloodBlood) 白细胞(白细胞(LeukocytesLeukocytes) 亚硝酸盐(亚硝酸盐(NitriteNitrite) 自动化尿液分析仪组合项目报告模式自动化尿液分析仪组合项目报告模式 尿标本的种类及注意事项尿标本的种类及注意事项 (Urine specimen types

8、and matters needing attention)(Urine specimen types and matters needing attention) 首次晨尿首次晨尿 : : 经过浓缩、酸化,适合蛋白和有形成分经过浓缩、酸化,适合蛋白和有形成分 (The (The first first morning morning urine: urine: after after concentrated concentrated and and acidified, acidified, suitable suitable for for protein, and protein, a

9、nd urinary sediment urinary sediment test)test) 随机尿随机尿 : : 门诊和急诊患者临时检测门诊和急诊患者临时检测 (Random urine :outpatient and emergency patients temporary detection)(Random urine :outpatient and emergency patients temporary detection) 2424小时尿小时尿 检测溶质总量,如蛋白,糖,激素等检测溶质总量,如蛋白,糖,激素等 (24-hour (24-hour urine urine :Tota

10、l :Total solute solute detection, detection, such such as as protein, protein, glucose, glucose, hormone, hormone, etc)etc) 清洁中段尿清洁中段尿 : :用于病原微生物的检测用于病原微生物的检测 (clean midstream (clean midstream urine:Usedurine:Used for testing the pathogenic microorganisms) for testing the pathogenic microorganisms)

11、物理性状检查物理性状检查 (Physical properties)(Physical properties) 一一. . 尿量尿量( (urine volume )urine volume ) 参考值:参考值:1000-20001000-2000ml/24hml/24h (Normal Range of urine volume:urine volume: 1000-2000 1000-2000ml/24h) ml/24h) 少尿少尿: : 400400ml/24hml/24h或少于或少于1717ml/hml/h ( (Oliguria:Oliguria:lessless than than

12、 400400ml/24h or less than ml/24h or less than 1717ml/h)ml/h) 无尿无尿: :2500 2500 ml/24hml/24h ( (Polyuria:morePolyuria:more than 2500ml/24h) than 2500ml/24h) 临床意义临床意义(Clinical significance)(Clinical significance) 多尿多尿( (PolyuriaPolyuria) ): 1.1.内分泌疾病内分泌疾病 : 糖尿病、尿崩症、甲旁亢等糖尿病、尿崩症、甲旁亢等。 ( Endocrine diseas

13、es: DiabetesEndocrine diseases: Diabetes、insipidusinsipidus、 hyperparathyroidism, etc hyperparathyroidism, etc) 2.2.肾脏疾病肾脏疾病 慢性肾炎,肾间质炎症慢性肾炎,肾间质炎症 (Kidney diseaseKidney disease:Chronic nephritisChronic nephritis,Renal interstitial inflammationRenal interstitial inflammation) 少尿和无尿:少尿和无尿: ( (OliguriaO

14、liguria and and AnuriaAnuria) ) 1.1.肾前性:心衰、脱水等有效循环血量减少。肾前性:心衰、脱水等有效循环血量减少。 (Prerenal: heart failure、 dehydration,etc) 2. 2.肾性:各类肾小球疾病的急性肾炎综合症。肾性:各类肾小球疾病的急性肾炎综合症。 ( (Renal:AcuteRenal:Acute nephritis syndrome) nephritis syndrome) 3. 3.肾后性:因尿路狭窄、结石、肿瘤引起的梗阻或肾后性:因尿路狭窄、结石、肿瘤引起的梗阻或 排尿功能障碍。排尿功能障碍。 ( (After

15、kidney: Obstruction After kidney: Obstruction 、MicturitionMicturition dysfunction)dysfunction) 二二. .尿液外观尿液外观(COLOR)(COLOR) 常见的异常变化有常见的异常变化有( (Abnomal-Colored Urine) ): 1. 1.血尿血尿 肉眼血尿(血液肉眼血尿(血液1ml/L1ml/L尿液)尿液),镜下血尿镜下血尿 ( (Hematuria:GrossHematuria:Gross hematuriahematuria, Microscopic , Microscopic he

16、maturiahematuria) ) (3RBC/Hp)(3RBC/Hp)。见于泌尿系统炎症、结石、结核、。见于泌尿系统炎症、结石、结核、 肿瘤、外伤,或血友病,紫癜肾等。肿瘤、外伤,或血友病,紫癜肾等。(In urological system (In urological system inflammation, stones, tuberculosis, cancer, trauma, or hemophilia, inflammation, stones, tuberculosis, cancer, trauma, or hemophilia, purpurapurpura kidney, etc)kidney, etc) 2. 2.血红蛋白尿或肌红蛋白尿血红蛋白尿或



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