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1、上海交通大学 硕士学位论文 基于分簇的无线传感器网络路由节能技术研究 姓名:徐吉 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:电子与通信工程 指导教师:蒋铃鸽 20071201 摘 要 第 I 页 基于分簇的无线传感器网络路由节能技术研究 摘 要 由于传感器技术、低能耗电子和射频技术的进步,低能耗、廉价的 无线传感器得以大规模应用,相应的无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Network, WSN)应运而生。无线传感器网络是由大量具有通信与计算能 力的微小传感器节点密集布设在无人值守的监控区域而构成的,能够根 据环境自主完成指定任务的“智能”自治测控网络系统。无线传感器网 络集成了传感器、分布式信息

2、处理、嵌入式计算和无线通信四种技术, 是一种全新的信息获取、处理和传输技术。无线传感器网络的随机布 设、自组织、环境适应等特点使其在军事、环境、医疗、家庭和其它商 业应用领域有广阔的应用前景和很高的应用价值,因此引起了工业界和 学术界的高度重视。 本文重点研究无线传感器网络的路由算法,无线传感器网络节点数 量庞大、单个节点资源极其有限,因此,节能技术是无线传感器网络所 必须关注的最重要的环节,其路由算法设计的首要目标是提高能量有效 性,延长网络生命周期。本文从无线传感器网络路由协议和节能优化的 角度出发,进行了如下研究: 第一,总结了无线传感器网络的发展历程、概念、结构、特点,介 绍了无线传感

3、器网络各种相关的针对数据处理以及数据传输中采用的节 能技术,研究了无线传感器网络的协议体系和路由算法的分类,分析和 比较了目前国外学者提出的几种有代表性的路由算法如泛洪式路由算 法,层次式路由算法,以数据为中心的路由算法等,并通过分析比较了 各自的性能及适用场合。 第二,有针对性的选择了层次式分簇路由算法 LEACH 作为研究重 点,指出了其存在的问题,并针对其因为簇首选举的随机性而导致节点 摘 要 第 II 页 能量分布不均的缺点,提出了一种基于自适应让位策略的分簇算法,通 过设定一个能量门限来衡量簇首的健康度,并采用让位策略来使那些趋 于衰亡的簇首能找到合适的继任者来担当簇首,保证数据传输

4、的可靠 性,该算法能够较 LEACH 获得更长的网络寿命,并提高了网络的吞吐 量。 第三,由于无线传感器网络与物理通信环境的耦合程度远高于其他 网络,而无线传感器网络的物理通信环境较为复杂,且动态性较强。为 了有效的节省能量,保证传输的可靠性,无线传感器网络的路由算法设 计上应该考虑物理通信环境的特点,如:射频传播不规则性,多径衰落 现象等。因此,可以考虑结合物理层采用特定的算法来保障和提高网络 传输的质量和效率,本文将无线通信中成熟的多输入多输出(MIMO) 技术引入到单天线节点的无线传感网中,有选择的取代传统的单输入单 输出(SISO)传输方式。在综合考虑了节点传输能量和系统能量因素 后,

5、得到了 MIMO 和 SISO 两种传输方式各自的适用范围,并在此基础 上提出了一种基于分簇的协作式虚拟 MIMO 算法,该算法分别利用了两 种传输方式的优点来达到能耗最低,同时该算法把簇首的能量消耗分配 给多个协作节点,提高了网络的负载均衡,延长了网络寿命。 第四,对文中所提算法在 NS2 平台上进行仿真验证,通过对仿真结 果的分析和比较,表明本文提出的基于自适应让位策略的分簇路由算法 和虚拟 MIMO 分簇路由算法可以有效的延长网络生存时间,实现节能的 技术目标。 在最后部分,总结了全文,展望了未来的研究方向。 关键词:无线传感器网络,节能,分簇算法,自适应让位,虚拟 MIMO Abstr

6、act 第 III 页 Research on Clustering Based Routing Energy- Saving Technology for Wireless Sensor Network Abstract Recent advances in sensor technology, low- power electronics, and low- power radio frequency design have enabled the development of inexpensive and low- power wireless sensors that can be

7、connected via a wireless network. Wireless sensor network (WSN) is an intelligent autonomous measure and control system that can complete given missions, which made up bestrewing many small nodes that have communication and calculate ability to non- person watch areas. Wireless sensor network, which

8、 is made by the convergence of sensor, embedded computing, distributed information processing and wireless communication technologies, is a new information acquisition, processing and transmission technologies. Its random bestrewing, self- organizing, and environment a dapting make it widely used in

9、 military, environment, medical care, home and other commercial areas, which arises the highlight in industrial and academic areas. The study of clustering routing protocol for WSN is the main part of this dissertation. The number of sensor nodes in WSN is numerous and single node is extraordinarily

10、 limited in resource. The most significant aim of designing routing protocol of WSN is to reduce the overall energy dissipated in the network and to maximize the network lifetime. This dissertation focuses on the routing protocol for wireless sensor network and its energy- saving optimization and ha

11、s some research on following aspects: Firstly, we summed up the development history, concept, structure, characteristics of WSN and analyzed the key technical issues and network protocols of WSN,we studied the network protocols of WSN and routing protocols on the classification system. We analyzed a

12、nd compared some Abstract 第 IV 页 classic routing protocols like flooding, classified protocol and date- centered protocol from their advantages and disadvantages. Secondly, we chose LEACH routing protocol as the research target. We analyzed its insufficient. Based on the original algorithm, we put f

13、orward their improvement projects. Due to its random selection of clusters, the traditional LEACH protocol definitely results in the unbalanced state of nodes energy, which shortens the whole network lifetime and decreases the system throughput, a clustering algorithm based on adaptive abdication st

14、rategy was proposed in this dissertation. By setting an energy threshold to evaluate the healthiness of clusters, the algorism enables those dying clusters to pass their status to the suitable successor according to an abdication strategy, which ensures the reliability of data transfer. This algorit

15、hm brings about a longer network lifetime and a larger throughput compared with LEACH. Thirdly, since wireless sensor network has a closer relationship with physical communication environment than other network, and its specific transmission condition is complex and dynamic, in order to effectively save energy and ensure the transmission reliability, the design of routing algorithm for WSN need to take the physical communication environment into consideration, such as the irregularity of radio frequency, the fading of multi- paths and so on. Therefore, it is a practical wa



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