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1、沈阳理工大学 硕士学位论文 基于产品生命周期的销售人员胜任力模型研究 姓名:赵海明 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:管理学、企业管理 指导教师:高峰 2011-03-12 沈阳理工大学硕士学位论文 摘 要 自从哈佛大学教授麦克利兰提出胜任力之后,对销售人员胜任力模型的研究 就始终是胜任力研究的一个热点,但这些研究都是静态的,仅仅告诉我们销售人 员完成自己本职工作需要哪些胜任力,至于这些胜任力在销售人员工作过程中所 发挥的作用是如何变化的没有涉及。本文以产品生命周期为基本单位,研究随着 产品生命周期不同阶段的转换,销售人员所需要的胜任力发生怎样的变化,并构 建包含这些变化的基于产品生命周期的销售人员胜

2、任力模型。 在明确了研究对象之后,我们收集了大量的招聘广告,并对其中出现的与素 质有关的关键词进行归纳,依据这些关键词对现有的销售人员通用胜任力模型进 行了调整,从而提出了本文所使用的一般销售人员胜任力模型。编制调查问卷, 收集数据,运用 S P S S 对数据进行了信效度分析、独立样本 T 检验,运用 A M O S 对 模型进行了验证性因素分析,最终证明我们收集的数据是可信的、有效的,经过 修改后的一般胜任力模型是合理的,该模型包含 5 个构面、1 2 项胜任力、3 4 个胜 任力项目。在一般胜任力模型的基础上,通过剔除在产品生命周期各阶段不起作 用的胜任力或胜任力项目,得到了各阶段的胜任

3、力模型。结果发现:相对于一般 胜任力模型,导入期模型不包含关系影响、关系建立、关系维持三项胜任力项目; 成长期模型不包含关系影响、良好形象、关系建立、关系维持四项胜任力项目; 成熟期模型不包含了解他人、服务意识、说服、良好形象、解决问题、分析预测 六项胜任力项目;衰退期模型不包含挑战自我、信息收集、信息机制、了解他人、 服务意识、说服、良好形象、解决问题、分析预测、自信、敢于挑战、乐观、抗 压能力、坚持 1 4 项胜任力项目。通过对比各阶段的胜任力模型构成要素的变化, 最终得到如下结论: (1 )随着产品生命周期的进行,各阶段胜任力模型包含的胜 任力项目逐渐减少,其中在衰退期,由于竞争对手的退

4、出和销售工作的程序化, 衰退期胜任力模型包含的胜任力项目显著的少于其它三个阶段。 (2 )由于销售人 员的某些行为主要集中于导入期和成长期,而在成熟期和衰退期很少发生,了解 他人、需求定位和解答问题这三项胜任力项目只被包含在导入期和成长期的胜任 沈阳理工大学硕士学位论文 力模型中。 (3 )在产品生命周期的过程中,随着竞争者数量的增加和购买者对产 品信息掌握程度的加深,销售人员对购买者的影响越来越弱。良好形象只出现在 导入期模型中,说服只出现在导入期和成长期模型中;而关系的作用大致与此相 反,和关系相关的胜任力及胜任力项目只出现在成熟期和衰退期的模型中。 关键词:胜任力,胜任力模型,销售人员,

5、产品生命周期 沈阳理工大学硕士学位论文 Abstract Since the Harvard Professor David McClelland proposed competency, the study on salesman competency model has been and will still be one of the hot points among the competency study fields. But these researches are all static, they just explain which competency salesman f

6、inish their job needing,as for the change of the competency in salesman working process is not involved. Based on the product life cycle as the basic unit, we study how the competency that salesman need change with the conversion of different phrases of the product life cycle, and construct a salesm

7、an competency model which contains these changes. After defining the research object, we have a large collection of recruitment advertisement, sum up the keywords that are related to competency, and adjust current salesman general competency model according to these keywords, thus puts forward the g

8、eneral salesman competency model this paper used, we prepare questionnaire to collect data, analyze reliability and validity of our data and do independent sample t- test by SPSS, do confirmatory factor analysis by AMOS. Ultimately we prove the data is reliable and effective, the revised general com

9、petency model is reasonable, this model contains five dimensions, twelve competence and thirty- four competence terms. According to the four stages of product life cycle, we got four competency models by getting rid of these competency or competency terms that dont work in corresponding stages of pr

10、oduct life cycle, which is based on the general salesman competency model. The result is that, compared with the general competency model, the early model does not conclude relationship influence, relationship building, relationship maintaining, the growth model does not conclude relationship influe

11、nce, good image, relationship building, relationship maintaining, maturity model does not include understanding others, service awareness, persuasion, good image, solve problem, analysis and prediction, recession model does not include challenge, information collection, information system, understan

12、ding others, service awareness, persuasion, good image, solve problem, analysis and prediction, self- confident, dare to challenge, optimistic, compressive capacity, insist. Through comparing the change among the elements of different competency models, We finally get such conclusion, first, along w

13、ith the 沈阳理工大学硕士学位论文 product life cycle, different competency models include less and less competency terms, in the recession stage, the competency terms is significantly less than other three stages because of the exit of competitors and sales working procedure. The second, these three competency t

14、erms, understanding others, demand orientation and so living problem, are only included in the early and growth competency model because of the salesman certain behaviors focusing on early and growth stage, not happening in maturation and recession stage. Thirdly, along with the increase in the numb

15、er of competitors and information of buyers mastering about product, sales staffs influence on buyers is on the decline, good image papers only in the early model, persuasion appear only in early and maturity model, on the contrary, the competency and competency terms which are related to relationsh

16、ip are appear only in maturation and recession stage. Keywords: competency, competency model, salesman, product life cycle 沈阳理工大学 硕士学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明: 本论文的所有工作,是在导师的指导下,由作者本 人独立完成的。有关观点、方法、数据和文献的引用已在文中指出, 并与参考文献相对应。除文中已注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任 何其他个人或集体已经公开发表的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要 贡献的个人和集体,均己在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本 声明的法律结果由本人承担。 作者(签字) : 日 期 : 年 月 日 学位



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