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1、 老舍茶馆是以老舍先生命名的茶馆,建 于1988年,古香古色、京味十足。可以欣赏 到曲艺、戏剧名流的精彩表演,同时品用名 茶、宫廷细点和应季北京风味小吃。开业以 来,老舍茶馆接待了很多中外名人,享有很 高的声誉。 京剧,曾称平剧,中国五大戏曲剧种之一,腔调以 西皮、二黄为主,用胡琴和锣鼓等伴奏,被视为中国国 粹,中国戏曲三鼎甲“榜首”。 徽剧是京剧的前身。清代乾隆五十五年(1790年) 起,原在南方演出的三庆、四喜、春台、和春, 四大徽 班陆续进入北京,他们与来自湖北的汉调艺人合作,同 时接受了昆曲、秦腔的部分剧目、曲调和表演方法,又 吸收了一些地方民间曲调,通过不断的交流、融合,最 终形成京

2、剧。京剧形成后在清朝宫廷内开始快速发展, 直至民国得到空前的繁荣。 它走遍世界各地,成为介绍、传播中国传统文化的 重要手段。分布地以北京为中心,遍及中国。 the Beijing Opera the Beijing Opera actress Teahouse Lao She Teahouse actress teahouse offer end in the end no idea n. 女演员 n. (尤指亚洲)的茶馆 v. 提议;提出 n. (时间的)最后一段、末尾 v. 结束 最后;终于 不知道 Where do you want to go? What do you hope to

3、do? How do you plan to travel? Who would you like to go with ? 动词不定式的结构: to + V. 埃菲尔铁塔 塔桥 Look at the pictures and talk about them. Use the words in the box to help you. actress dance music play sing teahouse theatre traditional Listen and underline the correct words or expressions. 1. Betty often s

4、ees / wants to see the traditional Beijing Opera. 2. Betty knows / doesnt know Lao She Teahouse. 3. Lingling says that the opera is easy / difficult to understand. the everyday English . 1.怎么样?好玩吗? How was it? 2.你是知道的, You know, 3.这才是最重要的。 Thats the main thing. 4.不知道。 No idea. Listen and choose the

5、correct answers. ( )1. When did Betty and Lingling go to Lao She Teahouse? A. last night B. yesterday morning C. last Friday ( )2. How long did they plan to stay? A. For 1 hour. B. For 2 hours. C. For 3 hours. ( )3. Who is Lao She? A.A famous dancer. B. A famous writer C. a famous composer A A A A B

6、 B 1. Tony went to Lao She Teahouse with Betty and Lingling. 2. Betty understood the opera. 3. Lingling and Betty stayed longer than they planned. Now check the true sentences. 4. Betty enjoyed the opera. 5. Betty would like to see the Beijing Opera again. 6. Betty knew about Lao She before she went

7、 to the teahouse. Underline the sentences to do: 1. I want to see the Beijing Opera, so Lingling offered to take me there. 2. It was difficult to understand the words. 3. We only planned to watch for an hour. 4. I hope to understand more next time. 5. Do you often go to see the Beijing Opera, Lingli

8、ng? 6. I wanted to take Betty to the teahouse because its famous. 思考动词不定式的用法,大胆展示! 动词不定式 动词不定式置于谓语动词之后,作动词的宾语, 表明想要、计划或希望要做的事。 一般来说,用不定式时,所表示的多为将来的行为。 常见的后面接“to + 动词原形”作宾语的动词有: plan, decide, hope, want, agree, offer, try, like, love ,learn等。 注意: 1. 没有人称和数的变化 2. 不能做谓语。 重点: 动词不定式 1.offer to do sth. 主动

9、提出做某事 2.plan to do sth. 打算,计划做某事 3.decide to do sth. 决定做某事 4.want to do sth. 想做某事 =would like to do sth. 5.hope to do sth. 希望做某事 6.agree to do sth. 同意做某事 7. try to do sth. 尽力做某事 8.need to do sth. 需要做某事 9.learn to do sth. 学习做某事 2. . so Lingling offered to take me there. 因此,玲玲提出带我去(那)。 offer to do sth

10、. 主动提出做某事 She offered to buy a colour TV. 她提出要买一台彩电。 offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. 给某人提供某物 The old man offered me a nice room. 这位老人给我提供了一个不错的房间。 疑难点解析 3. . but in the end, we stayed for three hours. 但是最后, 我们待了三个小时。 in the end “最后;终于”,相当于 . 但in the end 、at last 具有较浓厚的感情色彩,表示经 过一番努力或曲折的过程之后才实现; 而

11、finally一般指一系列事物或论点的顺序,没有感情色 彩。 。 最后他成功了。 In the end , he succeeded. at last / finally 4. Tony: Who is Lao She? Betty: No idea. Ask Lingling. 这里的 No idea 相当于 I dont know。 例如: She has no idea where to go. 她不知道要去哪里。 Do you know how old our teacher is? I have no idea. She looks pretty young. A. 单词拼写: 1.

12、 They _ (提供) him a very good job. 2. The _ (结局) is very sad. 3. The actors and actresses _ (女演员) were excellent. 4. You should try to get the _ (主 要的) idea when you are reading. offered end actresses main B. 完成句子: 1. 他们提议建一所希望学校来帮助那 些贫穷的孩子。 They _ a Hope School to help those poor children. 2. 你想要我带你

13、去迪斯尼乐园吗? Would you _ you to Disneyland? offered to build like me to take 3. 最后,我姐同意帮助我学英语。 _, my sister _ help with my English. 4. 他的梦想是长大当飞行员。 His dream is _ when he grows up. In the end agreed to to be c、用所给词语的适当形式填空。 1. She asked me _ (wait) for her at the cinema. 2. I enjoy _ (listen) to the rad

14、io in the evening. 3. It is not easy _ (learn) a foreign language. 4. He agreed _ (get) someone to help us. to wait listening to learn to get 5. I told him _ (not play) in the street. 6. Would you like _ (come) with me? 7. Your task is _ (find) the cost of the hotel. 8. Should I _ (go) home now? 9.

15、Im glad _ (see) you again. 10. He needs _ (buy) a new bike. not to play to come to find go to see to buy 1. A/An _ can use his drawings to tell about beautiful mountains, the blue sea and many other things. (2013德州) A. actor B. scientist C. artist D. doctor 2. The little boy _ his seat to an old lady on the crowded bus. (2013莱芜) A. lent B. o



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