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1、译林版必修 Unit 1 Getting along with others Task and Project without hesitation more feelings and support be the same overcome hurt anchor respond pause rely amusement identity acquaintance apartment topic attitude security revision mercy apology hopeless cautious eager absurd adolescent worldwide commit

2、ted 1hopeless adj.没有希望的;绝望的;糟透的 (一)背诵佳句培养语感 (教材原句) Life is not hopeless.(P13) 生活不是无望的。 (鲜活例句) He was disappointed so often that he became hopeless. 他屡次失望,以致变为了绝望。 (二)归纳归纳 拓展全析考点 a hopeless situation/attempt 没有希望的局势/尝试 a hopeless case 绝症(病人);无希望造就的人 be hopeless at 在无能的;不能胜任的 hopeful有希望的 Hes hopeless

3、at maths. 他对数学一窍不通。 I feel hopeful of success. 我对成功抱有希望。 He _his chances of winning the contest.他没有希望在竞赛中获胜。 is hopeless about 2overcome (overcame,overcome) vt.克服,解决;被(烟;感情等)熏(压)倒;使受不了 (教材原句)We will listen to your problems and offer you practical advice on how to overcome them.(P13) 我们将听你的问题并且就怎么克服它

4、们给你提供很实 用的建议。 (鲜活例句)We have some difficulties to overcome. 我们有些有待克服的困难。 (二)归纳归纳 拓展全析考点 be overcome by/with 被所压倒 be overcome by hunger 因饥饿而软弱无力 overcome difficulties(shortcomings, weaknesses) 克服困难(缺点,弱点) She was overcome by smoke. 她被烟熏倒了。 I was overcome by a sense of failure. 我被失败感所压倒。 3attitude n态度;

5、看法 (一)背诵诵佳句培养语语感 (教材原句) Boys and girls have different attitudes towards friendship.(P18) 男生和女生对友谊的态度是不一样的。 (鲜鲜活例句) Different people have different attitudes towards the problem. 对这个问题不同的人有不同的态度。 (二)归纳归纳 拓展全析考点 attitude to/towards sb./sth.对对的态态度/ 看法 have a positive/negative attitude to/towards sb./st

6、h. 对对持肯定/否定的态态度 take/adopt a/an.attitude采取的态态度 What is your attitude to the problem? 你对这问题对这问题 的看法如何? They adopt a strong attitude towards this matter. 他们对这们对这 件事采取强硬态态度。 a strong attitude towards 4cautious adj. 小心的;谨慎的 (一)背诵诵佳句培养语语感 (教材原句) A boy is likely to be cautious about sharing his feelings w

7、ith his close friends.(P18) 对于与密友们分享感情这件事,一个男孩会更加谨 慎。 (鲜鲜活例句) You should be cautious of the strangers. 你应该小心提防陌生人。 (二)归纳归纳 拓展全析考点 be cautious about/of. 对小心;谨慎于 be cautious to do sth. 谨慎地做某事 caution n小心;谨慎 The students are cautious not to make any mistakes in spelling.学生们在拼写时非常小心,以避免出错。 活学活用 These ch

8、emicals may be harmful to human bodies. Use them with . AchartBcaption CcautionDcatalogue 【答案】C 【解析】本题题考查查名词词义词词义 辨析。句意为为“这这些化学药药品 可能对对人体有害。使用时时要小心”。 chart意为为“图图表”;caption意为为“说说明文字”;caution意为为“ 小心”;catalogue意为为“目录录”。根据题题意,故选选C。 5Respond vi.做出反应;回应 (一)背诵诵佳句培养语语感 (教材原句) When asked,they usually hesitat

9、e before responding.(P18) 当被问起时,他们在回答前往往会犹豫一下。 (鲜鲜活例句) She asked where hed been,but he didnt respond. 她问他到什么地方去了,他却不回答。 (二)归纳归纳 拓展全析考点 respond toreact to sb./sth.回答;回应 response n回答;响应 in response to 作为对的反应 make a quick response to 对作出很快 的反应 She _my letter with a phone call. 她收到我的信,给我回了个电话。 She made

10、no response to my question. 她对我的问题没有做什么答复。 She laughed in response to his jokes. 她听了他的笑话大笑。 responded to 6committed adj.尽心尽力的;坚信的;坚定的 (一)背诵诵佳句培养语语感 (教材原句) Friendship means being committed to others.(P19) 友谊意味着对他人的承诺。 (鲜活例句) The doctor was committed to practical medicine. 那位医生致力于实用医学。 (二)归纳归纳 拓展全析考点

11、commit vt.致力于,使承担义务;犯(罪,错),干 (坏事);承诺,委托 commit a crime犯罪 commit oneself to sth.专心致志于;献身于 He has committed himself to support them. 他答应负担他们的生活。 He has committed himself to the cause of education. 他已决心献身教育事业。 7mercy n宽恕;仁慈 (一)背诵诵佳句培养语语感 (教材原句) Because I am a friend,I have had to learn patience and mer

12、cy.(P19) 因为我是朋友,我不得不学会忍耐和仁慈。 (鲜活例句) Mercy to the enemies means cruelty to the people. 对敌人的仁慈就意味着对人民的残忍。 (二)归纳归纳 拓展全析考点 at the mercy of 任摆布 without mercy 无情地 have mercy on 对表示同情 show mercy to 对表示同情 beg for mercy 乞求怜悯;乞求宽恕 They were lost at the sea,at the mercy of the wind and weather.他们在海上迷了路,任凭风和天 气

13、的摆布。 He _the defeated enemy. 他怜悯被打败的敌人。 They had little mercy on their enemy. 他们对敌人绝不留情。 showed mercy to in through on into for other in on to with about with on on of up in 1get through (用电话)接通;联系上某人; 用完,耗尽,处理,完成,通过( 考试)等 (一)背诵诵佳句培养语语感 (教材原句) Our lines can get very busy but please keep trying and y

14、ou will soon get through.(P13) 我们的线路可能很忙,但是请不断尝试,最终你会接通的。 (鲜鲜活例句) I rang you several times but couldnt get through. 我给你打了几次电话,可是没打通。 (鲜活例句) I cant get through to him. 我不能接通他的电话。 (二)归纳归纳 拓展全析考点 get sb. through给某人接通电话 get的相关短语: get through with 做完;办完 get together 聚首;欢聚;碰头 get over 克服,摆脱;从中恢复过来,痊愈 get

15、down ton./doing 开始认真处理/做某事 get rid of 处理掉;去掉 We wish to get through the thing quickly. 我们期望赶快把这件事做完。 They have all _the examination. 他们全通过考试了。 I must get through the book before Saturday. 我必须在星期六之前看完这本书。 got through 2be based on 以为基础;以为根据 (一)背诵诵佳句培养语语感 (教材原句) Friendships between girls are usually anchored in shared feelings and support, but friendships between boys are based on shared activities or interests.(P18) 女孩之间的友谊通常建立在共同的情感和互相支持 之上,而男孩之间的友谊



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