2017-2018学年高中英语 unit 11 the media lesson 2 the paparazzi 北师大版必修4

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《2017-2018学年高中英语 unit 11 the media lesson 2 the paparazzi 北师大版必修4》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017-2018学年高中英语 unit 11 the media lesson 2 the paparazzi 北师大版必修4(35页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 一二三 一、你将在听力材料中听到下面方框中的单词,请从中选出与各 英文释义对应的单词 analyse arise blame willing self-employed attempt defend argument process profit 1. prepared to do something,or having no reason not to want to do it 2. money that you gain by selling things or doing business,after your costs have been paid 3. to happen as

2、 a result of a particular situation 4. to do something in order to protect someone or something from being attacked 5. a series of actions that are done in order to achieve a particular result willing profit arise defend process 一二三 6. to examine or think about something carefully,in order to unders

3、tand it 7. a set of reasons showing that something is true or untrue,right or wrong,etc. 8. working for yourself and not employed by a company 9. to say or think that someone or something is responsible for something bad 10. an act of trying to do something,especially something difficult analyse arg

4、ument self-employed blame attempt 一二三 二、阅读下面关于对“狗仔队”看法的两段话,从第一题的方框中 选择正确的单词,并用它们的适当形式完成这两段话 A.Some people the paparazzi for the deaths of Princess Diana and her friend who were killed in 1997 in a high-way car accident in Paris,while they were pursued by the paparazzi.A heated about whether what the

5、 paparazzi had done was legal.More and more people are in favour of individuals right to privacy. B.When we the action of the paparazzi,we can see why they are to sell the photos to the media.They to seek a large ,that is to say,they want to earn more money. blamed argument arose defending analyse w

6、illing attempt profit 一二三 三、阅读下面的对话,指出其中表达观点的词汇和句型 A:How was the exam,Jimmy? B:Not too bad,I suppose.I think I passed math and English.Personally,the questions were not so difficult. A:As to me,they were not easy enough.I hope I have passed them. B:In my opinion,I must have failed the French paper.

7、A:French tests are awful,arent they? B:I believe I have got a low mark. A:I dont think so.Perhaps we didnt do too badly. B:The guy next to me wrote his name on the top of the paper. A:Yes? B:Then he sat there and looked at it for three hours!He didnt write a word! 一二三 答案:I suppose;I think;Personally

8、;As to me;In my opinion;I believe;I dont think so. 123456789 1.Could you tell us how the problem arose? 你能跟我们说说这个问题是怎么出现的吗? 考点 arise vi. 发生,出现 Instead of waiting until problems pile up,we should try to solve each as it arises. 问题一出现我们就应该努力解决,而不要等到问题越堆越多。 How did the quarrel arise? 吵架是怎么发生的? New prob

9、lems will arise from such a situation. 那种状况将会产生新的问题。 归纳: arise用作不及物动词,常与介词from或out of连用,意为“由 引起”。它的过去式和过去分词分别为arose和arisen。 123456789 辨析:arise,arouse,raise和rise arise vi.出现;起床 arouse vt.引起;唤起;激起 raise vt.“举起;提高”,多用于具体场合,如举手、举杯、升旗等,有时 也用于提高工资、提高工作效率等。 rise vi. “上升;升高;上涨”等,大多用于抽象或比喻,或是具体场合,如 太阳、产量的上升等

10、。 The wind is rising. 起风了。 Our salary has been raised recently. 最近我们的薪水提高了。 123456789 A new problem has arisen. 一个新问题出现了。 His question aroused my curiosity. 他的问题激起了我的好奇心。 He arose at 6:00 a.m.as usual. 他像通常一样早晨6点起床。 The river rose by two feet after the heavy rain. 大雨后河面上升了2英尺。 123456789 活学活用 语法填空 (1

11、)Problems often (arise) when you least expect them. (2)Many difficulties (arise) as a result of his absence. 用arise,rise,raise,arouse完成句子 (3)The book has great attention. (4)The sun in the east and sets in the west. (5)Tom is strong enough to the stone. (6)A storm during the night. arise have arisen

12、 aroused rises raise arose 123456789 2.Well,a lot of people blame the media for encouragement of the paparazzi. 哦,很多人因为媒体对狗仔队的鼓励而谴责媒体。 考点 blame vt. 责怪,归咎于 【高考典句】We tend to blame TV,he says,for problems it doesnt really cause,overlooking our own roles in shaping childrens minds. 他说,我们倾向于为不是电视引发的问题而责备

13、它,却忽视我们自 己在形成孩子们的思想中所起的作用。 Many children are afraid of being blamed for making mistakes in speaking English. 许多孩子害怕讲英语时犯错误而受责备。 123456789 Our computer is broken and Father is blaming it on me. 我们的电脑坏了,父亲正怪罪我。 Neither of the passers-by was to blame for the accidentit was all the drivers fault. 两个过路人都

14、无须对该事故负责一切都是司机的错。 归纳: blame的常用搭配有:blame sb.for (doing) sth.和blame sth.on sb.,均表示“因(做)某事责备某人”;be to blame for表示“对(坏事)负有 责任”,其中不定式用主动形式表被动。 123456789 活学活用 语法填空 (1)Mankind is (blame) for global warming,some top climate scientists said. (2)We all feel it is Jack as well as his wife that (be) to blame fo

15、r their sons bad behaviour at school. 翻译句子 (3)哪位司机应为本次事故负责? 单句改错 (4)Tom is to be blamed for the broken vase. to blame is 答案:Which driver is to blame for the accident? 答案:be blamedblame 123456789 3.Newspapers and magazines are willing to pay high prices for photographs of famous people taken by these self-employed photographers. 报纸杂志愿意为这些自由职业的摄影师拍摄的名人照片出高价。 剖析 句中的过去分词短语“taken by.”作后置定语,修饰 “photographs”。 考点一 willing adj. 愿意的,乐意的 He doesnt work well,but he is always willing. 他活儿干得不好,但他总是乐意干。 123456789 【高考典句】He did not compromise easily,but was



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