2016春五年级英语下册 module 1 unit 1《she was a driver before》课件5 外研版(一起)

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2016春五年级英语下册 module 1 unit 1《she was a driver before》课件5 外研版(一起)_第1页
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《2016春五年级英语下册 module 1 unit 1《she was a driver before》课件5 外研版(一起)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2016春五年级英语下册 module 1 unit 1《she was a driver before》课件5 外研版(一起)(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、She was a driver before Who is shehe? What did shehe do? Where did you go in the winter holiday? What did you do in the winter holiday? What did you eat in the winter holiday? Free talk: (给新学期一个缓冲,让学生拿出寒假拍的全家一起游玩或者聚会的照片,找一个 英语比较好的学生和老师配合讨论一下照片,然后小组内进行。让学生慢慢进入 学习状态,也复习了过去式,为文本做一个铺垫。) Can you guess? W

2、ho is she? Who is he? 3、What was she before? Listen and find: 4、What was he before? 1、Who is she? 2、Who is he? 3、What was Linglings grandma before? Read and answer: 4、What was Linglings grandpa before? She was a driver before. He was a flute player before. 1、Who is she? She is Linglings grandma . .

3、2、Who is he? He is Linglings grandpa. 1、What did she drive? He played Chinese music. Can you ask questions? Find the answers in your group.(提问题时全 班提问,找答案时分组进行,学生应能提出更多问 题,这两个只是举例) She drove a bus. 2、What music did grandpa play? 1. Linglings grandma was a driver before. 2.She drove a car. 3. Lingling

4、s grandpa was a guitar player before. 4. Lingling can play the flute. T F T F T F T F bus. flute Read and write(课堂活动用书练习) Retell(复述时注意强调拼读拼写). This is Linglings grandma.She (is/was)young before. She (is/was)a (driver/drive). She (driver/drive/drove) a bus. This is Linglings grandpa.He . He a . He Ch

5、inese music. was wasdriver drove was young before wasflute player played What was she?What did she do? What did she drive?(通过一段声音的模拟猜职业) She was _before. She was_before. Her hair was _before. She is _now. She is _now. Her hair is _now. doctor nurseteacher basketballer footballer ping-pong player sin

6、gerdancer armyman pilotfilm starcook bus driver train driver taxi driver doctor nurse teacher basketballer footballer pilot singer dancer armyman ping-pong player film star cook 小组活动(仿照课文,连成小语篇) 拿出课前已经讨论过的全家聚会的照片,在小组内互相讨论一下自己 的家庭成员原先是做什么的,现在是做什么的。 This is my _.She (is/was)_. She (is/was)a_. She_. Th

7、is is my_. He _. He _. 小组内完成后,反馈环节(每组推荐一名发言人, 拿着照片说给全班听,不直接说职业,而是描述这 个职业是干什么的,由全班来猜) Eg:This is my grandma, she was young before, she helped sick people, what was she before? 1、让学生自己归纳学过的和职业有关的名称、 地点、动词词组及句型。通过对人物过去与现 在职业的讨论,复习过去时,并与现在时进行 对比,主要是She/He was和She/He is的对比, 动词一般现在时第三人称单数和过去时的对比 。 2、归纳动词过

8、去式的用法。 1、指读课文五遍,能够独立背诵课文;会拼读拼写四会单词、四会句子。 2、 编几个关于职业的小谜语。(可参考下表) BeforeNow workermade things policema n helps people doctorhelped sick people writerwrites 3、回顾动词的过去式的变化,让学生自己归纳 Regular Irregular play-playedgo- went work- worked make-made dance- danced see-saw live-liveddrive-drove help-helped write-wrote



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