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1、山东农业大学 硕士学位论文 基于WebGIS的作物生产管理信息系统建设 姓名:罗艺 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:地图制图学与地理信息工程 指导教师:聂宜民 20100611 山东农业大学硕士学位论文 1 摘 要 我国是一个发展中国家,农业仍然是我国国民经济的基础,在我国这 样一个以农业为主的国度里,国民经济的发展在很大程度上取决于农业是 否发展。而目前,传统的作物种植生产过程中,农民知识水平不足,种植 多靠经验主义,病虫害用药不规范,产收效率低下,作物质量欠佳等问题, 严重制约着我国农业的高速发展,并直接影响其在国际社会、农产品出口 领域的竞争力。同时,由于生产活动的复杂性,农作物生产管理决策难

2、度 越来越大。在信息技术与GIS技术高速发展的今天,如何利用先进的信息技 术手段来开发可为农户提供生产指导,为政府提供辅助决策的作物生产管 理信息系统是目前亟待解决的重要问题。 本研究是采用软件工程的开发方法,利用WebGIS、J2EE技术、基于 ArcSDE的空间数据库技术,以及J2ME技术,以山东寿光的作物生产信息为 底图数据,针对现代化农业生产管理的要求,结合相关课题的研究成果, 开发的基于WebGIS的寿光市作物生产管理信息系统。同时,将GIS服务延伸 至田间,利用手机远程指导作物生产实践活动。 本系统考虑作物生产活动与政府监管等实际需要,将用户权限分为四 类登陆用户,不同的用户只能根

3、据其权限使用相应的功能。系统设计了五 大功能模块,用户可以通过本系统获得底图浏览、作物信息查询、生产周 期控制、施肥灌溉指导、远程无线服务、生产技术支持等服务。 本文首先简要地论述了农业信息化、数字农业、精准农业等农业发展 的大背景,指出了课题的选题意义,阐述了课题的研究目的、内容,分析 了国内外GIS技术在作物生产领域的具体应用和发展现状,总结了目前应用 中存在的一些缺陷与不足,提出了基于WebGIS的作物生产管理信息系统建 设,同时论述了本文的研究内容和研究思路。 基于 WebGIS 的作物生产管理信息系统建设 2 其次,对系统开发过程中涉及的核心技术进行了概述。介绍了WebGIS 的技术

4、特点与优势,Geodatabase的数据模型,以及ArcSDE的运行机制。阐 述了使用J2EE和J2ME技术的优势,为系统的设计与实现奠定了基础。在完 成系统总体设计的基础上,对系统进行具体功能模块的设计,阐述了空间 数据库设计与建设过程,阐述了系统各功能的具体实现方法。 最后,在总结系统主要特点基础上,阐述了系统建设中使用到的关键 技术与创新点,并指出存在的问题与不足,对于系统的进一步完善提出了 建议。 关键词:关键词:WebGIS 作物生产管理 无线查询服务 J2EE J2ME 山东农业大学硕士学位论文 3 Crop Production Control Information Syste

5、m Construction Based on WebGIS Abstract China is a developing country.It remains the foundation of our national economy in China,and in a predominantly agricultural country,the national economy depends largely on whether the development of agriculture.However,at present,there are some problems in th

6、e traditional agricultural production process.Such as low level of farmer knowledge,planting more by empiricism,pest and disease agents is not standardized,middle income and low efficiency,poor quality of crops and so on.It seriously restricting the rapid development of Chinas agriculture and direct

7、ly affect the international competitiveness of agricultural exports in the field.Furthermore,as the complexity of production,crop production management decisions become increasingly difficult.Now along with the rapid development of Information technology and GIS technology,how to use advanced inform

8、ation technology tools to develop crop production management system for guiding farmers production,and Providing the governments decision support is the urgent need to resolve important issues. This study used a software engineering development method,Used of WebGIS, J2EE technology,ArcSDE spatial d

9、atabase technology,and J2ME technology,based on Shandong Shouguang crops information data, For the purpose of the management requirements of modern agricultural production,Combined relevant research results to develop WebGIS-based management information system of crop production in Shouguang.And ext

10、ended GIS services to the field,using mobile phone remote to supervise agricultural production activities. 基于 WebGIS 的作物生产管理信息系统建设 4 Considering the system of crop production activities and the actual needs of government supervision,Divided into four categories for the user permissions Login,and dif

11、ferent users can only use its authority under the functions of the corresponding.System designed five major functional modules,Users can get services through the system such as Base Map View,Crop information inquiry,production cycle control,fertilizating and watering guide,transport process monitori

12、ng,remote wireless service,production support and so on. Firstly,the study background of agricultural information,digital agriculture,precision agriculture and other agricultural development were briefly discussed,the significance of the subject topics were pointed out, explained the purpose, conten

13、t, analyzed GIS technology at home and abroad in the field of agricultural development status and specific applications, summarized some existing deficiencies and shortcomings in the current application, proposed crop production management based on WebGIS platform,and discussed the contents and idea

14、s. Secondly , core technology in the System development process has been overviewed.Presented the technical features and advantages of WebGIS, Geodatabase data model, and ArcSDE operating mechanism. Described the use of the advantages of J2EE and J2ME technology,laid the foundations of system design

15、 and implementation.Based on sysytem design, designed specific function modules of the system, described the process of spatial database design and construction,and the system functions realization method. finally, based on the main features of the system, the system key technology and innovation id

16、ea were brought forward,the problems and shortage was pointed out, and further improvement of the system suggestions were prospected. Key words:WebGIS;Crop production management; J2EE;J2ME; Wireless Enquiry Service 英文缩略表 英文缩略表 WebGIS Web Geographic Information System 网络地理信息系统 B/S Browser/Server 浏览器/服务器结构 C/S Client/Server 客户端/服务器结构 ArcSDE ArcGIS Spatial Data Engine ArcGIS 空间数据引擎 J2EE Java 2 Platform,Enterprise Edition Java 2 平台企业版 J2ME Java 2 Micro Ed



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