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1、读写任务记叙文 专题导练 What should you pay attention to when writing a summary? 3. Write it in the third person .(第三人称) I think, in my opinion, as for me, as far as I am concerned, we should, for example, such as, like Notes 1.Focus on main ideas and omit(省去) examples, specific details, and minor supports. 2.

2、 be sure to use your own words.(要用自己 的语言概括) 故事性的短文概括应围绕“ 什么人,发生了什么事, 结局如何”来写,即阐写一 个故事梗概。 1围绕以下两个问题找到文章要点 (1)谁做了什么? (在第一段找答案) ( Who did What?) (2)结果怎样?(What was the result?)(在一,二段找答案) Peter waited for the owner to return to claim it, and he refused the owners reward. Peter found a wallet but did not

3、keep it for himself. (3)文章揭示了什么?(假如原文 没有提及时,概括时则不用考虑此问 题) 2.将对问题所回答的内容连接起来。 用适当的时态和人称连接所回答的内 容,便是“短文的概括”了。如: The passage tell us that Peter found a wallet but didnt keep it for himself. Instead,he waited for the owner to return to claim it. However,he refused the own-ers reward. The passage mainly t

4、ells us that Peter found a wallet but didnt keep it for himself. Instead,he waited for the owner to return to claim it. However, he refused the owners reward. 然后以约120个词写一篇记叙文,描写一次助人为 乐的经历,可以是真实或虚构的经历,并包括以下 的要点:引用于高中广东教育 (1) 你或你身边的人遇到了什么事情; (2) 如何受到帮助,事情最后的结局; (3) 人和人之间的相互帮助给我的感受 写作要求 1. 可以参照阅读材料的篇章结

5、构组织故事, 但不能直接引用原文中的句子; 2. 标题自拟。 3 简述相似经历,即与原阅 读材料的故事揭示同一主题 思想而不同情节的故事. 4 阅读原材料,确定主题后 ,挑选一个类是似的能说明 主题思想的故事 如何选材 1 简述相似经历,即与原阅读材料 的故事揭示同一主题思想而不同情 节的故事。 2. 材料最好来源于我们学过的 教材,阅读过的材料或歌曲。 5 在组织故事时,由于受篇幅 的限制,我们也可能省去心理 描写和对话等细节,用简练的 语言(尽量用间接引语)把故 事的过程讲清楚即可。组织故 事时,可以简单列出要点,有 利于我们选择短语,句型和相 关的链接词语。 记叙文写作注意事项: a.

6、Who/Where/When/What/How b.省去对话等细节,尽量用间接引语。 c.简单列出要点 (短语,句型和相关 连接词语)。 d.篇末点题,揭示主题思想,用两 三句话写出来(名人名句;谚语等) 。 Title_?_ Para. One: Summary (what tense) Para. Two: A transitional(过过渡性) sentence : story(what tense) Para. Three: Conclusion (what tense) _ 2. 列结构,写好主题句、过渡句 a life without a friend is a life wit

7、hout a sun. 1.What Peter did reminds me of a story that happened two years ago in our school. 2.古今中外都有很多此类例子。 There are a good number examples to this in modern or ancient times, in China or elsewhere. Para. Two: A transitional(过渡性) sentence Take ones experience for example, I firmly believe that (p

8、roverb) As an old saying goes, its true that Para. three: A transitional(过过渡性) sentence As far as I am concerned 3.帮助在我们的生活里的确很重要,特别在学习方面 。 Help does play an important role/part in our daily life, especially in study. 1.患难见真情(谚语) A friend in need is a friend in indeed. 2.好心有好报(谚语) A good turn deserv

9、es another. Beautiful sentences 4.Everyone needs being cared for and loved, especially when in need. 5.You and me, from one world, we are family.Therefore, we should care for each other.(奥运会主题歌) Title_ Para. One: The text / article / passage / story mainly tells us that Para. Two: 1.What Peter did r

10、eminds me of a story that happened two years ago. (tip: your story) Para. Three Take ones experience for example, I firmly(坚定地) believe that 5 在组织故事时,由于受篇幅 的限制,我们也可能省去心理 描写和对话等细节,用简练的 语言(尽量用间接引语)把故 事的过程讲清楚即可。组织故 事时,可以简单列出要点,有 利于我们选择短语,句型和相 关的链接词语。 c.篇末点题,揭示主题思想,用两 三句话写出来(名人名句;谚语等) 。 1.找一找 教材.阅读过的材料或

11、歌曲 跟写作相关的内容. 2.改写book 5 p38 HEROIC TEENAGER RECEIVES AWARD Write a story Take ones experience for example, I firmly believe that (proverb) As an old saying goes, its true that Para. three: A transitional(过过渡性) sentence As far as I am concerned JohnJohn was studying in his room was studying in his ro

12、om whenwhen he he heard heard screaming.screaming. WhenWhen he he hehe and his father and his father rushed outside, they discovered rushed outside, they discovered / /Anne Anne had had been stabbedbeen stabbed repeatedly repeatedly with a knife. She was with a knife. She was lying in her front gard

13、en lying in her front garden bleedingbleeding very very heavilyheavily. Her hands . Her hands had almost been cut offhad almost been cut off. . John used tea towels and tape from their John used tea towels and tape from their house to dress the most severe injuries to house to dress the most severe

14、injuries to Annes hands. He slowed the bleeding Annes hands. He slowed the bleeding byby applying pressure toapplying pressure to the wounds the wounds untiluntil the the police and ambulance arrived. police and ambulance arrived. It It was Johns was Johns quick action and knowledge of first aid qui

15、ck action and knowledge of first aid that that saved Annes life. saved Annes life. I I was studying in his room was studying in his room whenwhen I heard I heard screaming.screaming. WhenWhen I and my father rushed outside, we discovered I and my father rushed outside, we discovered / /Anne Anne had

16、 been stabbedhad been stabbed repeatedly repeatedly with a knife. She was with a knife. She was lying in her front garden lying in her front garden bleedingbleeding very very heavilyheavily. Her hands . Her hands had almost been cut offhad almost been cut off. I used tea towels and tape from . I used tea towels and tape from



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