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1、Inventorsandinventions Unit3 牵 手 课 堂 Words and Their Stories:Grapevine(词汇掌故:小道消息) The American inventor,Samuel F.Morse,is largely responsible for the birth of the expression.Among others,he experimented with the idea of telegraphy sending messages over a wire by electricity.When Morse finally comple

2、ted his telegraphic instrument,he went before Congress to show that it worked.He sent a message over a wire from Washington to Baltimore.The message was,“What hath God wrought?” This was on May twenty-fourth,eighteen forty-four. Quickly,companies began to build telegraph lines from one place to anot

3、her.Men everywhere seemed to be putting up poles with strings of wire for carrying telegraphic messages.The workmanship was poor and the wires were not put up straight. Some of the results looked strange.People said they looked like a grapevine.A large number of the telegraph lines were going in all

4、 directions,as crooked as the vines that grapes grow on.So was born the expression,by the grapevine. Some writers believe that the phrase would soon have disappeared were it not for the American Civil War. Soon after the war began in 1861,military commanders started to send battlefield reports by te

5、legraph.People began hearing the phrase by the grapevine to describe false as well as true reports from the battlefield.It was like a game.Was it true? Who says so? Now,as in those far off Civil War days,getting information by the grapevine remains something of a game.A friend brings you a bit of st

6、range news.“No,” you say,“it just cant be true! Who told you?” Comes the answer,“I got it by the grapevine.” You really cannot know how muchif anyof the information that comes to you by the grapevine is true or false.Still,in the words of an old American saying,the person who keeps pulling the grape

7、vine shakes down at least a few grapes. Section Warming Up and Reading 栏目导航 课课前教材预预案 课课堂深度拓展 课课后限时时作业业 课课末随堂演练练 .Read the text and match the main idea with each paragraph. Part (Para.1): ( )A.The discovery of the problem of the snakes. Part (Para.23):( )B.The requirement of getting a patent. Part (P

8、ara.46):( )C.The research on the approaches to solve the problem. Part (Para.78):( )D.The attempts to catch the snakes. 课课前教材预预案 A C D B .Scan the text and choose the best answer according to the text. 1.The purpose of the text is_ . A.to show us how to trap the snakes without killing them B.to tell

9、 people how to apply for a patent of the writers new idea C.to introduce the writers new idea of trapping the snakes and her application for a patent D.to tell the readers how to get a new idea and make it a patent 答案:C 2.The writer was successful to catch the snakes in_ . A.the third attempt B.the

10、second way C.the first try D.every method 答案:A 3.How did the writer catch the snakes? A.Using something the snakes were interested to attract them into a trap. B.Taking their habitat to another place. C.Placing the snakes at low temperature for them to sleep and then caught them. D.Using a pole to l

11、ead the snake to a narrow hole. 答案:C 4.Why did cooling the snakes make them less active? A.Because snakes are warm-blooded animals. B.Because snakes like high temperature. C.Because snakes are cold-blooded animals and they usually hibernate(冬 眠) in winter. D.Because snakes are afraid of cold conditi

12、ons. 答案:C 5.Which statement is TRUE according to the text? A.The snakes were so sleepy in the second attempt that they couldnt bite the writer at all. B.Your product must be different from everybody elses if you want to receive a patent. C.The writer decided to send her invention to the patent offic

13、e the moment she succeeded in catching the snakes. D.If an application for your product proves to be valid,you can get a patent immediately. 答案:B .Complete the following passage with the words in brackets in their proper forms or the words from the text. When I called up my mother, she told me snake

14、s came near the house now and then and the snakes seemed 1._ (make) home there. Here was a chance for me 2._(distinguish) myself by inventing something 3._(mercy) that would catch snakes. I tried to find some products that might help me, but there only seemed to be powders 4._(design) to kill snakes

15、. I set about 5._(research) the habits of snakes. 6._(prepare) with some research findings, I decided on three possible 7._(approach). to have made to distinguish merciful designe d researchin g Prepare d approache s Later I chose the last one to cool the snakes so that they would become sleepy and could be easily caught. My third attempt was successful, I carried in my hand a small net in the 8._(expect) that the snakes would bite again. But 9._(monitor) carefully, the snakes proved to be no trouble. I collected the passive snakes and the next day we 10._



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