专业英语第一次课ppt 郭馨 Alex综述

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1、English ForFor Architecture Architecture and Urban Planning Urban Planning Students Professional English4 1.0 中文 Title English Professional English Character 1 Different Meanings: lots of words in professional English have very different meanings in comparison to daily life. 1. concrete: adj.具体的, 有形

2、的 n.混凝土 v.用混凝土修筑, 浇混凝土, 凝结 2. Angle: 角度 (角钢) 3. Channel: 海峡、纪录通道、渠道 (槽钢) 4. Cap: 帽子 (柱头、棚架顶梁) 1.0 中文 Title English Professional English Character lots of words in professional English have very different meanings in comparison to daily life. 5. Foot: 脚 (底部、底座) 7.Bay 海湾 开间,柱跨,跨度 8.Run 跑 楼梯的水平投影长度 1 D

3、ifferent Meanings: 1.0 中文 Title English Professional English Character 2 Specific Meanings: Use the verbs which has a specific meanings instead of daily life s “Verb+adverb(or preposition)” phrases. 1. Precise Meaning: Absorb - take in; Discover - find out更严密 2. More Formal: Transmit - pass on 更适合表达

4、传输这个科技概念 3. More Concise: Reciprocate = move backwards and forwards in a straight line 1.0 中文 Title English Professional English Character 2 Specific Meanings: It is better to choose a distinctive verbs instead of ambiguous phrases: Indicate(表示), show(展示), illustrate(图示), Demonstrate(说明), review(评论)

5、, report(报告), Outline(概述), describe(描述), explain(解释), Verify(校验), prove(证明), confirm(确认), Define(定义), determine(决定), compare(比较), contrast(对比), Investigate(调查), develope(发展), 1.0 中文 Title English Professional English Character 3 Word-Formation: 1)派生(Derivation): 利用词的前缀与后缀作为词素构成新词 anti+seismic=Antise

6、ismic: 抗震的 Sub+soil=subsoil 地基下层土;天然地基 Multi+layer=multilayer 多层 Micro-meter=micrometer 测微计 1.0 中文 Title English Professional English Character 3 Word-Formation: 2)复合(Compounding): 讲两个和两个以上的词按照一定次序排列构成新词(复合名词、符合动词 、复合形容词等) Dust+tight=dust-tight 防尘的 Earth+fill=earth-fill 填土 Pipe+line=pipeline 管线、管道 W

7、all+mounted=wall-mounted 嵌墙的 1.0 中文 Title English Professional English Character 3 Word-Formation: (3)拼缀(blending): 将两个单词的前部拼接、前后拼接或者将一个单词前部与另一词拼接构成 新词 Smoke+fog = smog 烟雾 Helicopter+pad = helipad 直升机起落场,直升机停机坪 Communication+satellite = comsat 通讯卫星 1.0 中文 Title English Professional English Character

8、 3 Word-Formation: (4)缩略(Shortening): 将较长的单词取其首部或者主干构成与原词同义的短单词,或将某一词语 中所有主要词的第一字母拼接成一个由大写字母组成的词 Tensile strength: TS 抗拉强度 Degree of Freedom: DOF 自由度 Computer-aided design: CAD 计算机辅助设计 1.0 中文 Title English Professional English Character 3 Word-Formation: (4)缩略(Shortening): 将较长的单词取其首部或者主干构成与原词同义的短单词,

9、或将某一词语 中所有主要词的第一字母拼接成一个由大写字母组成的词 Mech=mechanics Radar雷达 = radio detecting and ranging Laser激光 = light amplification by simulated emission of radiation Sonar声纳 = sound navigation and ranging 1.0 中文 Title English Professional English Character 4 Antonym: Prefix Anti- De- Mis- Ir- Im- Non- In- Dis- Lin

10、ear -nonlinear Regular -irregular Possible -impossible 1.0 中文 Title English Professional English Character 4 Antonym: Prefix Anti- De- Mis- Ir- Im- Non- In- Dis- Connect -disconnect Divisible(可分开的) -indivisible(不可分的) Understand -misunderstand Professional -nonprofessional Wax -dewax(使脱蜡),dewater(使脱水

11、) 1.0 中文 Title English Professional English Character 5 Old words with new meanings Bed - test bed 试验台 Baby baby car 微型汽车 Field 田野 magnetic field磁场 Bug 臭虫 bug 程序缺陷 debug 除错,解除窃听器) Course Introduction 5 1.0 中文 Title English Course Introduction 1.Vocabulary 2.Research 3.Theory 4.Preparation Review 5.

12、Lecture 1.0 中文 Title English Course Introduction 1.Vocabulary -Presentation 2.Research -Presentation 3.Theory -Reading, Discussion 4.Preparation Review -Speaking, Discussion 5. Lecture -listening , Discussion 1.0 中文 Title English Course Introduction 1.Vocabulary -Presentation 45 mins 2.Research -Pre

13、sentation 20 mins 3.Theory -Reading, Discussion 25mins 4.Preparation Review -Speaking, Discussion 5. Lecture -listening , Discussion 1.0 中文 Title English Course Introduction 1.Vocabulary -Presentation 2.Research -Presentation 3.Theory -Reading, Discussion 4.Preparation Review -Speaking, Discussion 5

14、. Lecture -listening , Discussion On the choice of Learning method Presentations 1.0 中文 Title English Introduction 8 Groups: The Teamwork(8-9 PPL/Team): 1. 8-9 students per team, 1 coordinator, 4-5 students in charge of vocabulary, 3 students in charge of research; 2.Members of a team should work to

15、gether on one section of topics and produce one coherent report in both its content and format; Cover as many words as possible under the section. 3.Each student in a team is required to contribute 5 -6 pages of text, and 2-4 pages of supporting images with captions to the report. The name of the student and the team should be put on each page. Students will be graded individually based on his/her submission. Text size on ppt. should be 22-30 in order to be readable from afar. 1.0 中文 Title English Introduction 8 Groups: The Teamwork(8-9



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