五年级下册英语课件-Lesson 5 What Are They Doing-冀教版(共18张PPT)

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1、Lesson 5 What Are They Doing?,石家庄市东风西路小学,冀教版小学英语五年级(下),教学目标: 1.知识与技能目标: (1)听懂、读懂和理解并灵活运用现在进行时,对现在分词的构成有初步了解。 (2)初步了解单词的重音,并能在句中体会读音。 (3)能在情景中进行交流及对话表演。 2.学习策略目标:培养学生积极与他人合作,培养相关阅读策略,练习使用边阅读边勾画的方法。,Lesson 5 What Are They Doing?,David,English teacher,Job ?,Name?,five people,playing basketball and eati

2、ng,What is David doing now?,David is eating.,Guess:Is he/she .ing ?,playing basketball,What is he/she doing? He/She is_.,reading a newspaper,swimming,playing volleyball,What are they doing?,riding a bike,Read and Answer,Who is on the train ? What are they doing ?,What is Danny doing?,Danny is playin

3、g with the baby.,What is the man doing?,The man is playing cards with his friends.,What is the woman doing?,The woman is reading the newspaper.,newspaper,baby,subject,woman,doctor,trousers,chicken,Tip:双音节的单词一般在第一个音节 重读。,1.What is the woman _? Shes _ the newspaper. 2.The man behind me_ playing with h

4、is friends.They are _ fun. 3.We _ _ on the train.,Fill in the blanks:,doing,having,reading,is,sitting,are,动词的现在分词变化规律:,1. 一般直接在动词后加ing: play-playing eat-eating read-reading 2. 以不发音e结尾,去e加ing: ride-riding have-having write-writing 3. 以重读闭音节结尾的,末尾字母为一元一 辅,双写尾字母加ing: run-running sit-sitting swim-swimmi

5、ng,?,?,?,游戏规则 1、分两组进行游戏; 2、每组1分钟时间进行造句,在规定时间内造出的正确句子越多,则该组获胜; 3、每组出两名学生,分别帮助另外一组计数和计时。,On the playground,Pair work:,A:Where are the students? B:They are on the playground. A:What is the boy doing? B:He is A:What is the girl doing? B:She is . A:What are they doing? B:They are A:Thats wonderful.,Homework:,Please write down the dialogue at home.,Thank you!,


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