三年级上册英语课件-Unit3 Look at me-人教(PEP)(2014秋)(15(共47张PPT)

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《三年级上册英语课件-Unit3 Look at me-人教(PEP)(2014秋)(15(共47张PPT)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级上册英语课件-Unit3 Look at me-人教(PEP)(2014秋)(15(共47张PPT)(47页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 Look at me!,Part B Lets learn 吉林省双辽市第一小学,小学英语PEP三年级起点 三年上册,2019/12/6,L,O,O,K,A,T,M,E,请大声读出你所看到的字母,2019/12/6,L,O,O,K,A,T,M,E,你还记得我吗?,请用心哦!,2019/12/6,2019/12/6,L,2019/12/6,O,2019/12/6,O,2019/12/6,K,2019/12/6,A,2019/12/6,T,2019/12/6,M,2019/12/6,E,2019/12/6,L,O,O,K,A,T,M,E,加油吧!,Look at me!,Im a p

2、uppet. (木偶),My names Pinocchio.,Nice to meet you.,Lets make a puppet!,This is .,the head,Touch your head.,This is .,the body,Shake your body.,This is .,the arm,two arms,挥动,Wave your arms.,2019/12/6,arm in arm,This is .,the hand,two hands,Clap your hands.,2019/12/6,hand in hand,2019/12/6,green hand,手

3、,生,没有经验的人,This is .,the leg,two legs,Shake your legs.,This is .,the foot,two feet,Stamp your foot.,Nice to meet you!,Lets do,head,leg,body,hand,arm,foot,hand,body,Sharp eyes,body,hand,foot,leg,arm,head,head,hand,摘苹果,What is missing?,What is missing?,What is missing?,What is missing?,What is missing?

4、,What is missing?,head,foot,hand,arm,body,leg,随堂练习 连线,Group work: E.g. Look at me! This is the head. This is the arm. This is the,2019/12/6,任 务,Colour the body brown. Colour the arms yellow. Colour the legs blue. Colour the hands green. Colour the foot black. Colour the head white.,Healthy is wealthy. 健康就是财富。 A sound mind in a sound body. 有健康的身体才有健康的精神。,2019/12/6,Good bye!,


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