外贸函电与单证实训教程Chapter 4-practice 1

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1、LOGO Chapter Four: Cases Under L/C, D/ P and T/ T Payment Terms 外贸函电与单证实训教程 Practice One: L/C +CIF Case Requirements Steps Introduction Practice Objective Objective The objective is to enable students to be familiar with the import procedures using CIF and L/C and to master the skills to fill in the

2、 blanks in the related correspondence, the purchase confirmation and the related import documentation according to the information given. Requirements v1. To know well about the procedures of L/C and obligations of the Seller and Buyer under CIF price terms. v 2. To know well about the terms and con

3、ditions of application for opening L/C. v 3. To know well about the business letter writing in e-mail and full block formats. v 4. To master useful expressions and sentence models frequently used in business letters. v 5. To master the drawing of purchase confirmation. v 6. To master the related imp

4、ort documentation. Steps v 1. To review the procedures of L/C and obligations of the Seller and Buyer under CIF price terms. v 2. To read and understand the given business transaction background. v 3. To sum up the main points in business letter writing according to the Mind Map 1. v 4. To fill in t

5、he blanks in the business correspondence according to the given information. v 5. To fill in the purchase confirmation according to the correspondence. v 6. To fill in the application for opening L/C. v 7. To fill out the related import documents. v 8. To answer the questions. v 9. To evaluate yours

6、elf. Introduction v本节实训是用CIF方式成交以及用L/C付款方式的 外贸进口案例, 信函内容填空,并根据信函信息 填写合约和单据。信函内容涵盖了建立贸易关系 、询盘、报盘、还盘、交易的达成;涉及到的合 约或单据有购货确认书、贸易进口付汇核销单( 代申报单)、中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫局 入境货物报检单、中华人民共和国海关报关单等 .由于本实训是L/C的进口案例,所以还出现了不 可撤销信用证申请书。要求学生将信函内容填空 ,并根据信函信息填写合约和单据。 Practice 2. Business negotiation 5.Questions Practice 1. Pre

7、paration for business 3.Signature of Purchase Confirmation 6.Self-evaluation 4.Performance 1. Preparation for business Information about the exporter and importer Background information for business Basic information about the product Preparation for business 1.1 1.2 1.3 1. Preparation for business

8、v 1.1 Information about the exporter and importer 1.1.1 Exporters name and address 上海飞跃贸易公司 (SHANGHAI FEI YUE TRADING CO.,LTD.) 上海金林路576号 ( 576 Jinlin Road, Shanghai, China) Fax: (021) 63457812 Tel: (021) 63457811 Sales Representative : Li Gang 1.1.2 Exporters name and address Evans Sports No. of pr

9、e-entry declaration(报关单预录入编号): 091025631; Customer Registration Code (海关注册登记编码)of Shanghai Fei Yue Trading Co.,Ltd.: 021576499) 进口报关基本程序 v (1)拿提单到船公司去换提货单(即能提供进口货物详细资料的舱 单); v (2)进口货物申报 报关时需交验(随附)的单证 进口许可证; 发票; 装箱单; 从船公司换回的提货单; 报关委托书(如果是委托报关行的话); 进口货物报关单; 商检证(如果需要商检的话); v (3)查验 v (4)征税 海关打出进口关税缴款书,去

10、银行交税并取得银行给的完税缴款书。 v (5)放行 海关对进口货物查验核准无误后,在进口货物报关单上盖“放行章” 。进口企业凭该报关单和提单在港口提货。 5. Questions v In this case, if the seller didnt take out insurance and the goods under the contract reached the port of destination without any accident fortunately, but the settlement was rejected when the seller presente

11、d the relevant documents to the negotiating bank. Why? v 本案中,如卖方考虑到海面风平浪静,估计不会发生什么意外,就 没有办理保险,载货船舶起航后也很快平安抵达目的港。而卖方通 过银行向买方提示单据要求付款时,遭到买方拒付,为什么? v 答案提示:本案交易双方采用CIF术语成交,根据国际贸易惯例, 卖方的基本义务之一就是自负风险和费用办理从装运港到目的港的 海运货物保险,而卖方实际没有办理货运保险,显然构成重大违约. 另外,CIF属于象征性交货方式,即卖方凭单交货,买房凭单付款 ,也就是说,衡量卖方完成义务与否的标准不是货物,而是单据。 6.Self-evaluation v After practice, please choose the face according to the level you have achieved on Mind Map 2. ( good so so poor) LOGO Add your company slogan


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