三年级下册英语教案Module 9 Unit 2 B外研社三起

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1、Unit 2Has Amy got a bike?教学目标知识目标:1.掌握词汇:by,bike,bus,car,go to work,walk。2.掌握并运用:She goes to school by bike.He goes to work by car.She walks to school.Has Amy got a bike?这类谈论交通工具及他人所拥有交通方式的语句。能力目标:能用所学语句谈论出行的交通方式。情感目标:通过谈论交通工具及交通方式,培养学生对英语的兴趣。教学重难点1.掌握一般现在时中,主语是第三人称单数时动词的规则或不规则变化。2.能在实际生活中运用本节所学的句型。

2、3.能认读字母,能区分大小写,并能进行临摹。教学用具PPT,recorder and some pictures.来源:学,科,网教学过程Step 1Warm-up and revision1.T:Class begins!Hello,boys and girls!How are you?Ss:Im fine,thank you.And how are you?T:Im fine,too.Thank you.T:This class is very important.Are you ready?Ss:Yes.2.播放骑自行车的声音,让学生猜测,出示自行车图片,认读单词bike。出示风筝图片,

3、认读单词kite,并提醒学生区分这两个单词的发音。3.Ask and answer.T:Have you got a kite/bike?来源:Zxxk.ComSs:Yes,I have./No,I havent.老师与学生做一个示范后,尽量由学生问,学生答。T:Tom has got a nice bike.And Amy has got a nice kite.Lets say a chant.(认读has got)4.Listen and chant.Hes got a bike.Its a nice bike.Shes got a kite.Its a nice kite.Step 2

4、Presentation and practice1.今天我们主要用“has got”和“hasnt got”来描述他人所拥有的交通工具,以及描述他人的出行方式。2.Teacher plays the flash and says,“Boys and girls,there are some voices here.Lets listen carefully.What are they?Guess!”来源:学科网3.Listen and guess the voice.Learn the new words “bike,bus,car ”.Bike,bike,bike,she has got

5、a bike.(边说边出示图片,并板书、贴图,做动作)Bus,bus,bus,he hasnt got a bus.(边说边出示图片,并板书、贴图,做动作)Car,car,car,she has got a car.(边说边出示图片,并板书、贴图,做动作)来源:学科网Walk,walk,walk,lets walk to school.(边说边做背书包,步行上学的动作)4.再一次纠正单词的发音,并学习。学习单词walk,通过肢体语言练习,边说“walk”边走到一个同学前,由这个同学说“walk”,再走到另一个同学前,练习“walk”。 “I go to work on foot.I walk

6、to work.”对比教授“work,walk”并板书。来源:Zxxk.Com5.Listen to the recorder.First listen,point and say.Then answer the questions.老师做示范后,鼓励有能力的学生说出更完整的句子。(完成表格问题)6.(利用课件出示课文内容)Listen and repeat the text.7.Read the text in groups.8.Lets talk.(Practice in pairs and then show.)Step 3Production1.Play the game.(Work

7、in groups.)Follow and say.I go to school by.She/He goes to school by.(启发学生自由大胆地说,更进一步把本课所学内容练习熟练)2.Lets relax and say a chant.(Activity 4)(1)Enjoy the chant.(2)Listen and follow the chant.3.Listen,repeat and trace the letters.(Activity 6)(1)教师在黑板上出示四线三格,写出大写字母U,要求学生跟着练习。教师写出小写字母u,要求学生用手指跟着写。然后请学生在自己的练习本上练习写Uu。(2)以同样的方式学习字母Vv,Ww,并跟读。Step 4Homework1.完成活动7调查表。2.搜集一些其他的有关交通工具的新单词,整理后,下节课前把新单词介绍给全班同学。板书设计Module 9 Unit 1 Ive got a new book.bikebuscarwalkworkUuVvWw教学反思


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