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1、the story of Ferdinandby MUNRO LEAFDrawings by ROBERT LAWSON01-Once upon a time in Spain, 02-There was a little bull and his name was Ferdinand. 03-All the other little bulls he lived with would run and jump and butt their heads together,04-but not Ferdinand.05-He liked to sit just quietly and smell

2、 the flowers.06-He had a favorite spot out in the pasture under a cork tree.07-It was his favorite tree and he would sit in its shade all day and smell the flowers.08-Sometimes his mother, who was a cow, would worry about him. She was afraid he would be lonesome all by himself.09-Why dont you run an

3、d play with the other little bulls and skip and butt your head? she would say.But Ferdinand would shake his head. I like it better here where I can sit just quietly and smell the flowers.10-His mother saw that he was not lonesome, and because she was an understanding mother, even though she was a co

4、w, she let him just sit there and be happy.11-As the years went by Ferdinand grew and grew until he was very big and strong.12-All the other bulls who had grown up with him in the same pasture would fight each other all day. They would butt each other and stick each other with their horns. What they

5、 wanted most of all was to be picked to fight at the bull fights in Madrid.13-But not Ferdinand - he still liked to sit just quietly under the cork tree and smell the flowers.14- One day five men came in very funny hats to pick the fastest, roughest bull to fight in the bull fights in Madrid.15- All

6、 the other bulls ran around snorting and butting, leaping and jumping so the men would think that they were very strong and fierce and pick them.16- Ferdinand knew that they wouldnt pick him and he didnt care. So he went out to his favorite cork tree to sit down.17- He didnt look where he was sittin

7、g and instead of sitting on the nice cool grass in the shade he sat on a bumble bee.18- Well, if you were a bumble bee and a bull sat on you, what would you do? You would sting him, and thats just what this bee did to Ferdinand.19- Wow! Did it hurt! Ferdinand jumped up with a snort. He ran around pu

8、ffing and snorting, butting and pawing the ground as if he were crazy.20- The five men saw him and they all shouted with joy. Here was the largest and fiercest bull of all. Just the one for the bull fights in Madrid!21-So they took him away for the bull fight day in a cart.22- What a day it was! Fla

9、gs were flying, bands were playing.23- and all the lovely ladies had flowers in their hair.24- They had a parade into the bull ring.25- First came the Banderilleros with long sharp pins with ribbons on them to stick in the bull and make him mad.26-Next came the Picadores who rode skinny horses and t

10、hey had long spears to stick in the bull and make him madder.27- Then came the Matador, the proudest of all - he thought he was very handsome, and bowed to the ladies. He had a red cape and a sword and was supposed to stick the bull last of all.28- Then came the bull, and you know who that was, dont

11、 you?-FERDINAND.29- They called him Ferdinand the Fierce and all the Banderilleros were afraid of him and the Picadores were afraid of him and the Matador was scared stiff.30-Ferdinand ran out to the middle of the ring and everyone shouted and clapped because they thought he was going to fight fierc

12、ely and butt and snort and stick his horns around.31- But not Ferdinand. When he got to the middle of the ring he saw the flowers in all the lovely ladies hair and he just sat down quietly and smelled.32- He wouldnt fight and be fierce no matter what they did. He just sat and smelled. And the Bander

13、illeros were mad and the Picadores were madder and the Matador was so mad he cried because he couldnt show off with his cape and sword.33- So they had to take Ferdinand home.34- And for all I know he is sitting there still, under his favorite cork tree, smelling the flowers just quietly.35- THE END从


15、样子,仍静静地坐在那棵树下吻花香。有一天来了五个人,都带着很奇特的帽子,他们是为挑选马德里斗牛场的公牛而来的,他们要在牧场里挑选长得最大,跑得最快,斗起来最凶的公牛。所有其它的公牛都拿出自己角斗的看家本领角斗,希望自己被选中。费德南知道不会轮到他,所以照旧像往常一样走到那棵树下去吻花香。不料,这次他一不留神,没坐到他常坐的那个树荫下,却坐在了黄蜂身体上。你可以想象一头公牛坐在黄蜂上会出现一幕什么情景?黄蜂使劲地叮费德南,被叮的费德南像疯了似的上窜下跳赶黄蜂走。这幕情景恰巧被那五个人看到,他们兴奋地大叫起来,因为费德南就是他们要为马德里找的最大,最凶的公牛。于是他们把费德南弄上推车把他带走。斗牛的那天到了,到处是旗帜飞扬,鼓乐奏响 女士们头上都插满了鲜花。开场了,斗牛士们以检阅队的形式进入斗牛场,走在最前的是手持用绸带裹着的长标枪(长标枪用来刺公牛,让公牛发疯)斗牛士;接着是手持长矛骑在马上的斗牛士(长矛也是用来刺公牛,让公牛更发疯);再接着进场的是真正要与牛斗的斗牛士,他觉得自己很英俊,向在场的女士们鞠躬致礼。这位斗牛士还备有红披风和一把剑,要在最后一个阶段来刺公牛;最后出场的是公牛,你当然猜出来,他就是 - 费德南。斗牛士们都认定费德南是最凶的公牛,所以都有点怕他。当费德南走到斗牛场中间时,观众席上发出震耳欲聋的欢呼声和掌声,观


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