英语九年级上册Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?单元复习测试

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《英语九年级上册Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?单元复习测试》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语九年级上册Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?单元复习测试(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?班级:_ 学号:_姓名:_ 得分:_一、单选题(每小题1分,共20分)()1Chopsticks _ when people eat Chinese food.Ais usedBare usedCwas usedDwere used()2I find _ hard for me _ the work in such a short time.Ait; finishBits; finishingCit; to finishDit; finishing()3 What do you think of the shirt? Ver

2、y great. It is made of good _.AbrandBmaterialCcoinDleaf()4During the Spring Festival, paper cuttings _ on windows, doors and walls as symbols of wishes for good luck and a happy new year.Aare putBwere putCputsDputting()5_ the legend(传说), the girl lived a happy life in the end.ABecause ofBAccording t

3、oCAs forDThanks to()6Traditional art shows many things, _ love, beauty and family.Asuch asBfor exampleCso onDcome on()7The red suitcase is so expensive _ its made of leather.AwhenBthatCbecauseDthough()8Forks are usually made of _, so they wont be broken easily.AglassBsteelCwoodDpaper()9_ seems that

4、he works harder than before.AThisBThatCItDIs()10 Tim, how do your parents like pop music? _ my dad _ my mom like it very much.AEither; orBNeither; norCBoth; andDNot only; but also()11Wine is made _ grapes. These grapes are produced _ Gansu Province in China.Ain; inBof; inCfrom; atDfrom; in()12When y

5、ou are _,I will help you.Ain troubleBin helpCwith troubleDin hope()13I like to read English in the garden because the flowers in it smell _.AgoodBwellCbadDbadly()14 Do I have to do this right now? Yes, it _ that you dont have much choice (选择的权利).AsaysBlooksCseemsDthinks()15 Excuse me, sir. You _ to

6、smoke here. Look at the sign “No smoking”. Sorry. I _ it.Aarent allowed; wasnt seenBarent allowed; didnt seeCdont allow; wasnt seenDdont allow; didnt see()16 Our English teacher always keeps his lessons _. Thats why he is so popular among his students.AhappilyBlivelyCfreelyDfriendly()17Heby the boss

7、 at the end of each month.ApaysBis paidCwas paidDpaid()18Computers _widely in our daily life.AuseBusedCwere usedDare used()19What a dirty room it is! The table is covered _ dust.AforBbyCwithDof()20Do you know the actor Wu Jing?Of course. He_ his movies.Ais known forBis similar toCis good atDis made

8、in二、完型填空(每小题1分,共10分)A robot is a special kind of machine. It is a machine that can follow instructions.21it is a machine, it seldom makes mistakes or gets tired. And it22complains, unless you tell it to!Robots are around us. Some robots are used to23things. For example, robots can help make cars. So

9、me robots are used to explore dangerous places. Some robots can help clean your house. Some robots can even24human languages. They can be used to help answer telephone calls. Some robots look like25 , but most robots do not. They just look like machines.Long ago, people imagined26 . Over 2,000 years

10、 ago, Homer, a famous poet, imagined robots. His robots were made of gold, but they were not 27 . Nobody was able to make a real robot at that time. The28real robot was made in 1959.In the future, we will have even more robots. They will do things that we cant do, or that we dont want to do, or that

11、 are too29for us. For example, robots will help us fight fires and illnesses. They will help make our life30 .()21AAlthoughBIfCBecauseDSo()22AoftenBneverCsometimesDever()23AmoveBfindCgetDmake()24AbelieveBunderstandCwasteDforget()25AhumansBplantsCcarsDplanes()26AskyBspaceCrobotsDstars()27AstrongBsmar

12、tCgoodDreal()28AnextBotherCfirstDlast()29AdangerousBeasyCcomfortableDstrange()30AwellBbetterCbadDworse三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)(A)In your schoolbags, you may have a pencil, some kinds of pens, a ruler and some books. None of these things grow in the fields. They were all made in factories. And, of course,

13、they were invented by some people. There have not always been pencils or pens, a ruler and books. Thousands of years ago no one knew about these things.Who invented them first? How did they have such clever ideas? We always dont know. There have been thousands of inventions, large and small, in the

14、human history. Some of these inventions have changed the world, such as paper, printing, radio, telephone and computer, and we know the inventors. But we have forgotten most of the other inventors.Who invented the clock, for example, or the lock to the door? We dont know. There have been thousands of inventors and we should be grateful(感激的)to them for their clever ideas. Will you be one of them when you grow up?()31The things in your schoolbags are



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