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1、西南大学网络与继续教育学院课程考试试题卷类别:网教 专业:公共课 2019年12月课程名称【编号】:英语【0002】 B卷大作业 满分:100分答题须知1、只需写上题目编号,做要求的题目数量,不要全部做完,以免影响评分;2、答案必须做在答题卷(答题纸)上,做在试题卷上的不予计分。该套参考答案回答了Part I 英译汉 完整10题。Part II 应用文写作第二题。Part III 写作第二题;下载参考的同学请注意删除多余回答的题型,根据老师要求的答题数量回答即可;一、大作业题目: Part I 英译汉 要求:将下列英语句子翻译成汉语,每题10分,任意选作5题,共50分,不要改变题号。1、 Th

2、e smallest courtesies along the rough roads of lifeare like the little birds that sing to us all winter long, and make that seasonof ice and snow more endurable.答:在坎坷的人生道路上,最细小的礼貌犹如在漫长的冬季为我门歌唱的小鸟,使得冰天雪地的严冬变得较易忍受。2、I often hear grown-up people say, “I could not fix myattention on the lecture or book,

3、 although I wished to do so,” and the reasonis, the habit was not formed in youth. 答:我经常听成年人说:“虽然我想集中注意力听讲座或读书,但我不能集中注意力。”原因在于,这种习惯在青年时期没有养成。2、 Teachers and textbooks are not infallible(不会犯错误的). He toldus not to let our minds go to sleep, and to speak up if we everthought he or the textbook was wron

4、g.答:教师和课本是不会犯错误的。实际上没有人不犯错。他告诉我们如果老师或课本出错了,大声讲出来不要让想法沉睡。4、I might write pages on the importance of learning veryearly in life to stand erect, and decline doing an unworthy act because it isunworthy. 答:我可能会写上几页,说明在生活中,每一年都要学会挺身而出,拒绝做不值得做的事,因为这是不值得的。5、The well-loved fairy tale has traveled around thew

5、orld and has been translated into many languages. But what do you know aboutits author? 答:这个广受欢迎的童话故事已经传遍世界各地,并被翻译成多种语言。但你对这位作家了解多少?6. Theheadmaster was very cruel to Andersen, often calling him stupid or lazy.Finally Collin arranged for him to study with a private tutor.答:校长对安徒生很残忍,经常说他愚蠢或懒惰,最后柯林安排

6、他和一位私人家教一起学习。7. Wewere all eager to have something like home that we could always go back to, nota hotel room no matter how nice it was.答:我们都渴望有一个像家一样的地方,无论多么美好,我们都可以回到那里,而不是旅馆房间。8、He had described its amazing night vision, the colorof its fur and any number of other facts he couldnt have known.答:他描

7、述了它令人惊异的夜视、它皮毛的颜色以及他不可能知道的其他一些事实。9、I might write pages on the importance of learning veryearly in life to stand erect, and decline doing an unworthy act because it is unworthy.答:我可能会写上几页,说明在生活中,每年都要学会挺身而出,拒绝做不值得做的事,因为这是不值得的。10、It was quite an unexpected situation for us since itwas our knowledge tha

8、t as long as the university offers us an academicposition, there should be an accommodation ready for us.答:这对我们来说是一个很意外的情况,因为我们知道只要大学给我们提供一个学术职位,就应该为我们准备好一个住处。Part II 应用文写作 要求:根据下列情景,按要求写一篇不少于50个单词的应用文。任意选作1题,分数20分,不要改变题号。1、你的朋友准备去英国的某大学学习,请你给该校的朋友Smith写一封信,咨询相关事项。 要点:1. 简要讲述你朋友的情况; 2. 询问进入该校的要求和需要准

9、备的资料。2、学校准备组织一个观摩队去邻近学校学习交流,请你代为学校办公室给全体学生写一份通知,具体内容自拟。答:NoticeAll students:Our school is going to organize an observation team to study and exchange in neighboring schools, observe and study the teaching environment and teaching experience and methods of neighboring schools. The list of the observa

10、tion team has been sent to the email of the head teachers. The head teachers who have been selected for exchange and study will inform you.Time:; Wednesday; 14:00-18:00,;Venue: a University of science and technologySchool officeDecember 2, 2019Part III 写作要求:根据下列题目,按要求写一篇不低于80个单词的英语作文。任意选作1题,分数30分,不要

11、改变题号。1、有些人在生活中或多或少都会浪费一些水资源。请根据下列提示以Dont Waste Water为题写一篇英语短文,呼吁人们不要浪费水资源。1)浪费的表现;2)浪费的危害;3)结论。2、畅通的交通已经成为许多城市的目标。请你以“Ways to Solve our Traffic Problems”为题,根据下列提纲写一篇短文。1)交通堵塞的现状; 2) 应对的措施; 3)结论。“Ways to Solve our Traffic Problems”Current situation of traffic jam1. The number of motor vehicles is gro

12、wing too fast, and the traffic volume is increasing day by day. In recent years, the number of private cars in many urban areas is increasing year by year, and showing a growing trend. 2. The road construction cannot meet the traffic demand in structure and function. 3. Some citizens have weak aware

13、ness of traffic safety and legal system, and poor awareness of traffic morality.Countermeasures for congestion1. Accelerate the construction of traffic roads and increase the urban traffic capacity.2. Strengthen road traffic management and improve traffic management service level. 3. Encourage citiz

14、ens to take buses to travel and reduce the number of vehicles on the road.summarySome traffic congestion can be alleviated by the above strategies.二、大作业要求(包括格式、字数、字体等):1、只需要写题目编号(不需要抄写题目),只做要求的题目数量(不要全部做完),以免影响评分;2、翻译题要求意思正确、语句通顺,采用宋体,小四号;3、 写作一要求字数不少于50单词,不超过80单词,内容表达清楚、语言通顺、无重大语言错误;采用Times New Roman,小4号字体。4、写作二要求字数不少于80单词,不超过120单词,内容表达清楚、中心统一、语言通顺、逻辑清晰、无重大语言错误;采用Times New Roman,小4号字体。- 4 -


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