三年级上册英语教案Unit 3 Lesson 10 Red Yellow Blue Green 3冀教版三起

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1、Unit 3 Lesson 10 Red, Yellow, Blue, Green教案3教学目标:来源:学*科*网Z*X*X*K词汇red、yellow、blue、green 句型:What color is it/this? Its (red). Put your finger on(red). Look for (red). I like (red). Lets make (orange). Mix the color. How do you make (orange). Red and yellow is orange. Red and blue is purple. Yellow an

2、d blue is green. What is it? Its a butterfly. The butterfly can fly up to the sky.教学重点:来源:学#科#网What color is it/this? Its (red).教学目标:瓶子、颜料、毛笔、白纸、闪卡、CD、锤子、球教学过程:Circle Time:1Greeting:Hello boys and girls. Whats your name? I am (Auten). You are (Cassie). 指着孩子的胸牌say(Cassie). 带领其它小朋友挥手向(Cassie)打招呼. Hell

3、o (Cassie)2. Warm-up:If you happy and you know it Song .3: presentation:来源:Zxxk.Com1)拿起瓶子问小朋友Whats this?带领孩子说water. 做一种神秘感.告诉孩子: Ill do magic. Look. Shake the bottle. Wow, fantastic. What color is it? Its (red). 引导孩子找一找教室中哪里有( red). Look for red. Put your finger on(red). (yellow、blue、green都做一下这实验).P

4、S谜底分享:把颜料放在瓶盖上.用水摇晃就会变颜色.Game: 1.打保龄球 2.投球1.把颜料瓶子摆成一排, 用球滚到颜料瓶,带领孩子说: Roll the ball. Roll the ball. Ready go .老师问: What color is it?(倒在地上的颜料瓶) 2.把颜料瓶排成队形.孩子小腿夹住球一边跳一个颜料瓶一边说I like (red). I like (yellow).跳到最后孩子Throw the ball to the box.成功的孩子给予奖厉.4: Sing a song:Look for red (hats on 1) Explore Some Mor

5、e:来源:学|科|网Z|X|X|K2) 从神秘带子/learning box里拿出白纸,颜料,和毛笔.画一只蝴蝶.句型: 1.在左上角涂黄色,右上角涂红色. Mix the color. Lets make orange. Red and yellow is orange. How do you make orange? 2.在右下角涂蓝色,右下角涂红色. Mix the color. Lets make purple. Blue and red is purple. How do you make purple? 蝴蝶的身体用绿色.眼睛和触角用黑色. 3)老师问学生: What is it? 带领孩子说:Its a butterfly. The butterfly can fly up to the sky.四Ending:Sing a Goodbye song:来源:学科网ZXXKGoodbye teacher, goodbye teacher Goodbye teacher, so longSee you again, see you againSee you again, next time.


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