四年级上册英语教案Module 6 Unit 2 Happy Halloween!外研社三起

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《四年级上册英语教案Module 6 Unit 2 Happy Halloween!外研社三起》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四年级上册英语教案Module 6 Unit 2 Happy Halloween!外研社三起(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module6Unit2HappyHalloween!教学目标(1)知识与能力词汇全体学生能认读:Halloween,give, comein, ofcourse, trickortreat全体学生能说:CanIhavesomesweets?Yes,youcan./Yes,ofcourse. 或Sorry,youcant. No,youcant.全体学生能听懂:HappyHalloween!(2)过程与方法 通过chant导入,用游戏来操练、巩固词汇并尝试通过归纳,进一步完善食物词汇图,以填空形式来检测掌握的情况,以提问的方式来锻炼他们的口语。(3)情感态度与价值观引导学生了解万圣节的一些风俗

2、及进一步理解英语国家的主要食物和节日,初步感知中外文化异同。教学重点词汇全体学生能认读:Halloween, give, comein, ofcourse,trickortreat.全体学生能说:CanIhavesomesweets?Yes,youcan./Yes,ofcourse. 或Sorry,youcant. No,youcant.全体学生能听懂:HappyHalloween!教学难点全体学生能说:CanIhavesomesweets?Yes,youcan./Yes,ofcourse. 或Sorry,youcant. No,youcant.教法学法:TPR, Group work, Ga

3、mes, Practice, Writing教学媒体PPT课件,单词卡,简笔画,电脑,CD-ROM教学过程(1)热身,课前准备T: Goodafternoon! Boysandgirls.Ss: Goodafternoon! Miss .T: OK! Nowlookatthescreen.Letssingachantanddotheactions. Areyou ready?Ss:Yes.T:Letsbegin.(一边唱chant一边做动作)T: Well done. This is a magic box. Look! Here, I prepare some food for you. W

4、ho can use this sentence “Can I have some .?” to ask for the food. Who can try? Ss:CanIhavesome.?(学生说中就给他食物,并说:“Yes, youcan.”魔法盒里没有的话,就说:“Sorry, youcant.”)T: Lets play a guessing game. There is a western festival here. Western festival, what is it? Who know? Hands up.(电脑可以就换成播1.Listen and chant) Ss:

5、 万圣节T: HowcanwesayitinEnglish?Ss: HalloweenT: Yes, itsHalloween.(板书,pointtheblackboard.)(跟读,Halloween, Halloween, Halloween)T: DoyouknowsomethingaboutHalloween?(Handsup)Ss:.(2)呈现新课T: Today lets learn Module6 Unit2 Happy Halloween! I have lots of Halloween presents for you, so try your best to get mo

6、re Halloween presents, OK?(肢体语言)In the end, Lets see who will be the winner? T: Our friend Tom is coming. Lets see the CD-ROM and answer my two questions, OK? What are these questions? Look at the screen! Question one: What can we say on Halloween? Question two: What can Tom get on Halloween?(PPT图片展

7、示) T: NowletswatchtheCD-ROM(播放35页的内容)(播完之后)T: Number 1: So question is here. What we can say on Halloween? On New Year, we can say Happy New Year! Ss: Happy Halloween! T: Onceagain. HappyHalloween!Ss: HappyHalloween!T: You did the good job. So, now Lets listen to the English song. Happy, Happy, Hall

8、oween . (PPT展示图片,唱两遍) T: Now, theres another question for you. What can Tom get on Halloween? Apples, pears, sweets, or . Ss: Some sweets.T: Goodjob. HowcanTomgetsomesweets? Heask . what.(他问了什么问题才能得到这些糖果?)(教师悄悄拿着卡片:CanIhavesomesweets?)Ss: CanIhavesomesweets?T: Yes, youcan./ Yes, ofcourse.(做两个卡片自然过渡)

9、Onceagain. Youcanaskme“CanIhavesome .? OK?”Ss: CanIhavesomesweets?T: Yes, youcan.(贴板书)Ss: CanIhavesomesweets?T: Yes, please.(贴板书)T: IfIhaventgotanysweets, howcanweanswer?Ss: No, youcant./ Sorry, youcant.T: Excellent. Boys and girls, now listen and I prepare a dialog. I prepare a picture talking for

10、you. Lots of food. Sad face and happy face. Lets look at this picture, ask and answer. You ask. Look at this picture.(卡片双面展示,正面是图画,背后是笑脸或苦脸) T: CanIhavesometoys?Ss:(学生看背面说)Sorry, youcant.T: Goahead.Sothisone.Ss: CanIhavesomevegetables?Ss: Yes, youcan.Ss: CanIhavesome .?(bread, milk, tomato, egg, pot

11、ato, juice, dumpling .)Ss: .T: Look, thisisaninterestingbox. (弄个正方形的骰子,在六个面写上食物。)T: Look, Iwillshowyouhowtoplayit. Ilikereading. CanIhavesomebooks?(朝上就Yes, youcan.没有就Sorry,youcant.)T: Boysandgirls, nowLetshavearest, listentothechant.(chant教2遍,教完chant之后,再回到填空)T: Miss Lin like apples. I like sweets. I

12、 like coffee, too. So I can say: Can I have some apples? Can I have some sweets? Yes, you can. Yes, of course. And you can have some coffee. Theyre all very nice. Do you understand? Ss: Yes.T: Pay attention to this one, “you can” “of course” You can use Yes, you can or Yes, of course. And I prepare

13、a paper for you. You can write down the words which you like best. Are you ready? Go!CanIhavesome -?CanIhavesome -?Yes, -.Yes, -?Andyoucanhavesome -.Theyreallverynice.(同学做完填空之后,分男女生朗读)展示PPT食物图片T: Letsreadittogether. Whocanusethissentencetoaskforthesefood? Whocantry? Handsup.Ss: .(学生的句子完整的话,就说Yes, youcan.不完整就要纠正)总结:T: 今天,我们学习了表达请求获得允许的句子CanIhavesome .?肯定回答用:Yes,youcan./ Yes, ofcourse.否定回答:No, youcant./ Sorry, youcant.还学了新单词:.(3)Homework1. Listenandreadthetextandthechant5time.2. Getmoreinformationaboutwesternfestival.3. ActivitybookPage24,2、3、4.板书设计Module 6 Unit2HappyHalloween!


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