四年级下册英语教案Unit 4 Weekend Lesson 4 Again, please!鲁科版五四学制三起

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1、Unit 4 Lesson 4 Again, please!教学设计 一 教材分析:本课是鲁科版小学英语四年级下册Unit 4 Weekend Lesson 4 Again, please! 本单元的主题是” weekend”。主要语言功能是让学生谈论和描述自己或他人的周末活动。本节课是一节复习课。第四课在前三节课的基础上,综合运用所学句型谈论周末活动。有了前三节课的学习和铺垫,第四节课的主要知识和目标语句难度不大, 符合学生的认知水平,学生也乐于与他人交流和分享有趣的周末活动。二 教学目标(一)知识目标1. 学生能听懂、会说、会认读并能规范书写下列与周末相关的单词:visit, someti

2、mes, cinema, take listen; 学生能听懂、会说、会认读 下列单词或词组: usually, weekend, grandparents, museum, picnic, go shopping, go fishing, take pictures, violin. 并能结合句型灵活运用。2. 学生能听懂、会说、认读与单元话题相关的句子:What do you do at the weekend? I often Sometimes I .” “What does he do at the weekend? He often plays football.” “Do you

3、 often take pictures? Yes, I do.” “Does he often play the violin? Yes, he does.” “No, he doesnt.”3. 能运用所学句型谈论自己和他人的周末活动。4.初步学习与了解字母组合bl cl ai在单词中的发音规律。5.帮助学生培养健康广泛的兴趣爱好。(二)能力目标学生能够用所学的知识语言表达自己和他人的周末活动。(三)情感目标来源:Z*xx*k.Com1. 在学习中帮助学生培养健康广泛的兴趣爱好。2. 在学习中帮助学生了解一些加拿大儿童的校外活动。三 教学要点分析(一)教学重点能听懂、会说并认读句子:“Wh

4、at do you do at the weekend?” “I often visit my grandparents.” “What does he do at the weekend? He often plays football. ”“Does he often play the violin? Yes, he does.” “No, he doesnt.”并能运用所学句型谈论自己或他人的周末活动。(二)教学难点 1. 初步理解动词第三人称单数的变化形式。2. 学生能够掌握复习的方法和策略,能够深入思考,全面多角度的理解学习内容。能运用所学句型谈论周末活动。四 教学准备多媒体课件、卡

5、片、头饰、家庭照片。五 教学流程热身导入 复习L1 复习前三课课文和知识点 复习L2 完成汇报学习L4复习L3 来源:学科网ZXXK语音学习 梳理总结六 教学过程Step 1 Warming-up Enjoy a song: My weekend. Whats the song about? Today we are going to learn Unit 4 Weekend Lesson 4 Again, please!【设计意图】新课伊始,一首“My weekend ”的歌曲既能吸引学生注意力,激发学习兴趣,又能将学生直接带入本课情境当中,同时还起到了点题的作用。 Step 2 Prese

6、ntation and PracticePart 1:1)Review some phrases about weekend activities.播放课件,快速读出本单元相关词组。 play the piano/ play football/ go swimming/ /climb the hill/ play the violin/read books/ listen to music.2) Lets talk. 通过师生谈话,复习Lesson 1。T: I often at the weekend. Sometimes I What do you do at the weekend? S

7、1: I often Sometimes I S2: 3) Practice in pairs. Talk about your weekend with your partner.【设计意图】这两个环节是对第一节课的复习和梳理。首先,快速说出词组,激活学生已有的知识储备。然后师生谈话,很自然的引入第一课的话题。同桌两人合作,询问并回答自己的周末活动,学生乐于交流分享。Part 2:1)出示第二课的主情景图。复习Lesson 2. T: Look at our friends. They look so happy! Why? 【设计意图】 通过“why”提问来激活学生旧知,进入Lesson2

8、复习。2) Review the text of Lesson 2. Answer some questions about Peters parents. Practice in groups. Then come to the front to show.3) Lead students to read some important sentences of Lesson 2. 让学生观察goes plays这两个词的变化, 引出动词第三人称单数形式。4)Finish some sentences. 给出情境图和语言支架,让学生利用所学动词三单形式进行填空。例如 My grandpa us

9、ually watches TV at home. 5) Pair work: Talk about our friends weekend. Then pair show.来源:学科网 S1: What does he do at the weekend? S2: He often Sometimes he【设计意图】在Lesson 2的复习中,通过主情境图导入旧知复习。利用句子填空和图片谈论,教师给出图片素材和语言支撑,学生巩固复习动词三单形式。动词三单形式这一难点迎刃而解。整个复习环节流畅有序,为学生更好的运用语言奠定基础。Part 3: 1)Review Lesson 3. 课件显示L

10、esson 3的主情境图,复习Lesson 3课文。 Then act. Invite one student to act as Miss Zhang. Others act as Jenny.2)Game: Whisper and guess. “Does he/she often?” 【设计意图】充分利用课文提供的素材,为学生创设情境,提供语言支撑,学习使用语言。紧接着领着学生做“说悄悄话猜一猜”的游戏,这一活动能够激发孩子的热情,鼓励孩子积极主动得去表达。Part 4:1) Learn the text of Lesson 4.Li Ming, Danny and Mr. Wood a

11、re talking about their weekend. Watch and answer: Does Mr. Wood often climb the hill? What does Danny do at the weekend? Does Jenny often take pictures?2) Listen and repeat. Try to imitate. 3) Practice in groups and have a role play. Then group show.【设计意图】 在Lesson 4的学习中,教师先以问题引领,激活学生思维。接着指导学生跟读课文。最后

12、小组合作,角色扮演,充分让学生去感知语言,学习语言和运用语言。Step 3 Production1)Weve talked about our friends weekend. Its time to talk about our weekend. First let me introduce my family weekend for you. 【设计意图】 课件播放Family Weekend的表格。教师介绍表格内容,布置任务。接着教师介绍了自己的“Family Weekend”,作为示例。2)Report in groups. Then come to the front to repo

13、rt.【设计意图】学生先完成表格填写,表格下面给出一定语言支架和会用的词组。然后以小组合作形式,与他人分享自己家庭成员的周末活动。同时进行跟节课的情感教育,建议学生培养健康广泛的兴趣爱好,形成良好的品格。Step 4 Sound timeIts our sound time. 学习字母组合bl cl ai在单词中的发音规律。例如:T: Can you read? rain tail wait trainThe letters “ai” make the sound of /ei/.Try to read: He waits for the train, in the heavy rain.创编

14、绕口令,学习字母组合bl、cl的发音。 【设计意图】小学阶段语音学习十分重要。语音只有在有意义的群体中才有学习的价值。在语音教学中,最好把语音训练融入句子或小诗歌中。采用学生比较喜欢的方式,如绕口令、歌曲、歌谣等,能很好激发学生的学习兴趣。这些句子读起来朗朗上口,节奏感强,有韵味。Step 5 Lets enjoy播放课件,声情并茂的跟学生介绍加拿大儿童的校外活动。并再一次进行情感教育:Enjoy the weekend! Enjoy the colorful life!Step 6 Summary Self-Assessment.学生自我评价,引导学生自我梳理本单元重难点。来源:学科网 Re

15、ad the sentences on the blackboard. 齐读板书,复现重点句型。Step7 Homework1. Listen and repeat Unit 4.2. Talk about your weekend activities with your friends.【设计意图】课后通过听说练习,巩固复习本单元语言点。并通过谈论自己真实的周末活动,能激发孩子英语学习、表达的热情,最终提高学生“用英语做事情”的能力。来源:学科网ZXXK板书设计:Unit 4 Home Lesson4 Again, please!What do you do at the weekend? I often Sometimes I What does he do at the weekend? He often plays football.Does he often play the violin?Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt.



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