五年级下册英语教案Unit 7Chinese festivals 四课时译林版三起

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1、Unit 7 Chinese festivals单元教学分析:本单元的话题是中国的传统节日。教师可结合五上Christmas引入,课前可要求学生搜集一些关于中国的传统节日的信息,包括日期、食物和风俗习惯等,为课堂教学做准备。本单元的词汇除了节日名词和食物之外,还包括十二个月份,教师可帮助学生复习季节类和星期类的词汇。为了方便教学和操练,师生可准备日历本。本单元的句型有两个,都是一般现在时态,一个是用来表达节日的日期,一个是用来描述人们在不同节日里的常见活动和庆祝方式。教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读单词 spring festival, mid-autumn festival, dragon

2、boat festival, the double ninth festival, rice cake, dumpling等。来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词 January, February, May, June, September, October等。3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型 The spring festival is in January or February. People eat dumplings at this festival.4.能知道字母th在单词中的读音。教学重难点:1.句型:The spring festival is in

3、 January or February. People eat dumplings at this festival.2.语音:字母组合th在单词中的读音。课时安排:5课时第1课时:Story time第2课时:Fun time &, Grammar time 第3课时:Cartoon time第4课时:Sound time and Checkout time第5课时:Ticking time(review)第1课时Story time教学目标:1. 能听懂、会读、会说节日单词:Double Ninth Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn F

4、estival, Spring Festival.2. 能听懂、会读、会说不同节日的传统食物和活动。来源:学*科*网3. 能正确的理解并朗读课文,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。教学重点和难点:能正确理解并朗读课文,在教师的帮助下尝试复述课文。Teaching procedureStep 1 greeting Step 2 Pre-reading T: do you like games? So first, lets play a game: read and guess(1)red pocket, dumplings (students try to read together) T

5、: what festival is it ? - Spring festival.(2)moon cakes , rice dumplings (students try to read together) what festival is it ? - Spring festival.(3)climbing the mountain, a rice cake (students try to read together) what festival is it ? - Double ninth festival.来源:学,科,网(4) Dragon boat, rice dumplings

6、. (students try to read together)what festival is it ? - Dragon boat festival.T: Show all the new words, who can read them? After teaching to read, ss can read together.T: great. look, they are all about Chinese festival. (show the title of unit7, Ss read )Today our topic is Chinese festivals, what

7、other festivals do you know?Step 3 While-reading(1)T: Look, here is a book :Chinese festival. This lesson we will learn more about it. First, please read the pieces silently and try to understand the text, 2 minutes for you.After silent reading, teacher shows a task of page70: look and match, ask Ss

8、 to finish.(2)Show picture 1T: Its about spring festival. When is it?Ss: Its in 出示月份January, February,帮助学生回答。T: What do they do?Ss: They.T: How do you spend your spring festival?Ss : I Tips: Ff we meet the new words we can guess according to the pictures. T: Now, lets read after the tape.(3)T: This

9、time, I want you to read the rest 3 pictures loudly. 3 minutes.(4)Listen and circle the dates and things they are talking about.(5)Lets check.Step 4 Post-reading1.Look at the pictures again. Can you say something about them? Please do in your group. Only 5 minutes.2.Boys and girls, we learn a lot fr

10、om the storybook, right? Do you remember the details?Chinese festivaldateactivityfood3.Try to retell according to the pictures and the words on the blackboard.Step 4 Homework1.Look for more Chinese festivals 2.Try to retell the text after class.板书设计:第2课时grammar and fun time教学目标:1能熟练掌握十二个月份的读音和拼写,熟记各

11、月份的缩写。2能熟练掌握句型:The Spring Festival is in January or February. The Dragon Boat Festival is in May or June. The Mid-Autumn Festival is in September or October. The Double Ninth Festival is in October or November.3能完成Fun time 中的任务。教学重难点:1. 正确掌握月份的读音和拼写2. 能熟练运用句型表述节日所在的月份。Teaching procedureStep 1 Greeti

12、ngStep 2 Review1.T: Boys and girls, do you remember these words? Lets read togetherSpring , summer, autumn, winter.T:Great! But do you know what festivals are there in the 4 seasons?Ss : T: Yes , they are (呈现课文出现的四个节日)T: What traditional food should we eat?教师出示四个节日和四中食物,打乱顺序让学生连线。2.Retell the story.

13、教师出示课文图片,并给出关键短语和句型,帮助学生复述。3.Do some exercise 书70页。Step 3 Grammar time1.T: Yes, after learning, we know the spring festival is in January or February.What about the rest 3? Can you try to say?教师出示节日首字母和月份首字母帮助学生,学生试说。1.出示grammar time中句子,对照后齐读,理解意思。T: Look, I give you another Chinese festivals, do yo

14、u know the dates? Teachers day, fathers day, mothers day, childrens day, new years day.学生根据句型说说T: Right. So they are 12 months in a year. Look, I have a calendar, lets have a look.教读12月份。Step 4 Fun time1.T: Look, heres a round clock. If we divide it into 4 parts, what would you name?学生自由发挥。教师出示fun t

15、ime大圆盘T: I use the seasons to name them, read together: spring, summer, autumn and winter.T: 4 months consist of a season, who knows?学生可讨论。T呈现正确的答案,将季节用月份填充,如图fun time.2T: We can do different things in different seasons.What do you usually do in spring?(指一生问)S 1: I usuallyWhat about you?S 2: I .S 3 :I T 可以根据学生的回答在上面画些草图。T:Whats the weather like in spring?Ss: Its


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