四年级下册英语试题期中教学质量检测 外研版三起

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1、201 -201学年第二学期期中教学质量检测英语试题(时间:40分钟,满分:110分)卷面书写:(10分)同学们,请认真书写,让你的试卷拥有一张干净、整洁、漂亮的面孔! 听力部分(40分)2.听句子。你将听到五个句子,请选出与所听句子一致的选项,并将其字母 标号填入到题前括号内。每个句子读两遍。(每小题2分,10分) ( )1. A .Shes a nice teacher. B .Hes cool. C. Shes a bit shy. ( )2. A. Its very big. B .Its very tall. C .Its long and wide. ( )3.A.Ill go s

2、wimming. B .Ill go to the park. C. Ill read my book. ( )4. A. It can walk. B. It can talk. C. It can do the housework. ( )5. A .I was two then. B. We were young then.C. It wasnt clean then. 3. 听句子,判断下列图片与你所听到的是否相符,相符的写T,不相符的写F. (每小题2分,10分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )4. 听录音,根据你听到的句子选择恰当的答语,每个句

3、子读两遍(10分)( )1.A. Its a book B Yes ,it is C Its very nice( )2. A Yes, it is B Yes ,it will C Yes, I will( )3. A No, it wont B No,I wont C , Yes,I will( )4. A , Very well B Yes , I am C Im five( )5, A Yes, you were B Yes,I was C Yes ,I am 笔试部分(60分)一抄写下列句子,看谁写的美观。(5分)Where there is a will .there is a w

4、ay. _二请找出类别与众不同的单词。(每小题1分,共5分)( ) 1.A.cute B .cool C .noodles D.shy ( ) 2.A.father B. car C. mother D.sister ( ) 3.A .old B .famous C .robot D.small( ) 4.A.Monday B .kite C .Friday DTuesday.( ) 5.A.the Great Wall B .Big Ben C. Hady Park D.Tower Bridge三.根据汉语或首字母提示填充单词。(每小题1分,共5分) 1. Maomao is a _ (聪明

5、的)girl. 2. Her hair was _ (长的) then. 3.I was out with Grandpa for our Chinese _ (一堂课). 4.Shanghai is a big C_ 5.How are you Grandma? Very w_.四.仿写句子.(5分)1.A: Will you take a kite tomorrow? B: Yes ,I will. A: _ (球)B: _.2. She was thin then .Now she is fat. _. (他以前很矮,现在高了)五请选出最恰当的译文。(每小题2分,共8分)( )1. 机器

6、人会做蛋糕。A. Robot can do everything.B. They can help children learn.C. Robots can make cakes. ( ) 2. 明天将是晴天吗? A. It will do cold tomorrow.B. Will it be sunny tomorrow?C. Will it be hot tomorrow?( )3. 机器人会走路。A. Robots can talk.B. Robots can walk.C. Robots cant walk. ( )4. 她是一个好老师。 A. Shes a nice teacher

7、. B. Shes a bit shy. C. Shes very nice. 六.句子匹配。请从B栏中选出与A栏句子相匹配的句子,并将其代号填入相应的括号内。(每小题2分,共12分) A B( ) 1.Whats that? A.No, it isnt. ( ) 2.Will you take your ball? B.They will make cakes.( ) 3. What will they do? C .Its a robot. ( ) 4. Were you at home yesterday? D .Yes, I will. ( ) 5.Is that your house

8、? E.No, I wasnt. ( )6、Who are they? F.They are my grandparents.七.连词成句。请把打乱顺序的句子重新排列成一句话,第一个大写字母已给出。(每小题2分,共10分)1is, This , my , mother (.)_.2. can, walk , It (.)_.3.go swimming, Ill , on Monday(.)_.4. were, young, They, then.(.)_.5in .it , Will , Beijing, be windy, (?)_ 八阅短文,与短文内容一致的在题后括号内写(T),不一致的写

9、(F)(10分) . Im Amy .Look at this picture, Im listening to music.This is my brother,Sam.Hes watching TV.My mother is cooking vegetables.My father is reading a book.( )1.Amy is watching TV.( )2.Sam is listening to music.( )3.Amys mother is cooking vegetables.( )4.Amys father is reading a book.( )5.There are five people in Amys family.



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