五年级下册英语教案Module 3Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages外研版三起

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1、Module 3 Unit 1 She had eggs and sausages教案1教学目标 1、知识技能目标(1)Words:复习巩固与食物、一日三餐单词及昨天的表达法;掌握本课所学单词:email、 egg、 sandwich、 delicious、traditional。(2)Sentences:掌握下列句子,并能熟练运用What did she /he have for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday?She/He had eggs and sausages/sandwiches/fish and chips.(3)Function:掌握向别人询问

2、昨天一日三餐吃过什么的具体表达方法。2、情感、文化目标(1)在讨论学习的过程中培养学生学习兴趣,帮助他们村立信心。(2)教育学生养成良好的饮食习惯,有利于健康。2学情分析 五年级两个班的学生是我从三年级带上来的,通过两年的教学,我发现学生两级分化还是很大,有考100分的,有考十几分的,还有的学生转来时连英语都没有学过,学生必须慢慢再经过磨合,才能慢慢习惯我的授课方式和习惯,所以,在这方面老师的授课会更有挑战性。当然五年级的孩子开始在慢慢长大,心智相对来说也比四年级时成熟。学习习惯相较于在四年级会更容易管理,他们会开始懂得自律,但是个别学生还是需要加强管理;课堂授课时选择的游戏需要更多创新才能持

3、续保持学生对英语课堂的新鲜感;多数学生的英语书写不规范,没有养成良好的书写习惯,所以本学期将结合抄写和练字在一起严格要求学生的书写。3重点难点 1、充分了解并掌握下列句子。What did/he she have for.yesterday?She/he had .。2、了解英语国家饮食习惯。4教学过程 来源:Zxxk.Com活动1【讲授】breakfast.Yesterday I had for lunch.dinner.Step GreetingsT: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you!S: Hello teacher. Nice to mee

4、t you too!T: Are you feeling happy today?S: Yes, I am.T:I am feeling happy today, because there are lots of new teachers come to our school today, Now turn back and say hello to these new teachers.设计意图:让学生和听课老师打招呼,消除老师和学生的紧张情绪来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,KStep 2 Warmer用多媒体出示chantLets chantBreakfast, breakfast, I h

5、ad eggs.Lunch, lunch, I had rice.Dinner, dinner, I had chips.Eggs, rice, chips.They are very nice.They are very nice.设计意图:由chant引出Eggs, rice, chips这几个食物单词,为导课做准备。Step 3 Lead-in1. T: Eggs, rice, chips. They are all food. What else food do you know? Tell me please.S: Rice noodles fish meat cake hambur

6、ger sausages milk chips chicken biscuits bread hot dog sandwiches dumplingsT: Rice noodles fish meat cake sausages milk chicken biscuits dumplings bread .They are Chinese food Sandwiches hamburger chips hot dog fish and chips. They are English food.设计意图:小学生活泼爱表现,给学生充分表现自己的机会,让学生养成平时积累单词的好习惯,能够分清中国食物

7、和英国食物)2. T:What day is it today?S: Today is Friday.T: This morning I had an egg for breakfast. What day was it yesterday?S: Yesterday was Thursday.T: Yesterday I had an egg for breakfast too.Yesterday I had sandwiches for lunch.Yesterday I had dumplings for dinner.I want to know you for breakfast, l

8、unch and dinner.来源:Z,xx,k.ComWhat did you have for breakfast, lunch and dinner?设计意图:可以多问几个学生,让学生在听中学会句型,句型学会后,让学生两人一组做问答练习进行操练,了解学生对句型的掌握情况。Step 4 New lessonT: Lets look what did Lingling have for breakfast, lunch, dinner yesterday?1, Listen and draw these new words.Email eggs sandwiches traditional

9、(传统的)delicious (美味的)2, Listen and repeat then answer my questions.What did Lingling send Daming?What is it about?What did Lingling have for breakfast?What did Lingling have for lunch?What did Lingling have for dinner?来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。KDoes she like English food?设计意图:通过回答问题,了解学生对课文的理解情况,分段提问降低难度,让大多数学生都

10、能听懂能回答问题。3, Read after the teacher.设计意图:纠正学生的语音语调,以及朗读速度。Step 5 PractiseT:Now Ill ask a student to ask you some questions.What did you have for breakfast yesterday?来源:学科网What did you have for lunch yesterday?What did you have for dinner yesterday?Who is your friend in our class? What did he have for

11、 breakfast /lunch/ dinner yesterday?设计意图:老师让学生带上记者证,拿上无线话筒当小记者采访,让学生在真实的语言环境中学会英语并运用英语,为下一环节survey做准备。Step 6 Make a surveyT: My name is Liang Huizhen. My English name is Mary. So you can call me Mary.S: What did you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday?T: Yesterday I had eggs for breakfast.I ha

12、d sandwiches for lunch. I had dumplings for dinner. Write my answers in this survey. Number 2 write your English name. Nunber 3 write yourfriends name. Now Four students are a group and find a friend then write her or his name.What did you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday?numbernamebreakfas

13、tlunchdinner1Maryeggssandwichesdumplings23White your friends answer : My friend is _Yesterday_ had _.Yesterday_ had _.Yesterday_ had_.设计意图:用flash出示这个调查表,让学生能用He/She had 来回答问题。Step 7 HomeworkWhat did you have yesterday? Write them down.设计意图:我们平时的英语作业往往都是让学生反复的抄写单词,让学生根据自己的实际情况来写写句子,可能学生会更感兴趣,不会写的单词可以让学生用简笔画画出来。


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