新高一开学第一周 英语 人教版必修1 Unit 1Friendship Period3 Language points2 课件

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1、Unit 1 Friendship 人教版 必修一 Period 3 Language points2 1.通过讲解和情景句展示,学生能够掌握课文part B中的语言点。 2.通过适度扩展,学生能够增加对词汇认知的深度和广度。 3. 通过剖析重点句型,学生能够更好的读懂长难句。 教学目标 本课是课文part A 的语言点课,重点讲解文中黑体词汇和高中常考的重点句 型,如强调句型“It is/was +被强调部分+ that+其余部分”等。 课件中附上了大量和语境相关的图片帮助学生理解,而且,所列例句与学生 的生活和成长的环境密切相关,符合学生的认知特点。针对高中常考的句型,通 过仿写,翻译等,

2、让学生从不通角度内化知识,从而达到巩固掌握的目的。课件 的最后通过task-based ,帮助学生更加系统的梳理重点短语和重难点句型,从而 使零散的知识块状化。 课件简介 Language points wonder 纳闷;想知道 I wonder what happened. I wonder if +从句 I wonder how you came to miss your way. 我想知道是否 例句 wonder 句型 I wonder if I shall call him now. Language points It is/was +被强调部分+ that+其余部分 It was

3、 class 1 and class 2 that had a basketball game in the playground yesterday. It is that 强调句结构 Class 1 and class 2 had a basketball game in the playground yesterday. 【 改写句子 】 (强调主语) Language points It was yesterday that class 1 and class 2 had a basketball game in the playground. Class 1 and class 2

4、had a basketball game in the playground yesterday. 【 例句 】 (强调时间) It was in the playground that class 1 and class 2 had a basketball game. (强调地点) Language points 曾经有过一段时期 There was a time when I hated to go to school. But now everything has changed. There was a time when+从句 例句 There was a time when I

5、 liked to draw some paintings. There was a time when I lost confidence/ faith in myself. 2.曾经有过一段时期我很讨厌上学。 但是现在一切都改变了。 1.曾经有过一段时期我对自己失去信心。 句式仿写 Language points It was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face. I had seen It was the first time that+had done (过去完成时) It is

6、 the first time.that +has/have done (现在完成时) It was the second time that we had seen her. It is the second time that we have seen her. 重点句型 那是我们第二次看到 她。 例 句 Language points on purpose故意地;有意地 我特意来医院看你。 I came to the hospital on purpose to see you. 例句 目的是;为了 with the purpose of for the purpose of Langu

7、age points in order (not) to do 为了(不)做什么事 【练一练】 为了养家糊口,父亲努力工作。 为了不迟到, 他每天早早就起了床。 My father works very hard in order to support the family. He gets up early everyday in order not to be late. 漆黑的夜晚,风雨交加,电闪雷鸣,我完全被这种力量 镇住了。 power Language points n.能力;力量;权力 The dark,rainy evening,the wind,the thundering

8、clouds held me entirely in their power.(P2) 例句 知 识拓 展 come to powertake power be in power have the power to do sth. lose power beyond/out of ones power 上台;执政 丧失政权 力所不能及的 具有做某事的能力 执政;掌权 When _(face) difficulty, we should not lose faith in ourselves. When _(face) with difficulty, we should not lose fa

9、ith in ourselves. Once there is a war, people must _(face) with pain and loss. We _ (面对面地交谈). talked face to face facing faced be faced face to face 面对面地 Language points 用face适当形式填空 I am no longer a child, so I can do many things myself. =I am not a child any longer, no longer Language points 不再, 再也

10、不 =notany longer 例句 他不再吸烟了。 He no longer smokes. =He doesnt smoke any longer. 我不再是小孩了,所以很多事情我都能自己做。 Fill and memorize these important expressions 短语梳理 1.嘲笑 2.经历,遭遇 3.躲藏 4.记下流水帐 5.对感到狂热 6.令人心迷神往 7.熬夜 8.故意 9.为了 laugh at go through hide away set down a series of facts be crazy about keep sb. spellbound

11、 stay awake on purpose in order to do 1.嘲笑 2.经历,遭遇 3.躲藏 4.记下流水帐 5.对感到狂热 6.令人心迷神往 7.熬夜 8.故意 9.为了 9.in order to do 1.laugh at 2.go through 3.hide away 4.set down a series of facts 5.be crazy about 6.keep sb. spellbound 7.stay awake 8.on purpose Fill and memorize these important expressions 短语梳理 1.嘲笑 2

12、.经历,遭遇 3.躲藏 4.记下流水帐 5.对感到狂热 6.令人心迷神往 7.熬夜 8.故意 9.为了 laugh at go through hide away set down a series of facts be crazy about keep sb. spellbound stay awake on purpose in order to do 10.碰巧 11.被的力量镇住了 12.一年半 13. 面对面地 14. 不再. 15. 与相处 16. 在黄昏 17.对厌烦 18. 将装箱打包18.pack up 10.happen to do 11.hold sb in the p

13、ower of 12.a year and a half 13.face to face 14.no longer/notany longer 15.get along/on with 16.at dusk 17.be / get tired of Fill and memorize these important expressions 短语梳理 1.嘲笑 2.经历,遭遇 3.躲藏 4.记下流水帐 5.对感到狂热 6.令人心迷神往 7.熬夜 8.故意 9.为了 laugh at go through hide away set down a series of facts be crazy

14、about keep sb. spellbound stay awake on purpose in order to do 19. 把.加起来 20. 平静下来 21. 不得不 22. 对担心;关心 23. 期末考试 24.遛狗 25.遭遇 26.相爱 27.加入27.join in 19.add up 20.calm down 21.have got to 22.be concerned about 23.end-of-term exam 24.walk the dog 25.suffer from 26.fall in love Translate and memorize these

15、important expressions 重难点句型 1.I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. 1. 我不知道是否这是因为我长期无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切大自然有关的东西 都无比狂热。 2.I stayed on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by mysel

16、f. 2.我熬到了11点半故意不睡觉,为的是独自好好看看月亮。 Translate and memorize these important expressions 重难点句型 3. I happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window was open. 3.有一个晚上我碰巧在楼上,窗户是开着的。 4.It was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face. 4.这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚。 5.I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hangi



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