四年级上册英语教案4.1Do you want some rice外研社三起

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《四年级上册英语教案4.1Do you want some rice外研社三起》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四年级上册英语教案4.1Do you want some rice外研社三起(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Do you want some rice?教案 Teacher: Peng zhulinStudents: grade 4Teaching content: do you want some rice?一、 教学目标1、知识目标:1 认知新单词“rice”“hamburger”“cake”“cheese”“want”掌握句型“do you want some.”并能用“Yes .please”“No .thank you”作回答2、技能目标:能用“Do you want some”询问别人,用“Yes .please”“No .thank you”作出回答。二、 教学重难点重点:熟练运用句型

2、“Do you want some.” “Yes .please”“No .thank you”难点:句型在实际生活中的运用。三、 教学准备食物卡片、单词卡。四、 教学过程(一)Leading-inT : class begin. Good morning boys and girls . (师生互相问好)T : what did you eat for breakfast today?S : .(各种食物)T : Ok . I need a student to tell me about it. who?(举手示意)(抽一到两位学生回答)T : Good morning .what did

3、 you eat today?S :.(汉语回答)T :.(英语重复)They are very delicious. Now. lets sing this song Noodles and rice. Are very very nice.Juice with ice Is also very nice!(教师教读,再齐读,再抽读)T : But now. Im very hungry. I want to eat more and more foods . So. Lets go to a restaurant ok?(二)New Lesson(教师贴出食物图片)T : Ok. Look

4、!Tell me what you can see? Put you hands!(抽一位学生)S :汉堡T:Ok. Very good! Sit down. Please. Who can speak this in English?(举手示意,抽一位学生回答)S : HamburgerT : Would you like to teach others?S : .(学生教读单词)T : very good! Thank you. now read after me. Hamburger.(教师教读)(伸手指出课题问)Do you want some Hamburger?S : Yes. P

5、lease /No. thank you (教师引导回答)(教师再分别拿出cake. rice. cheese.的图片重复以上环节,每教完一个单词,复习一遍教过的单词。)(三)Practice(再拿出学过的单词chicken复习)T : Ok. read after me .(教师教读不带图片的单词卡,再引入句型,分别询问学生。再把单词卡贴出)Now. You can practice with you partner about this question.(学生练习教师巡视指导。)(抽两组学生展示对话)T : Now. Look! Who can read this word by you

6、rself?(抽几位同学读,速度渐渐加快,全班齐读,教师再代入句型提问练习)T : Now we play a game OK?(指出黑板上贴出的单词卡和食物图片)谁能帮助老师把食物和对应的单词连起来?(抽一位学生完成。再指出食物图片,学生读单词,再代入句型提问练习。)五、 家庭作业T : Ok .homework .Have a practice with you parents. Now. we read this song together. Noodles and rice beginS : Noodles and rice. Are very very nice.Juice with ice Is also very nice!T : class over! thank you!


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