三年级下册英语教案Unit 4 Home 4个课时鲁科版五四制

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1、Unit4 Homelesson 1 We have a big living room.教学设计 一、教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、认读单词:welcome, home, we, beautiful, living room, dining room, bedrooms.2.能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型:“We have a big living room.”3. 能运用所学句型描述自己家庭的房间,培养学生热爱自己家庭的意识等4.能正确认读书写字母uvw二、教学重难点:重点:能听懂、会说、认读living room, dining room, bedrooms并灵活运用句型:“We have

2、a big living room.”难点:单词的发音及运用。三、教具:课件,单词卡片,家的某个房间的图片(每个学生课前画),每组拿一幅家的照片四、教学步骤:1.Warm up:sing a song “ Lets all go to the zoo tomorrow.”2.Lead in:T:The animals live in the zoo. The zoo is their home.出示单词卡片home, 出示几张图片This is the bears home. This is the Mickeys home. Welcome to LiMings new home!3.Pre

3、sentation:A. Watch the video and answer “How many rooms(房间) can Jenny see?Jenny can see _ rooms. They are the living room, the dining room and two bedrooms.B. Can you say the four rooms ?Lets Watch again . They see a _ room, a _ room and two_.(出示房间的三个单词,听录音利用单词卡片教读几遍)C出示各种房间的图片,利用语句语篇巩固三个新单词Living r

4、oom , dining room, bedroom 重点学习bedroom,用big,small,beautiful,nice等来形容卡通人物的房间。(板书句型I have a We have a )D继续巩固新单词,并用形容词造句:学生拿出自己画的房间用This is my .来介绍。其他同学夸一下展示同学的房间You have a room.(板书You have a 及形容词的单词)4.Can you read?Lets Listen and read after the pen.5.Read in roles.来源:Zxxk.Com6.Practise in groups:活动2.I

5、ntroduce my home介绍照片上的家(四人一组)7.情感教育:My home is nice. I love my home!8Letters: UVWLook at the house, there are many windows. 教学window,There are two “w” ,教学w的发音,并让学生总结出w在单词中的发音/u/。遮住W的一半,教学字母“v”,发/v/,vest,出示图片umbrella,教学字母“u”发/描红字母uvw9.Homework:Read the text three times. View Lesson2 Lesson 2 I read i

6、n my bedroom.教学设计一、教学目标:1.能听懂会说认读家中房间的名称及相关单词:read,方位词:on,in,并能结合句型灵活运用2.能听懂会说认读与本单元话题相关的句型:I read in my bedroom.3.情感目标:在温馨的家中更要好好学习。二、教学重难点:重点:会运用方位词in,on来描述物体的位置难点:灵活运用目标句型三、教具准备:课件,单词卡片,点读笔,实物(桌椅等)四、教学步骤:1.Warm up:chantI have a room,a living room.You have a room, a dining room.We have a room, a c

7、lassroom.But we all love the bedroom .2. Lead in: Do you love your bedroom? In the bedroom, we can sleep. Lets look at LiMings bedroom.3. Watch and answer: What can you see in Li Mings bedroom?出示几种物品的图片,让学生选择 I can see 4. Watch again and choose T or F:学生选择So many books on the desk.学习 on the desk,on

8、the bedT: There are so many books on the desk,So do you know? What does LiMing do in the bedroom?出示课文第三幅图 Lets listen!教学I read in my bedroom.(板书in on强调in on的含义)T: Do you understand in or on? Now I will check .5.Practise:in,on,read(课件出示各种方位的图片)I read in the dining room/living roomThey read/watch TV/

9、in 教学watch TV6.Can you read the text?Lets listen again and read after the pen.7.Read in roles:来源:学科网ZXXK8. 情感升华:LiMings bedroom is big.And he can read in the bedroom. What do you do in the bedroom?(让学生说一说)Whatever your home is big or small,be yourself and study hard!9.Lets talk:给出一些地点场景,先让学生说出where:

10、in the living room,再四人一组,一人做动作,如I read其他人猜在哪里10.Chant:学生续编一句,如Go to the classroom,Have an English class.11.Homework:A.Read the text three times and recite it.B.Say the chant with your own wordsLesson 3 Wheres Danny?教学设计一、教学目标:知识目标:1. 能正确认读和书写字母XxYyZz2. 能听懂会说认读家中房间的名称及相关单词:kitchen, where,bed,door, 方位

11、词:under,behind并能结合句型灵活运用。3. 能听懂会说认读与本单元话题相关的句型:Wheres Danny? Is he under the bed? No, he isnt.能力目标:能运用所学句型谈论家中的布局,询问位置。情感目标:帮助学生了解一些中外家庭房屋的布局特点,同时培养学生对家的热爱。二、教学重难点:重点:能听懂会说认读句子 Wheres Danny? Is he under the bed? No, he isnt.难点:句型的灵活运用,尤其是方位词in on under三、教具准备:单词卡片,课件,实物:纸盒四、教学步骤:1.Warm up:Chant in Le

12、sson 2 .Guessing game:Is this a living room?Is this a bedroom? Is this a dining room?Yes,it is. No, it isnt.(为Is he?Yes,he is做复习铺垫)2.Lead in:This is Dannys bedroom. And now Danny is in LiMings new home. Lets watch what happened.3. Presentation:A. Watch and answer: Does Jenny know “wheres Danny”?来源:Z

13、xxk.Com教学Wheres Danny?单词卡片出示where.让学生听Jenny的回答,学习I dont knowBWatch again and answer:Wheres Danny?How does Jenny ask?来源:Z#xx#k.Com教学Is he in the kitchen?Is he under the bed?课件出示关于kitchen,under,bed 的图片。练习以上句型的回答方式Yes,he is /No, he isnt.(板书Is he ?Yes, he is. No, he isnt.)CDanny isnt in the kitchen. He

14、isnt under the bed, too. Wheres Danny?出示课文第四幅图教学behind,单词卡片behind,doorD.总结表示方位的词in, on, under, behindE. Listen and imitateF. Read in roles4. Lets talk: Wheres ? Shes/Hes in/on/under/behind 5. Extending: Find(four pupils)A: Wheres my pen/pencil/bag?B: I dont know. Is it in your pencil-case?A: No, it

15、isnt.C: Is it under the desk?A: No, It isnt.D: Look! Its in your bag!A: Yes, it is! Thank you!6. Lets copy:Wheres my book?It isnt on the desk. Its in the box.出示box的单词,教学Xx,在单词中发音/ks/What color is the box? Its yellow.出示yellow的单词,教学字母YyNow we have the last letter Zz, 让学生知道Z的两种发音7. HomeworkA. Recite the letters A-Z, and write from memory(默写一遍)B. Read the text three timesLesson 4 Again, please!教学设计一


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