五年级下册英语教案Unit 6 Plan for the SummerLesson 2 You’d better take an umbrella鲁科版五四制三起

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五年级下册英语教案Unit 6 Plan for the SummerLesson 2 You’d better take an umbrella鲁科版五四制三起_第1页
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五年级下册英语教案Unit 6 Plan for the SummerLesson 2 You’d better take an umbrella鲁科版五四制三起_第2页
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五年级下册英语教案Unit 6 Plan for the SummerLesson 2 You’d better take an umbrella鲁科版五四制三起_第3页
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《五年级下册英语教案Unit 6 Plan for the SummerLesson 2 You’d better take an umbrella鲁科版五四制三起》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五年级下册英语教案Unit 6 Plan for the SummerLesson 2 You’d better take an umbrella鲁科版五四制三起(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit6 Plan for the summerLesson2 Youd better take an umbrella.一、教材分析:本节课主要学习了三个好朋友在谈论即将到来的暑期计划,同时,在学习的过程中渗透了英国的著名建筑等文化知识。21cnjycom二、教学目标:能在文本语境中听懂、会说、认读、拼写单词map,能听懂、会说、认读单词和短语:during, weekdays, camera, Youd better., umbrella.并能结合句型灵活运用。www.21-cn-能听懂、会说、认读句型:Where are you going to stay for the summer

2、 camp? Youd better take an umbrella并能灵活运用。www-2-1-cnjy-com情感态度目标:引导学生对即将到来的暑期生活及其他生活有一定的计划性。来源:学|科|网三、教学准备:CD-Rom, ppt,点读笔四、教学过程:1Warm-up(1)教师出示关于暑期计划的词组如:summer camp, Chinese painting classes, swimming classes, 等,学生快速说出词组,帮助学生快速回忆上节课学过的内容。21教育网(2)教师与学生交流有关暑假计划的内容:What are you going to do in the hol

3、idays? Are you going to a summer camp? 为新授课做好准备。2. Presentation.(1) 出示Listen and say 部分的挂图,教师介绍本课的主题:Jenny, Danny,和 Li Ming 在一起讨论Li Ming的summer camp。教师提问Where is Li Ming going to stay for the summer camp? 教授单词stay 并学习句子Where are you going to stay for the summer camp? 引导学生快速浏览课文找出句子:Were going to sta

4、y in London. 21世纪教育网版权所有(2) 教师提问What is Li Ming going to do during the stay in London?出示单词during并教授。 要求学生带着问题听Listen and say 部分的录音或观看教学光盘,尝试找出答案。 Li Ming is going to have English classes during the weekdays and visit some famous places during the weekends.根据答案教师提问 Where is Li Ming going to visit? 出示

5、单词词组 the British Museum, Big Ben, London Eye 并教授。来源:Zxxk.Com来源:学,科,网教师提问学生对Li Ming的summer camp要带的东西有没有什么建议,教授句子Youd better take 并教授单词camera 和umbrella.21cnjy(3) 教师再次播放录音或教学光盘,学生模仿跟读,注意语音语调。3. Practice(1) 教师组织学生小组活动,分角色表演对话,并戴头饰上台表演。(2) 请学生看教材Lets talk部分的内容。播放录音或教学光盘,学生模仿跟读后上台展示,最后全班分组操练此部分内容。【来源:21世纪

6、教育网】4. Production(1) 完成Lets do 部分这个活动的目的是请同学们针对小组成员给出的暑假计划,给出自己的建议,练习句子I am going to,Youd better21世纪*教育网学生向小组内成员介绍暑假的计划。小组其他成员给出建议。(2) 完成配套练习。五、板书设计:来源:学科网ZXXKUnit 6 Lesson2 Youd better take an umbrella.Where are you going to stay for the summer camp?来源:学科网Were going to stay in London. Youd better take an umbrella.六、作业设计:1. 听课文录音,模仿跟读。本课重点句子一英。2.询问同学的暑假计划,并且用Youd better给出自己的建议。



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