四年级上册英语教案-Unit 4 My home PB Read and write 人教PEP版1

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1、Unit4 B Read and write教案一、教学目标能够读懂描述起居室的小短文,找出物品的单词,完成物品图片与位置的连线以及描述钥匙位置的任务;能够按意群和正确的语音、语调朗读小短文;能够在有意义的语境中抄写单元的话题词汇并将句子补充完整;能够综合运用本单元的核心词句填写最美家居大赛的报名表。二、学情分析学生已经在A部分学习了家里的各个功能室及里面家具的表达和单数物品在哪的表达,在B部分学习了复数物品在哪的表达。三、重点难点重点:句子词汇:My books are on the sofa. My pens are on the fridge. My bag is under the t

2、able. My glasses are near the phone. 生词:them。难点:语言知识点:一般现在时(be动词单复数形式的转换);介词on, in, under, near的使用。四、教学过程活动1【导入】一、Pre- reading1. Lead in. T: Today lets learn U4 My Home. Hey, here is a competition. Lets go and have a look. Amy, John, Wu Yifan, Zhang Peng, Mike takes part in the match, too.2. Review

3、the furniture and sentences, talk about the furniture you see in Amys home and Johns, then answer the questions: Where is the cat? Where are the keys? T: What does Amy have in her house? Where is the cat? How about Johns? Where are the keys?活动2【讲授】二、While-readingWu Yifans room.1. First reading: Read

4、 and underline the things in Wu Yifans room(板书:物品books, pens, bag, glasses)T: Look at Wu Yifans room. What room is it? S: Living room. T: This is Wu Yifans living room. What does Wu Yifan have in his room? Open your books, please! Turn to P43 and underline what Wu Yifan has in his room.2. Second rea

5、ding: read and match. 板书:介词短语。T: Wu Yifan has books, a bag, glasses and pens in his room. T: Where are they? S: The books are on the T: Read it again and match.(示范一个)3. Third reading: read after the computer.(跟读教them找到钥匙)T: 4. Grammar summary(单复数的转换) T: Look here, please! 为什么My books要用are, My bag要用i

6、s?5. Retell(根据板书复述Wu Yifans room)活动3【练习】Zhang Pengs room.6. Look at the picture and make the sentences.7. Write down the sentences.活动4【练习】Mikes room.8. 重构文本,让学生读一读这篇文章,分析结构。This is my living room. There is a sofa, a bed and a desk and a chair. My phone is on the desk. My books are on the table. My l

7、iving room is so nice.活动5【测试】My Home三、Post-reading1. 展示老师的新家,说说搬家有什么家具,把家具如何摆放,示范如何填写报名表。T: I have a new house. Today, I will move into my new home. Look. Here comes a truck. Wow, I have so much furniture. What are they? Where can I put them? S: A TV T: Lets move them into the room. Where can I put

8、them? S: The big bed is in the big bedroom. The chairs are in the T: Well. Thank you very much. Thank you for your help. This is my dream living room. I want to take part in the match too.2. 学生贴图片并填写报名表,参加最美家居比赛。四、Summary活动6【作业】五、Homework1. Read the textbook on P43.2. Design your dream house and share it with your friend.



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