三年级上英语教案Unit 2 How much storytime北师大版三起

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1、Unit 2 How muchLesson 6 Uncle Bookys storytime教学目标:1,能熟练运用句型针对商品价格提问及回答。2,能读懂故事大意。理解文章。 3,体会母亲的伟大,并激发学生感恩母爱的心。重难点:熟练运用本单元重点句型描述故事主要内容。 体会新词句的意思。 角色扮演。教学工具:CD,PPT, cards,money。教学过程教师活动学生活动教学意图1,GreetingT:Good morning, children. Nice to meet you.How are you?I feel good. Because I see your mothers and

2、fathers come to our class, they can learn English with you together, Are you happy?Good morning, Miss H.Fine/ just so so How are you?来源:Zxxk.ComYes.彼此问候。2,warm up3, Review1), numbers trainLets sing a song for them, ok?T: Whats this? T: Train, train where are you going?This line:16 this line:714The s

3、econd train: group by group.The third train: boys vs. girlsT praises: well done, children, you are so clever. Clap hands for yourself. (教读 for yourself.)介绍评价机制:Boys you are good, Ill give you money. Girls too. So they are your money bags. After class, lets look who are richer。比一比谁更富有。Ok!Ss: numbers

4、train.Train, train, come here.(5160)(91100)Clap hands together.活跃课堂气氛.数字火车游戏复习1100以内的数字。评价机制激发学生积极性。2), Guess game.If you have a lot of money, where do you want to go?I want to go to the store. 教读 store。贴板书。Look there are so many things I have bought in the store, can you guess how much are them? .I

5、f you guess right, you can get a sticker.1,师问生举手答。 T asks: How much is the robot ?/ Teddy bear?每次抽三个同学回答,然后揭晓价格。 T: Yes. Give you a sticker.2,一个学生问,三个学生举手回答。(两次)Who want to come here to ask question?Who can guess?3,全部学生问,学生举手回答。T: this one together,How much 1 2 go.Who can?评价:站在讲台上的同学都可加一个Money。来源:学科

6、网生自由回答。Repeat: buy something.来源:学科网S123: Is it yuan? / Its yuan.S1: How much are the pencils?/ is the toy train?Ss guess.Ss: How much is the?Ss guess.猜价格游戏复习本单元主要句型。3,Lead in T: Today I want to introduce a girl to you. Look.(PPT 出示picture 1) she is Mary.教读。Whos this?Whats this?T: Please think about

7、these 2 questions, after watching, hands up.1, Why does Mom give money to Mary?2, And How much?Watch the video and then choose Ss to answer questions. T: The money is Marys birthday gift. Now do you want to sing a song for Mary?Stand up, lets sing.Mary.Mom.Money. 1, Because its Marys birthday.2, 50

8、yuan.Sing the songHappy birthday to you.感受故事背景:人物,地点,线索。练习演唱生日歌,感受故事发生的氛围。4, TextPart 1.Explain.Picture1: listen and repeat.师拿五十元人民币交给一学生,Here is the money,小组依次传递操练句型。最后一生传递给师。Thank you。Good boy/girl.Buy something for yourself. (Boys&Girls)Next Mary will say, 引导学生说出Thank you, Mom.T: Mary gets 50 yua

9、n, where will she go next? 出示PPT。路标指示到 store。Picture 2: Lets go to the store with Mary.Listen and repeat. 师教读一遍的同时板书句型。(Boys ask, Girls answer, exchange.)PPT 出示两道选择练习。1, How much is the ( )?A, doll B,ball c,door2, Its ( ) yuan.A, thirty five B, thirteen C, thirty-five抽人回答,奖励sticker,并在黑板上加money。Pictu

10、re 3, 听,生跟读时,师同时板书。PPT 出示连线练习。A, fivewatch B, fifteen C, fifty将实物手表交给一个同学,让他(她)提问,全班回答。再引导全班同学提问,抽三个同学回答。Picture 4。Look at this picture. What question will Mary ask? PPT出示card。Who can answer?Children, face to face. Ask & Answer.Then T chooses 2 groups to show.Picture 5, What question will Mary ask?

11、Who knows?Listen. PPT 出示 for each.PPT 出示填空题。They are ( ) yuan.( ) yuan for each.引导一组问,二三组答,二组问,一三组答。三组问,一二组答。操练 Ten yuan for each.Picture 6, 听读第一句。问:At last which things does Mary buy?板书,在卡片和花的简笔画后打勾。2 things we can say these教读 these。复数后面用is 还是 are?教读these are for you。拿实物传递,一列操练。What will Mom say to

12、 Mary?It sounds so sweet.How much money does Mary spend? Lets count. What is 5 and 10?/ 5 yuan and 10 yuan is ?Mary 没有选择特别昂贵的礼物,看来她是一个节俭的好孩子。We should learn Mary.Store。来源:Zxxk.ComACCHow much is the watch?Its five yuan.How much is the card?Its five yuan.How much is the flower?Its ten yuan.4010来源:学&科&

13、网Z&X&X&KCard and flower.Thank you, my girl.Its 15 yuan.Part 2Read and practice.1, PPT 出示判断题。抽人回答,奖励。2, listen, point, and repeat the text.3,全班起立,为动画配音,要求加上动作。4, 布置场景,师扮演Mom,请人上台演示课文剧。5,T: 6 Ss in a group. One is Mom, the other one is Mary. The rest of you are waitresses 1234. Groups discuss. 1 2 beg

14、in. 5, T chooses 2 groups to show the text.及时奖励,评价。举手回答 Yes/No.(可在板书上寻找正确的答案。)Groups discuss.Performance.练习题强化对课文内容的理解。5,来源:学&科&网Extension.Part 1T: Do you have any question to ask me?If you have not. I have a question to ask you :today is Marys birthday. Why Mary buy something for Mom? Not herself?T:每个人的生日也被称作“父忧母难日”,因为妈妈在孕育你十个月的日子里小心翼翼,辛苦悉心,你出生的那一天正是妈妈最痛苦艰难的日子,也是爸爸最着急担心的日子。你出生后,父母含辛茹苦,细心周到将你养大,花费了很多心血,这叫养育之恩,所以,我们应当像Mary一样感恩父母,报答


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