人教版必修4 unit1精制课时课件(含教案) U1P5 Listening exercise

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1、必修4 Unit 1 Women of achievement 注: 另附 word 文档。 点击此处链接 Listen to the text. ARE WOMEN GIVEN A FAIR CHANCE? I dont think women are given a _ chance to have as good a _ as men for _ reasons. First, girls have more _ getting an _ than boys. If there is little money in the _, boys will get the _ chance to

2、 go to school. Even if girls do _ school, they often leave earlier Listen again and fill in the blanks. fair career three difficulty education first family begin to help the family or to go to _. It is often felt that girls will _ and look after another family _ that boys must _ money for the family

3、. This way of thinking _ some girls from _ for a career. _, women have more difficulty getting to the _ of their chosen career. work marry but earn prevents training Second top Most people who _ companies are men. So they _ other men to _ them. This means that women get _ chances to show how good th

4、ey are at running businesses. _ they are given the _, they will never be able to _ that they can run companies _. run succeed choose fewer Unless opportunity show successfully Third, women are more _ to give up their careers to look after _ or run the _. This is because these kinds of responsibiliti

5、es are _ womens work. However, men do not have this _. They can work long hours and go on business _. They can improve their career chances _ the family is _ for at home. likely children house considered problem trips since cared JOAN OF ARC L = Luc LM = Ming Listen to Part 1. LM: Who is Joan of Arc

6、? L: She was a very brave _ lady who fought for her _ about _ hundred yeas ago. LM: Why did she do that? L: Well, at that time the _ were ruling _. They treated the French _. Listen again and fill in the blanks. French country six English France badly LM: Oh, dear! Why didnt the French _ drive the E

7、nglish out of France? L: They _, but they didnt have good _. So they lost every _. LM: How did Joan help? L: She _ the French army. She was a very _ soldier and she won battles _ the English army. soldiers tried leaders battle joined good against LM: Were women _ to be soldiers then? L: No, they wer

8、ent. The Church didnt allow it. LM: So how did she _ a soldier? L: Well, she dressed up and _ like a man, and some people say she went to see the _ of France and got his _. allowed become behaved king permission Listen to Part 2. LM: How could she be _ brave? L: Thats because she _ God had sent her.

9、 She had many good _ for attacking the English army. The French soldiers _ her. LM: I see, but what did the English do? L: They were very _. They caught her and the Church _ she had not behaved as a woman should. So they _ her. Listen again and fill in the blanks. so believed ideas followed angry de

10、cided killed LM: How _! What happened to the French after her _? L: The French soldiers were _ by her spirit and won more battles. Finally they _ the English _ in France. LM: So she _ in the end. Did the English feel _ about what they did to her? L: Yes, they did. Much later they _ that she was figh

11、ting for her country. The Church made her a _! terrible death inspired endedrule won sorry understood saint Listen to Part 1. ENDING LANDMINES DL = Ding Lingyu JW = Jody Williams DL: Now Ms Williams, why did you _ this work? JW: I found that people were _ killed by landmines _ by the armies long aft

12、er a war was _. I was really _ about it. DL: So what does your campaign _ to do? Listen again and fill in the blanks. start being left concerned try over JW: We try to _ landmines as quickly as possible, and stop countries making or _ them. DL: How do you _ your campaign? JW: Small groups of ICBL me

13、mbers from different _ talk to each other. Then they can _ each other. DL: Can you give me an _? JW: In West Africa, for example, there have been many _. remove using organize countries help example wars Each country tries to remove the landmines left _ after a war ends. Some countries are working _

14、 than others. DL: So you _ them to tell the others _ to remove landmines more _, is that right? JW: Yes, in that way good ideas move _ the world. behind faster encourage how quickly around Listen to Part 2. Listen again and fill in the blanks. DL: I suppose all the _ has come to you, right? JW: Yes, our organization _ to governments around the world. We pr


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