六年级上册英语试题-Unit 5 Signs单元练习-译林版(无答案)

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1、Unit 5单元练习:一、单词辨音;读音相同的写“S”,不同的写“D”。( )1. were her ( )2. bird teacher ( )3. nurse shirt( )4. sign sing ( )5. little litter ( )6. birthday think( )7. shop smoke ( )8. eat mean ( )9. called liked ( )10. danger take二、词组互译。1. 禁止停车。_ 2. 禁止扔垃圾。_3. 小心地滑。_ 4. 继续走路_5. 一家水果店 _ 6. 寻找我的书_7. in the forest _ 8. p

2、ublic signs_9. feel tired _ 10. take some bread into the park_三、单项选择。( ) 1. What _ this sign mean? It_ “No climbing”. A. does; mean B. do; means C. does; means( ) 2. You shouldnt _ your car here. OK, Im sorry. A. parkB. parking C. parks( ) 3. The six people sat _ the table. A. roundB. away C. around

3、( ) 4. Its time _ lunch. A. forB. to C. at( ) 5. Do you want _ football with me? A. play B. to playC. plays( ) 6. The girls are_ books in the library. A. readingB. looking C. seeing( ) 7. They _ a lot of_ last night. A. see; apples B. saw; applesC. saw; apple( ) 8. Mike usually_up at six oclock. But

4、 he_up at seven this morning. A. get; got B. got; getC. gets; got( ) 9. I brought some bread _ lunch.A. toB. forC. at( ) 10. Were there _ kites _ the tree? A. any; on B. any; inC. some; in四、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. That sign_(mean) Danger.2.“Do not touch”means“No _(touch).3. Look. The old man_(smoke).4.一What_

5、(do) the sign_(mean)?It means“Do not_(run)”,we shouldnt_(run) here.5.“No_(litter). means you cant_(litter) here.6. The floor is wet. Helen is walking._(care).7.The sign on the wall_(mean) Danger.8. Do you want_(some) orange juice?9. You_(can) eat or drink in the library.10. The cow sees three tigers

6、 around_(he).五、句型转换。1. You should stay at home. (改为否定句)You _ _ at home.2. It means the floor is wet. (一般疑问句)_ it _ the floor _ _ ?3. Eat and drink here._ eat_ drink here. (否定句)4. The sign means No feeding._ _ the sign_ (对划线部分提问)5.It means No picking flowers.It means we cant _ _ .六、根据中文意思将句子补充完整。1. 这

7、个标志不表示“禁止停车”。The sign_ _ “No _”.2.你不应该在图书馆里吃或喝东西。You_eat_drink_the library.3.波比正在问本一些关于标志的问题。Bobby_ _Ben some questions _signs.4.昨天,杨玲和妈妈去了一个购物中心。Yang Ling and her mother were_ a _centre yesterday.5.这些标志什么意思?他们意思是你不应该在这里游泳。_ _ these_mean? They_ you_here.6. 禁止奔跑和喊叫。No running_ _.7. 你今天为什么这么开心?因为今天是我的

8、生日。_ _ you_ _ today?_ today is my_.8.你不能带你的果汁带进商店。You cant _your juice_the shop.9.他看了看四周。附近没有人。He looks_. Theres_nearby.10.现在四点钟了。我该回家了。Its _now. Its time_ _ home.七、阅读理解。(A)Sandy is only four years old. He likes to touch everything. One day, Sandy and I took a walk in the park. Suddenly(突然), Sandy s

9、aw some bees on the flowers. He was very happy. He walked on the grass(草坪) and caught them. Then a park keeper(管理员) came up to us. He pointed to a sign on the grass and said, “Cant you see the sign?” Sandy said, “What does it mean?” “It means you shouldnt walk on the grass. Fine(罚款) ten yuan.” “Oh,

10、sorry, sir. I dont know the sign. I just have five yuan. I put only one foot on the grass.” The park keeper laughed and said, “OK, I wont fine you. Remember dont do it again.”( )1. How old is Sandy? A. Six.B. Five.C. Four.D. Three.( )2. Where did they take a walk? A. In the school.B. In the park.C.

11、In the zoo.D. On the grass.( )3. Were there any bees on the flowers? A. Yes, there were. B. No, there werent.C. Yes, there was.D. No, there wasnt.( )4. What does the sign on the grass mean? A. Dont touch.B. No climbing.C. Keep off the grass.D. No parking.( )5. Which sentence following is TRUE?A. The

12、 park keeper fined Sandy ten yuan. B. The park keeper fined Sandy five yuan. C. The park keeper gave Sandy five yuan.D. The park keeper didnt fine Sandy. (B)Nancy has got a fever. Ben and Yang Ling are going to the hospital to see her. They get some fruit for Nancy. In the hospital, Ben sees a lot of signs on the wall, “No parking”, “Be quiet”. Yang Ling sees a special sign on the door. She doesnt know t



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