【世纪金榜】九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla Section A(3a—4c)课件

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《【世纪金榜】九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla Section A(3a—4c)课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【世纪金榜】九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla Section A(3a—4c)课件(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. Section A(3a4c) . 单词拼写 1. 声音; 噪音(n. ) _ 2. 实验室(n. )_ 3. 在户外; 在野外(adv. )_ 4. 外套; 外衣(n. )_ 5. happen(v. ) _(n. )事件; 发生的事情 答案: 1. noise 2. laboratory 3. outdoors 4. coat 5. happening 6. policeman(n. )_(复数) 7. wolf(n. )_(复数) 8. easy(adj. )_(adj. )担心的; 不安的 9. sleep(n. 瞌睡的

2、答案: 6. policemen 7. wolves 8. uneasy 9. sleepy . 短语连线语连线 1. each other A. 有自己的想法 2. nothing much B. 逃跑 3. at first C. 起先; 起初 4. run away D. 没有多少事 5. have ones own ideas E. 彼此 6. have no idea F. 不知道 . 句型填词 1. 它从前很安静。 It_ _ _ very quiet. 2. 我妻子认为它可能是一个动物, 但是我和朋友认为一定是青 少年在娱乐。 My wife thinks that it_ _

3、an animal, but my friends and I think it_ _ teenagers_ _ . 答案: 1. used to be 2. could be; must be; having fun 3. 一定有某种东东西光顾顾我们们附近的房子。 There_ _ something_ the homes in our neighborhood. 4. 噪音制造者在小区里制造恐怖取乐乐。 The noise-maker is_ too much_ _ fear in the neighborhood. 答案: 3. must be; visiting 4. having;

4、fun creating 1. What happened in Victors neighborhood? _ 2. How do the people feel in the neighborhood? _ 答案: 1. There are strange noises. 2. They feel uneasy. There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood, but what is it? 一定有某种东西光顾我们附近的房子, 但那是什么呢? 【句型剖析】 (1)there +情态动词态动词 + be+. .

5、. 结结构表示对现对现 有情况的推测测, 意 为为“一定/可能/或许许有”。 *There must be something wrong with the machine. It doesnt work. 这这台机器一定是出毛病了。它不能运转转了。 (2)there+情态动词态动词 + be+. . . +doing表示“一定/可能/或许许有 在做”。 *There might be someone singing in the room. 可能有人在房间间 里唱歌。 【学以致用】 Can you hear anything inside the room? I think there _

6、somebody _TV. A. might be; watch B. might; watching C. be; watching D. might be; watching 【备选备选 要点】 noise n. 声音; 噪音 【语语境领领悟】 *Every night we hear strange noises outside our window. 每天晚上我们们都听见见窗外奇怪的声音。 *I like to sit by the river and listen to the sound of running water. 我喜欢欢坐在河边边听流水的声音。 *The girl ha

7、s a beautiful voice. 那女孩嗓音很美。 【妙辨异同】“声音”的不同 noise意为为“噪音”“喧闹闹声”, 常指不悦耳、不和谐谐的嘈 杂杂声 sound意为为“声音; 响声”, 可以指人或动动物发发出的声音, 或物体碰撞的声音。也可以指大自然的任何“声音 ” voice一般指人的声音, 说话说话 、唱歌、谈谈笑都可用voice 【学以致用】(2013成都中考) Dont make any_. It makes us uncomfortable. A. sound B. voice C. noise D. song 情态动词态动词 表示推测测 【观观察领领悟】 仔细观细观 察

8、例句, 体会情态动词态动词 的具体含义义。 1. The e-dictionary must be Nancys. She is the only one who has an e-dictionary in our class. 2. The man must be waiting for the bus at the bus station. 3. The watch could belong to Mike. I know he has one like this. 4. The novel might be Lindas. She likes reading novels. 5. Th

9、e black backpack cant belong to Ruth. Hers is red. 【知识识构建】 1. 情态动词态动词 的基本概念。 情态动词态动词 表示说话说话 者的语语气和情态态, 无人称和数的变变化; 本身虽虽有一定的意义义, 但不能独立作谓语谓语 , 后接动词动词 原形, 一起 构成谓语谓语 。常用来表示说话说话 人对对有关行为为或事物的态态度和看 法, 认为认为 其可能、应该应该 或必要等; 或用来表示推测测或判断。 2. 情态动词态动词 表示推测测的几个关键键点。 (1)表示肯定推测时测时 , must语语气最强, 暗含很大的可能性, 意为为“ 一定”。may,

10、 could, might语语气依次减弱, 意为为“可能; 也许许”。 (2)表示否定推测时测时 , 应应用cant, 意为为“不可能”。 (3)表示对对目前事情的推测测, 常用“情态动词态动词 +动词动词 原形”结结构。 (4)表示对对正在发发生的事情的推测测, 用“情态动词态动词 +be +动词动词 - ing”结结构。 【巧学助记记】 must句中表推测测, 表示某事必定会; may和might来推测测, 语语气不如must; 否定推测测“不可能”, 只有cant才能行。 【学以致用】 1. I hear that Bob is in hospital. He_be ill. A. mu

11、st B. should C. would D. cant 2. Look! Is that man over there our math teacher? It_be him. He is still in Shanghai. A. mustnt B. couldnt C. cant D. might not 3. I cant find my pencil-case. Where is it? You_leave it at home. A. must B. might C. have to D. should 4. Oh, you are all wet. It_heavily out

12、side. A. must raining B. must be raining C. might raining D. cant be raining 5. Can you hear strange noises outside the house? Yeah, I think there_some children_. A. might be; played B. must be; play C. might have; playing D. might be; playing . 用所给词给词 的适当形式填空 1. In spring, people often feel_ (sleep

13、). 2. Its said that there are_ (wolf) visiting the village. 3. Well have fun_ (take) a vacation in Europe. 4. There are some boys_ (play) games on the playground. 5. When you meet trouble, please call the_ (policeman) for help. 答案: 1. sleepy 2. wolves 3. taking 4. playing 5. policemen . 单项选择 1. That man_our teacher. He has gone to Guangzhou. A. mustnt be B. cant be C. might be D. could be 2. My father used to_newspapers after supper, but now he likes taking a walk. A. read B. reading C. reads D. be reading 3. I have a lot of things to do today, so I wont go to the movies_.


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