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1、有关习近平国庆有关习近平国庆 70 周年讲话文本阅读的相应试题周年讲话文本阅读的相应试题 汇编:Tom肖寒 2019 年 10 月 11 日 原创 姓名:时间: 40 分钟分数:60 分 1.完型填空完型填空 (20*1.5=30) Seventy years ago 1 this day, Comrade Mao Zedong solemnly 2.here to the world that the PRC was 3 and the Chinese people had 4 . The founding of the People s Republic of China complete

2、ly changed Chinas miserable fate of being poor5 weak and being bullied and humiliated in over 100 years since the6 of modern times. The Chinese nation has since then embarked 7 the path of realizing national 8. Chinese people of all9 groups 10 great achievements that amaze the world, over the past s

3、even 11 through concerted efforts and arduous struggle. No 12 can ever shake the status of China, or stop the Chinese people and nation 13 marching forward. On our journey forward, we must 14 the principles of “peaceful reunification” and “one country, two systems,” maintain lasting prosperity。 On o

4、ur journey forward, we will15the path of peaceful development, and pursue a mutually beneficial strategy of opening up. We will continue 16 work with people from all countries 17 for jointly building a community with a shared future for 18. The Chinese Peoples Liberation Army and the Peoples Armed P

5、olice Force should always preserve their19, purpose and character as the forces of the people, resolutely safeguard Chinas sovereignty, 20, and development interests, and firmly uphold world peace. 1A. OnB.inC.atD.of 2A. announceB. declaredC. publishedD. asked 3A. FindB. builtC.foundedD.erected 4A.S

6、tood upB. Stood offC. Stood outD. Stood up 5A.OrB.AndC.ButD.If 6A.adventureB.advertC.arrivalD. approach 7A.OnB.AtC.InD.of 8A.renovationB.revitalizationC. RevolutionD.rejuvenation 9A.ethnicB.minorityC.raceD.nation 10A.makeB.MadeC.makingD. Have made 11A.YearsB.centuriesC.decadesD.times 12A.forceB.powe

7、rC.strengthD. energy 13A.forB.WithC.OfD. from 14A.supportedB.supportingC. supportD. to support 15A. depend onB. rely onC.stay onD. Live on 16A. toB. atC. ofD. in 17A. to pushB. pushedC. pushingD. push 18A. heroineB. HumanC. humanityD.humanitarian 19A.FaceB.natureC. qualityD. kind 20A.SafetyB.economy

8、C. financialD. culture 2.语法填空:语法填空:(10*2=20) China s yesterday1(write) in human history while China s today is being created in the hands of hundreds 2millions of Chinese people. China will3 (sure)have an even4(bright)future. All Party5(member), armed forces and people of all ethnic groups should un

9、ite more6(close) together, stay true to the founding mission, build on existing7(achieve)and continue8develop our people s republic. Continued efforts should9 (make) to achieve the two centenary goalsnational rejuvenation. 3. 短文改错短文改错 (10*1=10) This year is the 70 anniversaries of the found of Peopl

10、es Republic China。on our journey forward, we must supported the principles of “peace reunification” and “one country, two system,” maintain lasting prosperity and stability in Hong Kong or Macao, push the peaceful develop of cross-Strait relations, unite all Chinese sons and daughter, and continue s

11、trive for the motherlands complete reunify. 4.作文作文 (25 分分)依照高考评分标准依照高考评分标准 假设你是李华, 你的美国朋友 Tom 在给你的邮件中提到他计划十 月初来中国游玩,想了解中国人过国庆节的情况。请给他回邮件,内 容包括 1.简介国庆节; 2.你如何度过国庆节;”3.给出旅行建议。 注意:1.词数 100 左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 有关国庆有关国庆 70 周年阅读的相应试题周年阅读的相应试题 汇编: Tom肖寒 2019 年 10 月 11 日姓名:时间:10 分钟分数:分 阅读理解阅读理解: (4*2=8 分)

12、分) Honoring their work Role models are powerful. No matter what stage of life youre at, it s good to have someone who inspires you to be the best version of yourself. Now, thanks to our countrys commendation (表彰), we are provided with a wider range of possible role models. To celebrate the 70th anni

13、versary of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC), President Xi signed a presidential decree (主席令) on Sept 17 to award 42 individuals the Medal of the Republic, the Friendship Medal and various national honorary titles, China Daily reported. The people who received the awards come from

14、various backgrounds, including scientists, lawmakers, educators, artists, model workers and six foreigners. They have all made outstanding contributions to the nations construction and development. The 89-year-old Shen Jilan is one of the eight people who were awarded the Medal of the Republic. As a

15、 lifelong farmer, she is the only deputy (代表) in China to serve at all 13 National Peoples Congresses (人民代表大会) since 1954. She witnessed the development of the People s Congress system. She has been engaged in enacting (制定) and amending (修改) national laws most of her life. It was she who proposed th

16、e clause on “equal pay for equal work” between men and women, which was written into the first Constitution of PRC in 1954. “I will be down-to-earth and work for the best interests of the masses,” she once told Xinhua News Agency. Like Shen, Nan Rendong dedicated his life to the country. He led the research of Chinas Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope (FAST, 500 米口径球面射电望远镜), the world s largest radio telescope. He persisted with the project for


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