八年级英语上册 第02期课件 牛津深圳版

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1、第2期 语法运用 Grammar in use 一、some和any的用法 1. some和any意为 “一些”, 作为限定词, 修饰可数名词复数和不可数名词。一般 情况下, some常用于肯定句, any常用于 否定句和疑问句。例如: I have some good news to tell you. - Is there any orange juice in the bottle? - No, there isnt any orange juice in the bottle. 2. 当表示请求、建议, 或期望得到对方肯 定回答时, some也可用于疑问句。例如: Would you

2、like some tea? May I have some bread? 3. 当肯定句中含有否定意义词hardly, never, seldom等时, 需用any。例如: I never say any words to him. He seldom has any chance of visiting his teacher. 二、somebody, anybody, nobody, etc. somebody (someone), anybody (anyone), nobody (no one), something, anything, nothing等都属于不定代词。 1. so

3、me和any的用法规则同样适用于 somebody, anybody, something, anything 等不定代词。somebody和something一 般用于肯定句, anybody和anything一般 用于否定句和疑问句。当表示请求、建 议, 或期望得到对方的肯定回答时, somebody和something也可用于疑问句 中。 2. nobody, no one和nothing用于句中表 示否定意义。例如: I can hear nothing / nobody / no one. = I cant hear anything / anybody / anyone. 3. 不

4、定代词具有单数含义, 作主语时谓语 动词用单数形式。例如: Somebody is in the classroom. Has anything happened to her? 4. 不定代词被形容词所修饰时, 形容词放 在不定代词的后面。例如: There is something wrong with my left eye. Is there anything interesting in this book? 实战演练 I. 根据句意, 从括号中选择合适的词填 空。 1. It is difficult to live without _ money. (some / any) 2.

5、 We have _ bread, but we dont have _ milk in the fridge. (some / any) 3. Is there _ I can do for you, Sir? (something / anything) any some any anything 4. - Would you like _ coffee? - Yes, please. (some / any) 5. - Is there _ apple juice at home? - Yes, there is _. (some / any) 6. I didnt see _ in t

6、he house. (someoneanyone) anyone some any some II. 单项选择。 7. - Listen! Someone _ singing in the next room. - It may _ Monica. She is going to take part in a singing competition (比赛). A. are; beB. is; be C. are, /D. is; / 8. - Would you like _ to drink? - Coffee please. If not, _ is OK. A. something;

7、anything B. everything; anything C. something; something D. anything; something 9. - I didnt find _ on the table. - Oh, maybe _ took it. A. something; someone B. anything; someone C. nothing; anyone D. everything; anyone 10. - Jack, is there _ in todays newspaper? - No, _. A. something important; no

8、thing B. important something; everything C. anything important; nothing D. important anything; everything 11. - There is _ wrong with my headphone. I hardly hear _. - Oh, you can use mine. A. anything; something B. something; something C. something; anything D. anything; anything 12. - How do you kn

9、ow when to _ in the morning? - The clock will wake us up. So _ needs a clock. A. get on; everyone B. get up; everyone C. get on; no one D. get up; no one 13. - Doctor, whats the _ with my son? - Dont worry. There is _ serious. Its only a cold. A. problem; nothing B. problem; anything C. question; an

10、ything D. question; nothing III. 用合适的不定代词填空, 完成对话。 Nicole: Okay, lets get started. I hope we can get (14) _ ready in time. Chris: I hope so. Can (15) _ help me carry the table into the garden? Nicole: Let me help you . Are we missing (16) _? The shops are still open and if there is (17) _ missing, I

11、 can go and buy it. Claire: No, I think weve got(18) _. everything someone anything something everything Nicole: Is (19) _ at the door? Can you have a look, Jim? Jim: OK! (Looking outside) No, there is (20) _ there. Nicole: OK, so we still have some time before (21) _ arrives. I just hope we didnt f

12、orget (22) _. Jane: No, Nicole, there is nothing you need to worry about. (23) _ is all right. Its going to be a great birthday party! Everything somebody nobody everyone anything 短语收藏夹 Phrase collection Unit1 短语聚会 1. learn from 向学习 2. go for a walk 去散步 3. break open 破开, 破裂 4. climb out 爬出来 5. big a

13、ttractions 大的景点 6. take pictures of 给拍照 7. in dry weather 在干燥的气候中 8. be important to sb. 对某人重要 9. a type of 一种 10. climb up 向上爬, 攀登 操练场: 根据句意从上面选择适当的短语并用 其正确形式填空,补全句子。 1. The butterfly is _ insect. 2. Shall we _ after supper? 3. These books _ very_ me. They are worth reading. a type of go for a walk

14、 areimportant to 4. It took us two hours to _ to the top of the mountain. 5. Many people visit the Great Wall and _ it. 6. We can _ many interesting and important things _ the encyclopaedia. climb up take pictures of learn from 7. The vase fell onto the ground and _. 8. The plants will die _.in dry weather broke open For Unit 1 Section A (For Grammar) I. 根据句意, 从括号中选择合适的词填空 。 1. There are _ (some / any) new books on the teachers desk. 2. We have a lot of candies. Take _ (some / a


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