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1、专题04 代词易错点解题方法(二)指示代词 英语中把用来表示这个、那个、这些、那些等指示概念的代词 称为指示代词。 常见的指示代词有: this这个that那个 these这些 those那些 such如此的 same相同的疑问代词: 疑问代词是指用来构成特殊疑问句的代词。 疑问代词有:whatwhichwhowhomwhose。 疑问代词通常位于句首, 并在句子中担任一定的句子成分。以疑问代词引导的间接疑问句可在复合句中当主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句。疑问代词本身在从句中又担任一定的句子成分。 不定代词: 不是指明代替任何特定名词(或形容词)的代词叫做不定代词。 关键在练,我们来看例句:11

2、. Tell _ you like it makes no difference to me.A. anyoneB. who C. whoever D. what【答案】C.【解析】容易从中文字面来理解而误选A或B。最佳答案选 C。但若将A, B两项合起来,即用 anyone who这样的形式则也可以。选 C,whoever 引导一个宾语从句,用作动词 tell的宾语。同样地,请看以下类似试题:(1) _ comes is welcome.A. AnyoneB. Who C. Anyone whoD. Everyone【答案】C.【解析】此题很容易误选A,因为从汉语意思来分析,可理解为“任何人

3、来都欢迎”,但若选A,此句的结构是混乱的,句中有两个谓语动词 comes 和 is,但却只是一个句子。此题应选C,anyone 是句子主语,who comes 是修饰 anyone 的定语从句。(2) _ comes to see me, tell him Im out.A. AnyoneB. Who C. WhoeverD. Everyone【答案】C.【解析】此题很容易按汉语意思误选A,其实应选C。whoever 引导的是让步状语从句,相当于 no matter who。(3) Sarah hopes to become a friend of _ shares her interests

4、. A. anyone B. whomever C. whoever D. no matter who【答案】C.【解析】此题不能选A,假若选A,应在其后加上 who,即用 anyone who;也不能选B,一是因为空格处应填一个作主语的词(因为其后有谓语动词 shares),二是因为在现代英语中 whomever 这个词已基本废除 (也就是说,在现代英语中 whoever 既用作主语,也用作宾语,如:Give it to whoever you see in the meeting-room. 你在会议室里看见谁就把它给谁);也不能选D,因为 no matter who只用于引导让步状语从句

5、,不用于引导名词性从句。此题正确答案为C,whoever 在此相当于 anyone who。比较下例, (注意句意):It was a matter of _ would take the position.A. whoB. whoever C. whomD. whomever【答案】A.【解析】答案应选A,而不是B、C或D,注意句意.12. The teacher told us that the problem was not _ easy and that we should think _ over carefully.A. such, itB. that, it C. such, 不

6、填D. that,不填【答案】B.【解析】容易根据汉语字面意思误选C。最佳答案选 B。第一空填that,that 用作副词,相当于 so,又如:Is it always that hot? 总那么热吗?(其中的 that hot 可以换成 so hot,但不能换成 such hot)I can only tell you that much. 我只能告诉你这么多。(其中的 that much 可以换成 so much,但不能换成 such much).注意第一空不能填such,因为such 不用作副词,即它不用于修饰形容词。另外,汉语中说“好好想一想”,通常可以不带宾语,但英语中的think

7、over 是及物动词,如果用它来表示“好好想一想”,应根据上下文的语境让它带上适当的宾语,所以本题应用 think it over,相当于 think the problem over。13. The camera isnt good enough; I want to change _.A. anotherB. a good oneC. it with anotherD. it for another【答案】D.【解析】容易根据汉语字面意思误选A、B。此题最佳答案为D。英语中的 change sth 表示的是“换某物”,sth 是被换的东西,而 change sth for sth else

8、 表示的才是“用某物换另一物”。比较:That coat was too large and I had to change it. 那件外套太大了,我得去换一件。That coat was too large and I had to change it for a smaller one. 那件外套太大了,我得去换一件小一点的。14. I agree with most of what you said, but I dont agree with _. A. everythingB. anythingC. somethingD. nothing 【答案】A.【解析】此题容易误选 B,生搬

9、硬套不定代词用法规则:something 用于肯定句,anything 用于否定句或疑问句。其实此题应选 A,注意前文的 I agree with most of what you said(我同意你说的大部分内容),其后的not 与 everything 构成部分否定,意为“不是所有的都同意”,前后两部分用转折连词 but 连接,语气通顺、连贯。请看一个类似的例子:_ likes money, but money is not _. A. Everyone, everything B. Anyone, anythingC. Someone, nothing D. Nobody, everyt

10、hing【答案】A.【解析】最佳答案选A,句意为“大家都喜欢钱,但钱不是万能的”。15. “Is there _ here?” “No, Bob and Tim have asked for leave.”A. anybody B. everybody C. somebody D. nobody【答案】B.【解析】此题容易误选 A。认为这是一般疑问句,要用 anybody。其实此题应选B,主要与上下文的语境有关。全文语境为:“大家都到齐了吗?”“没有,Bob 和Tim 两人请假了。”假若我们将此题作如下变换,则情形就会有所不同:“Is there _ here?” “Yes, Im upsta

11、irs. Please come and help me.”A. anybody B. everybody C. somebodyD. nobody【答案】A.【解析】此题的最佳答案应是A,而不是B。请再看一例:“Do you have _ at home now, Mary?” “No, we still have to get some fruit and tea.”A. somethingB. anything C. everything D. nothing【答案】C.【解析】答案选C,句意为“玛丽,现在家里东西都准备齐了吗?”“还没有,我们还要买些水果和茶。”16. “If you

12、want a necklace, Ill buy one for you at once.” “Oh, no. A necklace is not _ that I need most.A. anything B. something C. nothingD. everything【答案】B.【解析】【陷阱】此题容易误选A,机械地套用以下规则:something 用于肯定句,anything 用于否定句或疑问句。当然以上规则在通常情况下是有效的,但此句不属通常用法。此题的最佳答案应是B,something 在此的意思不是“某种东西”,而是指“那种东西”或“这种东西”,即心中最想要的那种东西(相

13、当于 the thing)。同样地,下面几题的最佳答案也是 something,而不是 anything. (1) Its not _ that we want to talk about; lets change the subject. A. anythingB. something C. nothingD. everything(2) Its not _ I enjoy; I do it purely out of a sense of duty.A. anythingB. something C. nothingD. everything(3) Self-control is not

14、_ that comes with your birth.A. anythingB. something C. nothingD. everything(4) This is not _ that would disturb me anyway. A. anythingB. something C. nothingD. everything17. Some say one thing, but _.A. other, anotherB. others, another C. others, the otherD. the others, others【答案】B.【解析】几个干扰项均有可能误选。

15、最佳答案选B。but others another 为 but others say another 之省略。在并列句中,若后面分句与前面分句有相同的词,常把后一分句中的相同部分给省略掉,以避免重复。如:One soldier was killed and another wounded. 有一名士兵被打死,另一名被打伤。(wounded 前省略了 was)I work in a factory and my brother on a farm. 我在工厂工作,我弟弟在农场工作。(on a farm 前省略了 works)My room is on the second floor and his on the third. 我的房间在三楼,他的房间在四楼。(on the third 前省略了 is)18. He is a hard-working student, _ who wil


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