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1、广西师范大学 硕士学位论文 需求分析在桂林市中学外语教学中的作用 姓名:黎显兴 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:学科教学英语 指导教师:罗耀光 20080301 6 需求分析在桂林市中学外语教学中的作用需求分析在桂林市中学外语教学中的作用 中中 文文 摘摘 要要 本文试图了解需求分析在桂林市中学外语教学中的作用,在教师的教与学生的学两 方面同时进行分析,以期更快提高教与学的效率,提出防止出现学生毫无目的的学习与 教师吃力不讨好的努力。为桂林市中学英语教学研究提供有益的教学启示。 本文讨论的需求分析主要为两大类:社会需求分析和个人需求分析。社会需求分析 也可以分为两小类,一是政府外交或其他政治目的的需

2、求,二是社会机构,如公司,学 校和其他用人单位的需求。个人需求分析是对外语教育与学习者的个人需求分析。近年 来, “以学生为中心”的教学理念得到了越来越多人的认同。本人认为, “以学生为中心” 的实质是考虑到学生的真实需求,尊重学生的个性和特点,培养学生自主学习的能力, 而不能够把他当作是在课堂上让学生“说了算” ,让学生自己去“表演”或“表现自己” 。 中国传统教育中的所谓“因材施教” ,也就是说要根据学习者的实际情况来调整教学目 标设计教学方法等。 本文采用定量研究的方法。以桂林市三个不同层次的中学的学生和教师为研究对 象,结合桂林市的具体情况,通过调查问卷和数据统计的形式,调查从个人到社

3、会对英 语的需求。对教师和学生的教学条件和态度等方面进行研究,从而让他们对现状提出自 己的看法和需求。他们的行为和想法基本上可以代表桂林市中学的英语教学和需求情 况。最后从调查的结果进行综合分析。 在此基础上,笔者归纳出几个需求:社会对英语人才的需求;学生对好的教师的需 求,对学习方法的需求,对好教材的需求,对学习环境和条件的需求,对家长支持的需 求;教师对好的教学条件的需求,对学生配合的需求,对好的教材的需求,对领导重视 的需求等等。 本文共分五章。第一章简要介绍本文研究的主要问题,需求分析的概念及重要性, 以及全文的结构。第二章是需求分析的文献综述,内容包括需求分析在英语教学中的重 要性,

4、需求分析目前中外学者的一些研究。第三章介绍研究设计(包括研究对象,数据 收集和分析) ,对三所桂林市的中学进行对比,分析和总结。第四章提出解决问题的办 法。第五章为结论部分,包括本研究对英语教学的启示,本研究的局限性以及对未来的 一些建议。 关键词关键词:需求分析,英语外语教学,社会需求,个人需求 7 Abstract This thesis attempts to study needs analysis and its application in the EFL in junior high school in the city of Guilin. To improve the pro

5、ficiency of teaching and learning English, the author conducts the research from both the teachers and students at the same time and then find out the strategies to avoid students studying without purposes and teachers teaching for nothing. At last it tries to offer some useful thinking to the resea

6、rch of English learning and teaching in junior high school in Guilin. This thesis divides needs analysis into two categories: social needs analysis and individual needs analysis. There are two small categories in the social needs analysis: the needs of foreign affair in the government or other polit

7、ical purposes and the needs of social organization like firms, schools and some other institutions. Individual needs analysis mainly refers to teachers and learners needs analysis. Recently, the “student-centered” approach has been popular in the world. The author thinks that the “student-centered”

8、approach actually means to consider students real needs, to respect students personality and characteristics and to train students learning actively instead of letting students do what they want or express what they think freely. “Teaching according to learners personality and characteristics” has b

9、een a traditional teaching theory in China, which means teaching plans and teaching methods should be based on learners real situations. Based on the quantitative research, the thesis mainly studies students and teachers from three middle schools which represent three levels in Guilin. Considering t

10、he situation in Guilin, it researches the needs from society to individual through questionnaire and data analysis. The research bases on teaching and learning conditions and the teachers attitudes towards their work and then makes teachers state their needs and what they think about the situation.

11、What they think and do can mostly represent the situation in Guilin. The results of the research is analyzed at last. Based on the above discussion, the author induced a few needs: social needs of people with the talent of knowing English; students needs of good teachers, good learning methods and s

12、uitable course books, good surroundings and conditions and parents support; teachers needs of good teaching conditions, students cooperation, good course books and leaders support etc. This thesis is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 presents an introduction to the concept of Needs Analysis and

13、it significance. Chapter 2, literature review, starts by listing the researches done by experts from home and abroad. Chapter 3 focuses on the theoretical support for needs analysis and its influence in the society. Chapter 4 explains the research 8 design, including the subjects, data collection, a

14、nd data analysis, then it purposes a number of strategies to solve the problems. Chapter 5 the final chapter, gives a brief summary of the whole thesis. It sums up the major contributions and implications of the research and points out its limitation. Key words: needs analysis, EFL, social needs, in

15、dividual needs. 5 Acknowledgements I am very much grateful to all those who have helped me with my thesis. First and foremost, I am greatly indebted to my supervisor, Professor Luo Yaoguang, whose wonderful ideas, suggestions and comments on my thesis benefit me so much. My special indebtedness also

16、 goes to Miss Lu Qiaoling, Professor Li Xiao, Professor Chen Jitang and all the other professors in the supervising group of the MED Degree Program for their various courses I have taken in the past three years. I would like to extend my hearty thanks to my classmates who have given me assistance, in one way or another, in the completion of this thesis. Finally, I offer my sincere thanks and grateful acknowledgement to my family and my colleagues for their constant support an



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