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1、指导: 中国教育学会顾问: 顾明远(中国教育学会会长)学术指导: 陈琳(教育部课标专家组组长)主编: 刘道义(人教社英语教材主编)特约主编: 李俊和(北京四中英语特级教师) 主管、 主办: 东北师范大学社长兼总编: 邓振宇国内统一刊号: CN22-0035/(F)广告许可证号: 220101010014227网址: 2015-2016 学年度总第 683 期 2015 年 12 月 25 日 27 适用于外研新标准 高 一 新课标玉卷 同步辅导版 印 刷:北京世纪华彩印务有限责任公司地址: 北京大兴区本期定价 0.8 元。 适用于外研新标准高一新课标玉卷 同步辅导版 第 27 期 01 A B

2、 C D21 A B C D41 A B C D 02 A B C D22 A B C D42 A B C D 03 A B C D23 A B C D43 A B C D 04 A B C D24 A B C D44 A B C D 05 A B C D25 A B C D45 A B C D 06 A B C D26 A B C D46 A B C D 07 A B C D27 A B C D47 A B C D 08 A B C D28 A B C D48 A B C D 09 A B C D29 A B C D49 A B C D 10 A B C D30 A B C D50 A B

3、C D 11 A B C D31 A B C D51 A B C D 12 A B C D32 A B C D52 A B C D 13 A B C D33 A B C D53 A B C D 14 A B C D34 A B C D54 A B C D 15 A B C D35 A B C D55 A B C D 16 A B C D36 A B C D56 A B C D 17 A B C D37 A B C D57 A B C D 18 A B C D38 A B C D58 A B C D 19 A B C D39 A B C D59 A B C D 20 A B C D40 A B

4、C D60 A B C D 01 A B C D E F G 02 A B C D E F G 03 A B C D E F G 04 A B C D E F G 05 A B C D E F G 姓名: 注意: 1. 请使用黑色中性笔填涂 2. 36 题至 40 题请填入左下 角特殊填涂区中 3. 请保持答题卡干净整洁 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3

5、4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 特殊填涂说明: 选项超过四个的题目, 请 按题号顺序依次在特殊填涂区 01-05 题中填涂。 主 观 题 得 分 教 师 填 涂 学 号 必 填 试 卷 编 码 必 填 特 殊 填 涂 () 注意: 以下虚线边框内请勿书写任何文字或涂鸦任何图形, 以免导致识别错误。 1 编辑部质量反馈热线: 0431- 81041508刘老师 Smog-choked Paris Forces Half of City s Cars off The Road 巴黎雾霾怎么办?单双号限行, 公交车免费乘坐, 特

6、种车辆不受影响。 Public transport was free in Paris on Monday and half of the city s cars were forced off the road in a bid to fight pollution. In a radical1move which will be studied in other EuropeancapitalslikeLondon,Frenchsocialistssaid everything had to be done to make air cleaner. Anne Hidalgo, the ma

7、yor of Paris, said: “I am delighted the state has agreed to put in place a partial driving ban on Monday, which I have been requesting for several days.” Only vehicles with number plates ending in an odd2 number were allowed, with exemptions3for taxis, electric cars and ambulances. Authorities were

8、planning to ban cars with odd numbers on Tuesday, but the scheme was halted4following improving forecasts. Foreign visitors to Paris, including thousands of Britons on holiday, were also permitted to use their cars. But police patrols were seen booking locals who ignored the ban, forcing them to ret

9、urn home. Meanwhile, Metro trains and buses were full to overflowing as thousands abandoned their vehicles. Air quality monitors showed concentrations of potentially dangerous particulates5in the Paris air were above the recommended maximum. These are created by cars and lorries, heating and heavy i

10、ndustry, and can potentially cause serious health problems. “Due to the improving situation today and tomorrow, the alternative traffic(plan) will not be renewed Tuesday,” announced Ecology Minister Segolene Royal, who took time to salute6the good citizenship of motorists who understood the necessit

11、y of this measure. The Airparif monitoring agency said smog density was still near alert levels Monday, but rain forecast for Tuesday was expected to clear the air. Though public transport is free of charge to take the sting out of the restrictions, drivers in the capital have protested against the

12、measure, despite it having been used only twice since 1997. Similar emergency restrictions were last implemented almost exactly a year ago -on March 17 -during a particularly bad spike in the pollution levels. (本报编辑部改编自: ) Notes 1. radicaladj.激进的 2. oddadj.单号的, 奇数的 3. exemptionn.免除 4. haltv.停止 5. pa

13、rticulaten.微粒状物质 6. salutev.致敬 Task Answer the following questions according to the passage. 1. What day was half of the city s cars forced off the road in Paris? _ 2. Were all the cars allowed to drive on Tuesday? _ 3. What were the particulates created by? _ (参考答案见本期) Happy Preview Following the Topic 2015-2016 学年度下学期 英语测试报 外研版高一 同步辅导版 编辑计划 期 数 辅导 范围 解析 期数 27 Book 3 Module 1 28 Book 3 Module 2 29 Book 3 Module 3 30 Modules 1- 3 31 Book 3 Module 4 32 Book 3 Module 5 33 Book 3 Modu


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