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1、GRE_Issue提纲_完整版 科研成果给学校带来荣誉,荣誉高的自然报酬多;同样的工资教师会缺乏积极性 3、还要参考教师在学生中的受欢迎程度来决定报酬,而不仅仅看专业 有的老师对教学工作认真,上课质量高,效果好,受学生欢迎 有的老师不认真上课,即使专业受欢迎,也不应该有高报酬 这样可以督促老师提高教学质量 33is the reality or truth behind that image. - 33 部分同意 1、承认形象确实很重要,增强吸引力 广告和包装影响产品销售;政治家的形象影响当选机会 2、本质很好,形象很差,也不容易被接受 鞋子质量很好,样子不好看,销售不好;应聘者形象不佳会影响

2、成功;食物味道很好但样子不好影响食欲 3、但如果本质不好,良好形象终究会被破坏 伪劣产品;豆腐渣工程 33T reality or truth behind that image. 在当今社会,引人的表面现象比现象背后的本质重要得多 实际生活中确实是这样并且是有道理的。A实际现象。歌星, 影星广告,包装 B有道理 一方面在不了解以前,外表给了第一印象;另一方面,人们没有时间面面俱到地了解。 从外表看,to some extend 是有道理的。因为外表的好坏在一定程度上取决于实力。经济实力以及人力资本实力 一味追求外表而不注重实际in the long run, 会自己害自己。A busines

3、s B political 34that is, courses ranging from the arts and the humanities to the physical and biological sciencescolleges and universities should allow students to enroll only in those courses that will help prepare them for jobs in their chosen fields. Such concentration is necessary in todays incr

4、easingly work-oriented society. - 34 应当在强制全面的基础上,留有充足的可选择空间让学生选择专业深入学习 1、从教育的目的来说,学习多种课程是有益的;对社会,培养全面的人才;对个人; Studying various disciplines keeps one balanced in the society. Those who concentrate in only job related courses will inevitable find themselves limited in everyday life. students major in

5、do not know how to appreciate arts and literature, students 2、事实上,很少有人能够实现确定一个方向以后一直学习或者从事工作,其兴趣可能改变,机遇不同也可能会从事专业领域以外的工作; 3、专注专业的学习也是必须的,可以掌握特定的技能,有利于进行深入研究,例如现在我们大学都选专业,深入学习; 46 35adhere to them. - 35 部分同意 1、坚持信念可以走向成功 Mary Curie adhere to her belief; Beethoven; helon Keller Marie Curies belief-the

6、re must be some new matter with the feature of radioactive concealing in the industrial wastes-had enabled her to work arduously and tenaciously, and eventually given birth to the discovery of Radium, which wan Marie Curie the Nobel Prize and meanwhile contributed significantly to the progress of me

7、dical science. 2、不能盲目的坚持,如果我们坚持的东西是错误的话,否则必将走向失败;如:希特勒 The most egregious example to illustrate this point involves Hitler, whose belief that the Jews presented potential harm to him and his countrymen was completely ridiculous and fantastic, which ultimately resulted in the tragic mass persecution

8、and even genocide. 3、有时,为了成功我们也需要暂时的妥协;如卧薪尝胆的故事,就是在力量弱的时候妥协争取生存和发展的机会,以期待日后的崛起 long march of Chinese army 36their contemporaries. - 36 部分同意 1、被评价者的思想可能很超前,同时代人还无法理解 Van Gogh; Copernicus Albert Einstain, who developed a brand new theory, which expands the frontier of physics tremendously, relative th

9、eory. Although it has been proved the most significant discovery in 20th century, it was understood and accepted by no more than ten people at that time. 2、有些人的成就可能与同时代的统治利益冲突而被打压,直到后人平反。比如马克吐温的小说。 3、也有一些人的成就被同时代的人认可 Bill Gates. Although he is not old and still in his heyday, we can asses him with f

10、ull confidence that he is a very successful businessman, not only due to his great wealth but also due to the tremendous change he and his products bring to the world. Therefore, we cannot neglect the possibility individuals greatness be perfectly evaluated by his contemporaries. *ISSUE36 一个人是否伟大是由后

11、人评定的,而非他同时代的人 关键词:人的伟大,决定于,后人,同代人 核心:伟大 1 伟大的判定决定一个人是否伟大的标准通常是对方是否给自己或自己生活的社会带来了利益和好处 2 根据这点后人认为某人伟大,因为它给当时带来了利益当代人是根据它有没有给当代带来好处 3 后人判定分两种情况在当初背否认,现在承认当初作用很小,现在意义重大,体现其伟大 47 4 当代人判定分两种情况暂时性的好处,如某种经济政策(计划经济给俄国带来暂时的经济恢复后又不适应市场了)长期有益的(如环保类的) 5 结论 一个人是否为大事由后人评定的而非他同时代的人。 不同意:In my view the speaker unfa

12、irly generalizes. In some areas。However, in other areas, particularly t。In still other areas 。varies from case to case. 科学:1。应用性:比如电灯的发明;蒸汽机啥的 比如微软;基因水稻 2理论性:比如爱因斯坦相对论; 比如地心说日心说; 3艺术也一样:大众艺术,比如电影啊,节目收视率;畅销书; 非主流艺术,比如凡高,比如史记 36. 当代人认同 一、同意,因为Though people set great ostensible.,但claim太绝对, 含有only,bette

13、r revised,business,sports 二、limited to traditions and conflicting with conventional wisdom,被贬成heterodoxy 1. Copernicus, Darwin 2与主流ideology冲突 三、需要被证明History also informs us that most of new ideas beyond the ken of general people should be tested by their abilities, in combination with events, to ove

14、rcome inertia and resistance that conventional wisdom provides. 1既得利益很难克服It is because the vested interest in understanding is more preciously guarded than any other treasure that people defend with great passion their traditional ideas which they have so laboriously learned. 2. Mendel 四、What appear

15、s to be true in scientific world is even truer in the fields of philosophy, sociology, and economics, where there is no absolutely correct solution to a problem. 1. 经济学例子 Joan Robinson, Keynes 五、但有些也可以被人同,business sports,相对短时间 the claim is not unexceptionable when it comes to the business world and sports sphere where it is easier to see the values. 1 Jack Welch 2Sports, 人们可以distinguish whether good player Schumacher 36T contemporaries. 只有后来



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