a study of english vocabulary teaching 论英语词汇教学.doc

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1、论英语词汇教学A Study of English Vocabulary Teaching摘 要本文从英语教学的角度,致力研究英语词汇的教学。词汇教学是英语课程一项不可或缺的内容。但传统词汇的教学方法似乎把语境和单词孤立起来,或脱离了科学原则,以至于不能帮助学生在长期的学习过程中培养语言能力,使学生失去了对学习英语的兴趣,英语老师应该肩负起解决此问题的责任,因为他们是引导学生学习英语的领路人。针对英语词汇教学中存在的问题,本文提供了一些有成效的词汇教学的原则和方法。希望广大老师和同学能客观地分析词汇教学中具体问题,能够查漏补缺,仔细斟酌,从一定程度上提高英语词汇教学。关键词: 词汇教学、原则、

2、能力 ABSTRACTThis paper aimed to the English vocabulary teaching. Vocabulary teaching is an indispensable part of English curriculum. But some traditional vocabularyteaching methods seem to isolate the words from the context or break away from the scientific rules, which can not help students to devel

3、op a language competence in the long run but cause them to lose interest in English. English teachers should take great responsibility for this, since they are the premier ones who introduce students to the field of English. This paper provides some principles and strategies of vocabulary teaching w

4、hich are valuable for English teachers and students during their teaching and learning process. We hopes that teachers and students will analyze the problems objectively in vocabulary teaching, and find the shortcomings to help them improve the vocabulary learning.Key words: vocabulary teaching, com

5、petence, principles.Contents摘 要IABSTRACTII Introduction1Chapter 1 A Study on vocabulary teaching21.1 The relevant definitions about vocabulary21.2 The importance of vocabulary teaching21.3 The principles of vocabulary teaching3Chapter 2 The problems in teaching vocabulary52.1 Wrong methods in Rememb

6、ering English words 52.2 Teaching vocabulary with single method and breaking away from context62.3 Learning vocabulary passively7Chapter 3 The Strategies of vocabulary teaching73.1 The efforts from teachers73.1.1 Enriching the related knowledge and skills about teaching73.1.2 Finding good environmen

7、t and increasing selfconfidence83.1.3 Adopting scientific techniques93.1.4 Teaching vocabulary among other subjects93.2 The efforts from students103.2.1 Using dictionaries103.2.2 Enlarging reading113.2.3 Consolidating timely and repeatedly12 Conclusion13References14Acknowledgements15II IntroductionN

8、owadays, English has a most vocabularies in the world, so this kind of language is very complex. With the development of society and technology, the number of English vocabulary is gradually expanding. At present, vocabulary teaching is one of the problems which can not be solved easily in English t

9、eaching. This paper obeys the principles of English vocabulary teaching to have a discussion about it. No matter what is the purpose, we must first of all have a certain amount of vocabulary. This is the prerequisite for expression. Wilkins, a famous British linguist, once said that without grammar,

10、 very little can be conveyed;without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed. It is said that the Oxford English Dictionary has about 400,000 words. Of course no one knows or needs to use so many words. Only a small part of them are used by ordinary people for ordinary purposes. Students should learn to

11、 use the words that are most useful and most often used to express themselves.However, the teaching of vocabulary in many schools is not very desirable. Students are required to master as many words as possible, but many of them have great difficulty in remembering and using words. Vocabulary must b

12、e learnt by students themselves. But this does not mean that teachers need not care about how to teach vocabulary. If the teacher only focuses on teaching the meaning of words alone rather than the ways and strategies of learning vocabulary, how can students enlarge their vocabulary and use the word

13、s they have learned?Obviously, without the training of strategies for building up words students will have to spend a great deal of time in memorizing words, and in the end make very little progress in developing other language skills. In this sense, vocabulary teaching plays a critical role in Engl

14、ish language teaching.The aim of the paper is to discuss how to teach vocabulary so that students will find an efficient way to enlarge, consolidate and use the words they have learned.Chapter 1 A research about vocabulary teaching1.1 The relevant definitions about vocabularyAccording to Oxford Adva

15、nced LearnerEnglishChinese Dictionary, “vocabulary”is defined like this:a. all the words that a person knows or uses b. all the words in a particular language c. the words that people use when they are talking about a particular subject.“Vocabulary can be defined, roughly as the words to teach in th

16、e foreign language. However, a new item of vocabulary may be more than a single word:for example,post officeandmotherinlaw, which are made up of two or three words but express a single idea. There are also multiword idioms such ascall it a day, where the meaning of the phrase cannot be deduced from an analysis of the component words. A useful convention is to



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