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1、-范文最新推荐- 英文论文了不起的盖茨比的原型研究_英语论文 Abstract F. Scott Fitzgerald is one of the representative of the Jazz Age, he occupies an important place in American literary world. His masterpiece The Great Gatsby is the classics of Christianity and also an important literature masterpiece in the world, Fitzgerald

2、combines literature with the realistic life by using biblical archetypes that makes his novel surpass the limitation of space and time and eternal significance. According to the studies about The Great Gatsby abroad and at home, the author finds that many scholars focuses on the perspectives of stru

3、cturalism, symbolism to analysis this novel.The author’s thesis, taking the archetypal criticism and The Bible as the theoretical basis, attempts to perform sufficient analysis on the mythological archetypal in the work about the characters to reveal the novel’s theme.The thesis consists

4、 of four chapters as following, chapter one gives a introduction of this essay. chapter two gives the brief review of Fitzgerald’s background and his masterpiece The Great Gatsby, and introduces the theme of the work—— the disillusionment of the American Dream. Chapter three discus

5、ses the archetypes analysis of the main characters. Chapter four analyzes the archetypes of the symbols and theme. Chapter five concludes the whole thesis.Key Words: myth, Bible, archetypal criticism摘要菲茨拉杰德是二十世纪美国文坛上最著名的小说家之一。他的代表作了不起的盖茨比是一部以完美的艺术形式表现的关于“美国梦”的幻灭这一主题思想的力作。本文以神话原型批评为理论基础,以

6、圣经为依据,对了不起的盖茨比中的人物,结构,象征手法等进行阐释,并揭示美国梦的破灭这一小说主题。论文共分为五章。第一章简要的介绍有关了不起的盖茨比的一些成就和现有的一些研究成果。第二章介绍菲茨拉杰德的背景和他的著作了不起的盖茨比。第三章是主要人物的原型阐释。盖茨比的人物原型是圣经中的亚当和耶稣基督。黛西是圣经中夏娃的化身。汤姆的原型是圣经中的撒旦。第四章是象征手法和主题的原型阐释。盖茨比的命运呼应了古老的圣经悲剧模式。小说中的灰谷,光亮,颜色,水和花园都有着其象征意义。失乐园的神话传说是贯穿作品的原型主题。结论部分是全文的论述和分析做了系统的总结。5446 The Great Gatsby i

7、s also one of the most marvelously organic novels in the world and is usually considered as Fitzgerald’s finest novel. His works have become automatically identified with an American decade——he Jazz Age or the Roaring Twenties. In the 1920’s of America, which calls the Jazz A

8、ge after World War I, many Americans felt distrust toward foreigners because they held them responsible for the war. Young people, disillusioned by their experiences in World War I rebelled against prewar attitudes and conventions .Women refused to give up the independence they had gained the jobs t

9、hey got during the war. The Nineteenth Amendment gave them the right to vote and they demanded to be recognized as equals. Unfortunately, when the stock market crashed in October 1929, all of this came to a stop.Since its publication, The Great Gatsby has attracted various literary criticisms and ha

10、s been interpreted from difference angles by scholars, such as, the analysis of the symbolism, the structuralism, the contrast method, the theme and so on.Wu Jiangguo’s article (2002) analyzes the novel through the perspective of symbolism in terms of three levels,symbolism in colors,symbolism

11、 in setting and symbolism in things. Dong Xiaoyan(2006) analyzes The Great Gatsby from structuralism perspective. Luo Xiaoyan applies by structuralism to analyze The Great Gatsby, the conflict between Gatsby and the Buchanans, which concerns the opposing attitudes and values of two groups of people&

12、mdash;—one thriving on dream, represented by Gatsby and ,the other living by physical pleasures, represented by the Lehan Richard (1990) comments Fitzgerald’s art and technique in Fitzgerald’s works. The Great Gatsby is a general comment of the American dream. American culture is c

13、haracterized by a strong emphasis on the goal of monetary success and a weak emphasis on the importance of the legitimate means for the pursuit of success.In a word, a large number of scholars have made great contribution to this influential work from various perspectives, from the author’s po

14、int of view, the archetypal interpretation to The Great Gatsby still need some supplement. The thesis will explore this work further more. Having become a celebrity, Fitzgerald fell into a wild, reckless life-style of parties and decadence, while desperately trying to please Zelda by writing to earn

15、 money. Similarly, Gatsby amasses a great deal of wealth at a relatively young age, and devotes himself to acquiring possessions and throwing parties that he believes will enable him to win Daisy’s love. As the giddiness of the Roaring Twenties dissolved into the bleakness of the Great Depression, however, Zelda suffered a nervous breakdown and Fitzgerald battled alcoholism, which hampered his writing. He published Tender Is the Night in 1934, and sold short stories to The Saturday Evening Post to support his lavish lifestyle. In 1937, he left for Hollywood to wr



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