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1、 Making Telephone Calls 电话约晤 Nov. 30,2013 2 Etiquette on a phone 通话礼仪 Dialogues 对话 Keys in Making Calls 通话秘笈 Warming Up 热身 Glossary 词汇 Study Plan 学习计划 3 Etiquette on a phone 通话礼仪 Dialogues 对话 Keys in Making Calls 通话秘笈 Warming Up 热身 Glossary 词汇 Study Plan 学习计划 Making phone calls can be difficult . Wh

2、y? You cannot see the person youre talking to, so you cannot see his body language and “read” his face. 与人通话可能会很难,为什么呢?因为你见不到与你对话的人,无法感 知他的肢体语言或 解读他的面部表情。 I hope the lecture will help you speak on the phone with confidence in business and personal situations. 希望本讲助您在商务及私人电话英语中,能满怀信心从容以对。 4 Warming U

3、p lHow would you make a phone call to your business partner? 你如何致电生意伙伴? lWhat expressions would you use when you are on a phone? 通话时你会使用哪些用语? lHow could you be polite on a phone? 通话时如何做到礼貌待人? 5 Warming Up 6 Etiquette On the Phone 电话礼仪 Dialogues 对话 Warming Up 热身 Keys in Making Calls 通话秘笈 Glossary 词汇

4、Study Plan 学习计划 7 KEY 1 How to start a phone call 通话开场白 KEY 2 How to respond when you are the one wanted 当你恰好是被呼叫者时,如何回应 KEY 3 How to respond when the person wanted is out 当被呼叫者不在场时,如何回应 KEY 4 How to make a call for your boss 当你的上司要求代其致电时 KEY 5 How to conclude a phone call 通话结束语 Keys in Making Phone

5、 Calls 通话秘笈 8 Keys in Making Phone Calls 通话秘笈 KEY 1 How to start a phone call 通话开场白 KEY 2 How to respond when you are the one wanted 当你恰好是被呼叫者时,如何回应 KEY 3 How to respond when the person wanted is out 当被呼叫者不在场时,如何回应 KEY 4 How to make a call for your boss 当你的上司要求代其致电时 KEY 5 How to conclude a phone cal

6、l 通话结束语 9 a.CEI, may I help you? (中国电器科学研究院, 我能帮你忙吗?) b. Good morning/ afternoon/ evening, CEI office. (早上/下午/晚上好, 这里是中国电器科学研究院办公 室). c. CEI, to whom am I speaking , please? (中国电器科学研究院,请问哪位? ) Receiver: 自报家门(Introducing your companys name) 询问来电者和被呼叫人(Asking who is calling and whom be called ) 10 a.

7、Hello. This is Damon from Media Company. (你好, 我是美的公司的Damon). b. This is Wu from Israel. Can I speak to Mr. Chow, please ? (你好,我是来自以色列的吴先生, 请找周先生听电话,好吗?) c. Hello. This is Chow calling. Id like to speak to Ms. Lee please. Is this Ms. Lee? (你好, 这是小周打来的电话, 我想和李小姐讲话, 你是李小姐吗? ) d. Would you please connec

8、t me with the marketing department on Extension 23321? (请帮我接到内线电话是23321的市场部, 好吗? ) Caller : 表明呼叫者身份 (Introduction of Caller) 及被呼叫者的身份(Whom be called) 11 a. Let me confirm this. You are Damon , D-A-M-O-N, from Media Company. Is that correct? (让我确认一下, 你是来自美的的Damon, 对吗? ). b. Let me see if Jim is avail

9、able. / Ill see if Jim is in. (我查看Jim是否在) c. One moment, please/Hold on, please/ Just a minute, please/ Please hold. ( 请一等) d. Ill transfer you now. / Please hold and Ill put you through. (我帮您转接) Receiver: 确认呼叫者身份(Confirmation) 及回复被呼叫者能否接听(Replying whether the one wanted is available) Notes lextensi

10、on 分机/内线 lTransfer 转接电话 lConfirm 确认 lAvailable 空闲的,可用的 12 13 Keys in Making Phone Calls 通话秘笈 KEY 1 How to start a phone call 通话开场白 KEY 2 How to respond when you are the wanted one 当你恰好是被呼叫者时,如何回应 KEY 3 How to respond when the wanted one is out 当被呼叫者不在场时,如何回应 KEY 4 How to make a call for your boss 当你

11、的上司要求代其致电时 KEY 5 How to conclude a phone call 通话结束语 14 Receiver: 确认本身就是被呼叫者 ( Confirmation) 及询问呼叫者身份 (Asking) a. This is she. Speaking please. ( 我就是, 请说吧.) b. CEI, Marina speaking. (我就是来自CEI的Marina, 请讲。) b. May I ask who is calling , please? ( 请问是哪位打来电话? ) 15 a. This is Stephen from Gree . Theres so

12、mething Id like to discuss with you. (我是格力公司的Stephen, 我有些事情想和你谈一谈 。) b. This is Chow. Id like to show you a sample of our newest product. When can we meet? (我是周先生, 我有个新产品的样本想拿给你看, 不知 我们什么时候可 以见面? ) c. If you have time, Id like to meet with you this week. How about Wednesday at 10:00A.M. in your offi

13、ce? (假如你有空, 我想这个星期和你见面, 不如星期三早上十 点钟, 在你的办公室好吗?) Caller : 向接听者表明自已的身份和致电事宜和相关理由 (Introduction & Clarifying reasons to be called) 16 a. Well, let me check my schedule for tomorrow. That would be fine. (让我再看看明天的日程安排表, 嗯, 没问题.) b. Tomorrow morning will be fine. The time suits for me. I think I will be a

14、vailable by then. (明天早上没问题, 那时间适合我, 我想我那时一定有 空的.) c. Im afraid I have another appointment that day. How about tomorrow morning instead? (很抱歉, 那天我另有约会, 可否改在明天早上如何?) d. Pardon? (您能再说一遍吗?) Receiver: 确认是否明白呼叫者的致电事宜(Confirmation) 及回复确认相关要求 (Replying) Notes Sample 样品 Schedule 日程表 Appointment 约会 17 18 Keys

15、 in Making Phone Calls 通话秘笈 KEY 1 How to start a phone call 通话开场白 KEY 2 How to respond when you are the one wanted on the phone 当你恰好是被呼叫者时,如何回应 KEY 3 How to respond when the person wanted on the phone is out 当被呼叫者不在场时,如何回应 KEY 4 How to make a call for your boss 当你的上司要求代其致电时 KEY 5 How to conclude a p

16、hone call 通话结束语 19 Receiver: 解释被呼叫者不能接听电话的原因 (Explaining why cannot answer the call ) a. Mr. Chow isnt at his desk right now and will be back shortly. Who shall I say is calling, please? (周先生现在不在他的位子上, 很快就会回来,请问 您是哪位? ). b. Hes busy now/ Hes not available now. (他现在很忙/ 他现在不方便接听你的电话) c. One moment pleaseIm sorry. Mr. Chow is out of office. Would you like to leave a message? (请稍等很抱歉, 周先生刚走开, 现不在办公室, 你 需留言吗? ) 20 a. Thats ok, Ill



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