冬季校园安全演讲稿(演讲稿校园安 全).docx

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1、第1篇第2篇第3篇第4篇第5篇更多顶部 目录 第一篇:关于冬季校园安全的英语演讲稿 第二篇:冬季校园安全教育 第三篇:冬季校园安全讲话 第四篇:冬季校园安全 第五篇:搞好冬季校园安全 更多相关范文 正文 第一篇:关于冬季校园安全的英语演讲稿 campus security : with a sharp cry, marks the landing a human life, the existence of life mean? when the red sun rises in sky. the twinkling of an eye, the sun will be the golden

2、spread to every corner of the world, everything comes back to the earth - - - - - - it is because of the existence of life; the delicate flowers in green leaves dancing in the dark, fireflies blinking singing, lively campus security of children rolled on the grass - - - - - - these are for life in t

3、he presence of. life everywhere, everywhere. life is too precious! there is a life, have competition and struggle, has a life, has happiness and sadness, with life, have hope and ideal, have a life of love. our life is just like a spring blew flower, the world because of flowery life wonderful! some

4、 people live, early life flower withered. as we all know, the most basic human needs - in addition to the air, water and food needs, is safe. newspapers, television, news content more and more people fear, such as fire, flood, tsunami, earthquake, disaster, accident, terrorist attack, war, violence

5、and so on, we have convinced ourselves living environment is not 100% safe. as a student, one year has most of the time in the school and the surrounding life. in this densely populated area, narrow special environment, safety is always our focus of attention, the relevant departments of the state s

6、pecially set up relevant laws and regulations, formulate relevant regulations. such as" student injury accident treatment measures"," minor protects a law"," the prevention of juvenile delinquency law", at the same time the country has put forward the " safety resp

7、onsibility be weightier than mount tai"," safety first, prevention first " principle, at the same time, the state established the safety administration, responsible for the national work safety management, it indicates that the country attaches great importance to security work. inves

8、tigation shows, our country middle and primary school students in traffic accidents, collapse of buildings, food poisoning, drowning, security accidents, violent crime, death, a daily average of more than 40 people, the equivalent of a day is a class of students lose their flowery life! building con

9、gestion causing injuries, but chasing caused by fracture, class is the pencil head injuries, experimental process, drowning, burns ' fights and car crashes and other accidents are impossible to guard against. dry cold figure, these hear(请你关注Www.HaowOrd.cOm)ts a flutter facts behind what do we se

10、e? the dead to their fresh and short life puts to us what caution? hope the teacher, students thinking! we are still a long way to the world, everyone living has left something beautiful! friends, our heart like communication, be able to touch your heart, i feel you the full heart in favor of fighti

11、ng, even in trembling. we should let his life in mind fighting through, like leaves, like xie hua, smart, smart, do on the life of no regrets, let the light of life brilliant forever. treasures the life, even if life is only a moment, then let it become an eternity. 第二篇:冬季校园安全教育 冬季校园安全注意事项 进入冬季,天气渐寒

12、,威胁校园安全方面的因素增多,为确保广大师生的人身及财产安全,有效维护我校的安全稳定,请全校师生注意以下安全事项: 一、 消防安全。 冬季干寒,火灾易发。寝室严禁使用“热得快”、热水壶、电热毯、暖手宝等大功率电器;严禁在室内明火;严禁将烟花、爆竹、火柴、气体打火机等易燃、易爆品带入学校。请同学们自觉遵守,互相监督。 二、 交通安全。 冬季经常有雾水,路面易结冰,上学和放学要特别注意。要遵守交通规则,过横行道时应多观察,外出或返校不要乘坐非法营运车辆。平时多留意车况、路况,主动避让机动车辆,雨天防滑。骑车时按路线靠右行驶,不骑飞车、不单手或双手离把骑车、不带人骑车、不并排

13、骑行,不在路上追逐打闹。做到停车上锁,不阻塞消防通道。遇到冰雪天气谨慎慢行。按时回家,确保安全。 三、 课间安全。 走路小心,不追跑打闹,防止滑倒跌伤,上下楼梯、拐弯时要特别留意。当上午气温低于零度时,不要在走廊拖地,以免造成地面结冰,滑倒伤人。节约用水,用完要关紧龙头,尽量避免水洒到地上结冰。 四、 饮食安全。 为了个人健康,请到食堂餐厅就餐。尽量少吃冷饮、冰冻食物及隔夜食品,切勿在没有卫生安全保障的无证摊点购买食物或进餐,以防食物中毒或因不洁食品导致的腹泻等不良状况发生。 五、 预防流行病、传染病。 冬季时节,早晚温差大,抵抗力下降,是呼吸道感染、结核病等易发时期。请及时增减衣物,以免感冒

14、发烧,平时多喝开水,多锻炼,多通风,勤洗手,保持良好的个人卫生习惯。遇病及时就医,积极做好疾病的防治工作。 六、 防偷防盗。 进入冬季,是盗窃、抢劫等侵财案件高发时期,为防止此类案件发生,请同学们天黑时要结伴而行,女同学应避免一个人单独行走,要按时归寝,不到偏僻处逗留,发现可疑情况和可疑人,要及时报警。 第三篇:冬季校园安全讲话 老师、同学们,大家好: 随着气温的下降,严寒的冬季又来临了,由于冬季天气寒冷,气候干燥,是火灾事故、交通事故和人生伤害事故的多发季节,为了确保学校的安全与稳定,防止各类事故的发生,努力创造使师生满意的安全环境,请老师同学们注意做好以下几点: 一、交通安全方面:冬季人体

15、关节的灵活性较差,反应也相对缓慢,在上、下学路上要注意交通安全。步行走人行道,在没有人行道的地方靠路右边行走;骑自行车走慢车道,不抢机动车道;通过路口或者横过马路时要减速慢行,为了自己和他人的安全着想,学校希望同学们一定要注意交通安全,自觉遵守交通法规。 二、预防甲流方面:冬季是流感等传染病高发季节, 面对严峻形势,学校要求同学们继续做好预防措施,做好个人卫生,勤洗手、勤通风,在人多的公共场合带好口罩。同学在咳嗽和打喷嚏的时候请用纸巾捂住口鼻,并及时洗手;如出现感冒症状不要隐瞒,应及时向班主任报告并前往二级甲等以上医院就诊,不去小诊所;同时,天气寒冷,同学们要多添加衣物,不要为了所谓风度而挨冻受冷。重视饮



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