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1、西北师范大学 硕士学位论文 资源型城市转型视角下经济开发区发展研究-以甘肃玉门经济 开发区为例 姓名:李老虎 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:人文地理学 指导教师:白永平 2009-06 II 摘 要 当前,资源型城市转型作为一个世界性的课题,己经引起世界各国的普遍关注。资源 是国民经济和社会发展的基础物质条件,中国是一个资源大国,有 400 多座典型的资源型 城市。然而,由于这类城市的发展对某类不可再生资源的严重依赖性,在经历了数十年的 开采挖掘后, 大都面临着资源枯竭的现状, 而要避免资源型城市衰亡就必须实施产业转型。 因此,资源型城市转型是今后相当长的一段时期内我国经济发展的中心问题,也是学术

2、界 关注的“热点”之一。 玉门市是典型的石油资源型城市,由于资源进入开采枯竭期,城市生存与发展遇到了 前所未有的挑战,国务院于 2009 年 3 月将其确定为第二批资源枯竭城市。如何实现产业 转型是玉门市可持续发展的首要问题, 当前和今后一个时期, 就是要通过建立工业示范区, 把握国家政策扶持机遇,发挥集群优势,借助后发优势,加快城市转型与产业结构调整步 伐,实现玉门市产业经济的可持续发展。 本文以资源型城市转型为视角,以玉门经济开发区的发展为研究对象,审视了玉门在 产业转型中接续产业和替代产业的发展方向、延伸产业链及优化产业结构的发展要求,在 枯竭资源型城市应急转型战略的部署下,结合区域经济

3、概况实施优势替代、优势延伸、优 势挖潜及优势再造等转型策略,对玉门经济开发区进行多元化的产业培育、集约化的空间 布局,以此促进城市化进程、带动区域产业转型,发挥区域比较优势和竞争优势,使资源 环境与区域发展相和谐。 首先,概述了研究背景、选题意义、研究方法和研究思路框架结构,梳理了国内外相 关领域研究进展,借鉴国内外资源型城市转型的失败教训和成功经验,总结出资源型城市 转型中产业转型策略的一般规律,为玉门经济开发区发展战略提供参考。 其次,比较详细地阐述了资源型城市转型和经济开发区发展的理论基础,为开发区产 业培育方向提供理论指导。 再次,在对玉门区域概况及产业发展条件和现状问题实证分析的基础

4、上,对玉门产业 的发展现状展开讨论,指出目前存在的一些列问题。 然后,针对现状问题,以资源型城市转型的战略选择、发展方向及发展要求等区域背 景为规划依据,着重剖析了玉门经济开发区的产业发展培育和空间布局,选择接替产业和 替代产业进行培育,拉宽、延伸产业链及优化空间结构,打造开发区生态名牌产业,发展 比较优势产业。以此促进城市发展与区域产业结构合理化,实现产业结构转型。 最后,在人文环境、产业结构、资金渠道、政府职能、整合营销、环境保护等方面, 提出玉门经济开发区进一步发展的对策措施和政策建议。 关键词:资源型城市;资源型城市;转型;转型;产业集群;产业集群;空间布局;空间布局;可持续发展可持续

5、发展 III Abstract As a universal subject, the resource-based cities transition has aroused the attention of every country. Resources are the basic material conditions for the national economic and social development. China, as a resource-abundant country, has more than 400 such typical cities. However

6、, the developments of these cities seriously depended on non-renewable resources, after decades of mining, the majority have to face the status of resource exhaustion. To avoid the decline of the resource-based cities, we must imply the strategy of industrial transformation. Therefore, the resource-

7、based cities transition is the central issue of economic development for a long time as well as one of the “hot spots” which the academics concerned about. Yumen is a typical resource-based city, the survival and development of this city has encountered unprecedented challenges because the resource

8、exploration has stepped into an advanced stage. In March 2009, Yumen was identified as the second batch of the resource- exhausted city by the State Council. In the process of its transition, by relocating the urban district, Yumen has formed a special model of one city-double districts and centers,

9、 which is unique in China. The transition is essential to realize sustainable development of Yumen. During the current and future periods, it is necessary to establish Industrial demonstration zones, seize the opportunity of development of the western region, exert cluster advantages, with the advan

10、tage to speed up the transition and the pace of industrial adjustment, and realize Yumen economic sustainable development. This paper in the view of resource-based city transition, take the development of Yumen Economic Development Zone as the research object, review the direction of following indus

11、tries and alternative industries in development of Yumen industrial restructuring and the development requirements of extending the industrial chain and optimizing the industrial structure, at the strategic deployment of depletion of resource-based city emergency transition, with the combination of

12、regional economic overview, implementing the transition strategy such as advantages alternative, advantages extension, advantages and potential advantages and advantages recycling, conducting a intensive space layout to Yumen Economic Development Zone to cultivate a wide range of industries, through

13、 that promoting the process of urbanization, driving regional industrial restructuring and exerting the regional comparative advantage and competitive IV advantage, so that resources and environment are in harmony with the regional development. First, the research background, significance of topic,

14、research methods and research ideas framework are summarized, combing domestic and foreign research development of related area, and drawing on the failures and successful experiences of transition resource-based cities in domestic and international, the general rules of resource-based industrial ci

15、ty transition strategy are summed up, which provide Yumen Economic Development Zone a reference for the development strategies. Secondly, the theoretical foundation of resource-based city transition and economic development zone to develop are described into detail, which provide a theoretical guida

16、nce to cultivate the direction of development zone industry. Third, based on the empirical analysis of Yumen regional overview, industry development conditions and the status quo question, discuss the status quo of Yumen industry, and point out a number of questions that currently exist. And then, for the status quo and questions, take the strategic choice, development direction, development requirements and regional context of resource-based city transition as the planning guidline, focusi



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