关于期末复习英语演讲稿(精选多 篇).docx

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1、第1篇第2篇第3篇第4篇第5篇更多顶部 目录 第一篇:五年级英语上期末复习第二篇:护理专业英语期末复习第三篇:如何做好英语期末复习第四篇:期末复习演讲稿第五篇:升旗期末复习演讲稿更多相关范文 正文 第一篇:五年级英语上期末复习 一、写出下列短语。 起床睡觉吃早餐 刷牙洗澡去上学 写作业看电视去购物 二、翻译下列句子。 1、what time is it?2、when do we get up? 3、its half past eight in the morning.4、dont be late. 5、its nine oclock at night. 6、we brush our teeth

2、 at seven oclock. 7、we eat our breakfast at half past six in the morning. 8、welcome to my home on the moon. 9、are you free on saturday afternoon? 10、let(更多好范文请关注:wwW.HaOWord.CoM)s meet at two oclock at the shopping mall. 三、选择最适合的答语连线。 where are you?i can feel something hard. its a key. what do you l

3、ike doing?its my ruler. whose ruler is this?im at the supermarket. what can you feel?i like reading books. whats the weather like in spring?its hot. whats the weather like in summer?its windy. 四、回答下列问题。 whats the weather like in winter? what do you like doing in summer? in spring, its_, i like_in sp

4、ring.in summer,its_,i like_in summer. in autumn,its_,i like_in autumn.in winter,its_,i like_in winter. 五、写出下列句子。 李先生和李太太正在超市等着。 我能看见四个人。他们很有趣。 我喜欢闻花香。我喜欢吃冰淇淋。 我有许多东西,但是我不高兴。 抓住那只小鸟。我能为你唱歌。 让我们现在放风筝。 六、翻译下列单词。 brushbathbreakfastmorningnightwelcome windyhomeworkoclocktiredfreesunday saturdayrainsuperm

5、arketbuyclotheslook computerhardsofttoweltiestonesnake bonecowpeoplelongfunnysmellice cream sadhearfreenowwetcoldhotsun snowlistenwindfeelweatherkitespringsummer autumnwinterflything 第二篇:护理专业英语期末复习 考试范围:u1-u4 题型: 1. 课文内容理解,是非题10% 2. 词汇选择题10% 3. 课文段落选词填空10% 4. 句子英译中20% 5. 课外阅读理解20% 6. 作文30% unit 1 1.

6、 in my view, no knowledge can be more satisfactory to a man than that of his own frame, its parts, their functions and actions. (para. 1) 在我看来,对人来说,没有什么知识会比了解自身的构架、它的部件以及各部件的功能和作用更能使他满足的了。 2. the possible approaches to a study of the body are legion. to the cynic, the body is no more than a tenement

7、 of clay; to the poet, a palace of soul; to the physician, an all-too-ailing hulk. the psychiatrist sees it as a housing for the mind and personality. the geneticist sees it as a perpetuator of its own kind. the biologist sees it as an organism which can alter the future as a result of the experienc

8、e of the past. (para. 2) 研究人体的途径可谓五花八门:玩世不恭者视其为泥土构作的陋室;诗人赞之曰灵魂的宫殿;医生视它作百孔千疮的躯壳。精神病学家视之为理智和个性的居所;遗传学家视之为自我繁衍的机器;生物学家看见的则是一个能以往昔之经历改造将来的生物体。 3. bounding the cytoplasm is the cell membrane, which keeps the cell contents in and undesirable material out, yet permits passage of both proper nutrients and w

9、astes. (para. 5) 包裹着细胞质的是细胞膜,它将细胞内含物包容于细胞之内,将不需之物排斥于外,而又允许适当的营养物和废物通过。 4. all nerve cells, varied as they may be, receive and conduct electrochemical impulses. (para. 9) 尽管可能有所不同,所有神经细胞都接收和传递电化学冲动。 unit 2 1. the body is supported and given shape by this structure, consisting of more than 200 bones a

10、nd the muscles and tendons which are connected to them. (para. 2) 人体由这个结构作支撑,并构成轮廓,这一结构由大约200多块骨头和与之相连的肌肉和键组成。 2.from there, the blood is pumped into the right ventricle and to the pulmonary artery to be sent to the lungs, where carbon dioxide is removed and oxygen is added. (para. 7) 血液从那里被泵入右心室,再进

11、入肺动脉而被送至两肺,在此二氧化碳被去除,氧气被加入 3. another major body complex is the digestive system, which processes the food so that it can be used for energy. (para. 12) 另一个主要的器官是消化系统,该系统对食物进行加工,以便食物能被作为能量使用。 4 normally, the fertilized egg then travels to the uterus where it becomes an embryo, is implanted, and deve

12、lops for about 280 days (until childbirth). (para. 14) 在正常情况下,受精卵移动进入子宫,在那里变成胚胎,完成植入(子宫内膜)过程,生长约280天左右(直至分娩)。 unit 3 1.although all pathogens pose potential threats if they gain entry to the body, the chances of this occurring are actually quite small. (para. 1) 虽然所有病原体若进入人体都会造成潜在的威胁,但这种清况发生的可能性却相当小。 2. whether threatened by an invading organism, a physical object, or a chemical irritant, the body reacts in a similar way to defend itself. (para.寻) 不管威办是来自入侵微生物、异物,还是化学刺激物,人体



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