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1、Lesson 58 A blessing in disguise 是因祸得福吗?,Frinley 弗林利 blessing blesi n. 福分,福气 disguise disaiz n. 伪装 tiny taini adj. 极小的 possess pzesv. 拥有 cursed k:sid adj. 可恨的 increase inkri:s v. 增加 plant pl:nt v. 种植 church t:t n. 教堂 evil i:vl adj. 坏的 reputation .repjutein n. 名声 claim kleim v.以为其后果 victim viktim n.

2、受害者,牺牲品 vicar vik n. 教区牧师 source s:s n. 来源 income inkm n. 收入 trunk trk n. 树干,Words,blessing n.福分,福气 disguise n.伪装 tiny adj.极小的 possess v.拥有 cursed adj.可恨的 increase v.增加,evil adj.坏的 reputation n.名声 claim v.以为其后果 victim n.受害者,牺牲品 vicar n.教区牧师 source n.来源 income n.收入 trunk n.树干,Please accept my blessin

3、g upon your marriage.,blessing,n. (上帝的)赐福;福分;祝福,请接受我对你们婚姻的祝福。,ask for Gods blessing 求神保佑 count ones blessings 知足 say a blessing 做祷告,Good health is a blessing.,e.g.健康是福,bless v. v. 保佑 God bless you! =Bless you! 上帝保佑你 Bless my country. 保佑我的国家 bless 有幸得到,被赋予 be blessed with . Fortunately we are both bl

4、essed with good health . Bless you ! 长命百岁! I will be blessed . 我的天哪 !,bless+sb./sth with sth. 把赋予,赐予;有幸得到,I am blessed with good friends.,God blessed him with success and victory.,我不得不化了装离开那屋子。,I had to get out of that house in disguise.,她喜悦的微笑仅仅是为了掩饰她的忧伤。,Her happy smile was only a disguise for her

5、 sadness.,disguise v. 伪装 n. 1. 假扮,伪装, 2. 假装;掩饰 disguise as 伪装成 憨豆先生把自己伪装成一个美女。 Mr. Bean disguised himself as a beauty.,in disguise伪装,掩饰,a wolf in disguise 披着羊皮的狼, 被伪装的狼,a blessing in disguise 因祸得福,祸中有福,curse n. 诅咒,咒骂,cursed adj.可恶的,可恨的,curse sb/sth for sth.因诅咒 It is better to light a candle than to

6、curse darkness. 与其诅咒黑暗,不如点亮光明,The witch put a curse on him. The witch cursed him. be under a curse 遭受诅咒 lift a curse 解除诅咒 curse sb for sth,tiny adj. 极小的,tiny = very very small, possess pzes own, have vt. 控制;使掌握;拥有;迷住 possess oneself 自制,镇静 sb. possess sth. 某人有某物 They possess three cars. She was sudde

7、nly possessed by/with fear. The country possesses rich oil. 这个国家拥有丰富的石油。 possession n. 拥有, 占有, 所有, 着迷, 领土, 领地, 财产(常用复数), 自制 in ones possession 某人有某物,为所有(被),占有(主),in ones possession,in the possession,in possession of,Our university is now _ those buildings. 现在那些楼房是属于我们大学的 Those buildings are now _ ou

8、r university. 现在那些楼房归我们大学所有 Who is _of this car? 这是谁的车?,in possession of,in the possession of in possession of,1.Our university is now _ those buildings 现在那些楼房是属于我们大学的。 2.Those buildings are now _our university 现在那些楼房归我们大学所有。 3.Who is _this estate? 这是谁的地产?,in possession of,in the possession of,in po

9、ssession of,cursed adj. 可恨的 be cursed with 受得折磨 She had always been cursed with ill-health. cursedly adv. 可恨地,可恶地 curse n. 骂人话 curse v. 咒骂,increase,V.增长,增加(主要指工资,产量,数量的增加),increase by +(倍数或百分数) 增加了 increase to +(实际数 ) 增加到,n. 增加 increase in value /price /,be on the increase 正在增长 = be increasing,incre

10、ased adj. 增强的,增大的 increasingly adv. 不断增加地,The output increased_ over 200 percent 产量增长了两倍多。 The population has increased _1.2billion 人口数量增加到1.2亿,by,to,increase grow add,increase作动词或名词,着重体积、数量、强度、程度、力量、权威、名声、财富等的增加或增强;,add是动词,指将某物加在另一物上,使之在数量、体积、重要性等方面有所增加;,grow作不及物动词,表示“增长”与increase意义基本相同,但grow还另含有“生

11、长、发育、种植等”之意。,reputation,n.名声,an evil reputation 一个坏名声 a bad name 一个坏名声,repute,ripju:t n.名誉, 名声, 声望,in high low repute 声望高低的,reputed,ripju:tid adj. 名声好的, 出名的,reputable,repjutbl adj. 高尚的,有声望的,reputation n. 名声,名望 enjoy a good reputation good reputation 好名声 bad reputation 坏名声 has a good/bad reputation a

12、s/for has a good reputation as a doctor has a good reputation for generosity has a bad reputation for laziness establish/build up/make/ruin build up ones reputation,Those children are the sad victims of their parents divorce.,victim 受害者,牺牲品(人),那些孩子因父母离异而成为可怜的,become the victim of,=fall a victim to,成

13、为的牺牲品,vicar n.教区牧师,The Vicar of Christ (天主教)教皇,v. 1. (疾病,意外)夺去生命,以为其后果 The war claimed dozens of lives. 2. 自称,声称;主张+to-v+(that) 她声称那只戒指是被偷的。,claim,那场战争夺去了几十条人命。,She claimed that the ring was stolen.,She claims to be a good pianist.,她声称是位优秀的钢琴家。,1. (河的)源头;水源,source,n.,Do you know the source of Amazon

14、 River?,你知道亚马逊河的源头吗?,Whats the source of your income.?,你收入的来源是什么?,2. 根源;来源(+of),the source of theYellow River 黄河的发源地,evil adj.坏的,eviler(eviller英式),evilest(evillest英式),evil邪恶的,道德上坏的-bad,不幸的,不吉利的:evil news,n.罪,罪恶,n.不幸,灾事,n.讨厌的,令人厌恶的,speak evil of sb.说某人坏话,They have fallen in evil days.他们交上了厄运,devil 恶魔

15、,church n. 教堂 The tree was planted near the church fifty years ago . church加the 表示地点; church不加the 和功能有关 go to the church 去教堂玩 I am at the church. 在教堂玩 go to church 去教堂做礼拜 I am at church. 做礼拜,n.植物,v.种植,Plants need water and sunshine.,Tree Planting day 植树节,plant 与grow的区别,plant tree 种树(只是种, 活不活不管),grow v. 生长 grow sth. 种庄稼(不但种, 还要让它生长),The tree was planted near the church fifty years ago .,income,Whats your income from your job?,你工作的收入是多少?,income 定期的收入,salary指脑力劳动者的收入,数额比较


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