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1、上海交通大学 硕士学位论文 语义韵及态度意义再审视 姓名:程雨楠 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:外国语言学及应用语言学 指导教师:卫乃兴 20071203 Abstract ii 摘 要 摘 要 语义韵是语料库语言学研究中发现并深入探讨的语言现象, 是当代 语料库语言学的一个重要研究对象。然而,由于此概念的复杂性以及与 其他语言现象的密切联系, 诸多语言学家从不同角度对其提出各自的定 义及阐释。虽然这些定义没有本质冲突,但是它们各有偏重,没有能够 全面概括语义韵的特点。另外,在某些定义中,语义韵与隐含词义等概 念混同使用。这些都给语义韵应用及利用等方面的研究带来不便。 本文通过追溯最为通行的定义语

2、义韵的三个角度, 分析其各自侧重 及理论基础来探讨不同定义的成因以及各定义之间的本质相通之处。 态 度意义是贯穿各定义以及语义韵与褒贬词和隐含词义等其他语言机制 的重要概念。在此基础之上,本文重新提出语义韵、褒贬词以及隐含词 义的定义以便在今后的研究中区分此概念。 另外,本文探讨了包括语义韵在内的态度意义在观察、解释及预测 三个层面的价值。 在此基础之上举例论证了语义韵及隐含词义的运用和 利用方法及意义。 关键词关键词 语义韵,褒贬词,隐含义,态度意义,应用,利用 Abstract iii Abstract Semantic prosody is an important language m

3、echanism discovered and studied by corpus linguists. Due to the complication of this concept and its interrelation with other aspects of language, there are currently several distinct definitions of it. Though those definitions do not have fundamental disputes, they approach this concept from differ

4、ent perspectives with quite different emphases. Some of these definitions have blurred the distinction between semantic prosody and other concepts like connotation. Through reexamining the three major views on semantic prosody, the present paper aims at seeking the origins of the differences between

5、 these definitions as well as their common grounds. Based on the research finding that attitudinal meaning is the theme that links up all the definitions, this paper proposes the working definitions of semantic prosody, connotation and commendatory/derogatory word. Finally, utilization and exploitat

6、ion of attitudinal meaning are explored on the basis of its observational, explanatory and predictive value. Key words: semantic prosody, commendatory/derogatory word, connotation, attitudinal meaning, utilization, exploitati 上海交通大学上海交通大学 学位论文原创性声明学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成 果

7、。 除文中已经注明引用的内容外, 本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的 作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完 全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 学位论文作者签名:程 雨 楠程 雨 楠 日期: 年 月 日 Acknowledgments i Acknowledgements Many people have contributed wittingly or unwittingly to the present paper, and it is they who should be thanked for all that is good

8、 in it. My debts cannot be repaid to Professor Wei Naixing, my most respectable supervisor, who has significantly deepened my understanding of scientific research and that of life as well. His rigorous scholarship and pursuit of excellence have been a hard push for me in the composition and revision

9、 of this paper. Being an expert in the area of corpus linguistics, Professor Wei is my sharpest critic and advisor. Without his guidance and insightful suggestions the completion of this dissertation is impossible. My special thanks are extended to Professor Wu Yong, my beloved mentor, who used to b

10、e my supervisor during the first two years of the postgraduate program. She is the person who opened the door of linguistics for me and has endowed me with the perspective and mentality of a linguist. During her research in the United States she still managed to take time off the tight schedule to s

11、earch for references for me, which are of vital importance for the composition of this dissertation. Constant encouragement and support from friends have saved me from the most frustrated days. I am particularly grateful for Robin Zhang, a most amiable reminder of the significance of the dissertatio

12、n; Lily Huang, my consultant and confidant; Aileen Pan, a prompt advisor whenever I encountered difficulties with corpora; Stanley Xu, who has tried to take care of me and saved me from many idiocies; and above all, Mark Li, a friend who has always supported me unconditionally. Finally, the gratitud

13、e for my families is beyond words. I have always benefited from their encouragement and support. Introduction 1 Chapter 1. Introduction 1.1 Research context For the past several decades corpus linguistics has become “a new research enterprise and a new philosophical approach to linguistic enquiry” (

14、Tognini-Bonelli 2001: 1). Halliday points out that it re-unites the activities of data gathering and theorizing and argues that this is leading to a qualitative change in our understanding of language (1993: 24). Corpus linguistics, especially corpus driven studies has acquired a theoretical status

15、and been in a position to discover language phenomena that remain unrevealed to traditional linguistic observation and to contribute to other applications such as lexicography, language teaching, translation, stylistics and so on. One of the language phenomena that has remained undiscussed in tradit

16、ional linguistic description and that has been strenuously studied by corpus linguists is the phenomenon identified as semantic prosody. Unlike other established concepts such as collocation, colligation or semantic preference, the term “semantic prosody” since recognized has always been in controversy. There are currently several definitions about it, which generates inconvenience not only in its application but also in the demarcation with other aspects of language. Semantic proso



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