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1、华侨大学 硕士学位论文 语义范畴的家族相似性及其启示 姓名:黄闽芳 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:英语语言文学 指导教师:陈道明 20080501 语义范畴的家族相似性及其启示 The Family Resemblance of Semantic Categories and its Implications i 摘 要 一词多义是人类语言的普遍现象,体现了语言经济性原则。多义 词是共时的实体,却是由历时发展而来的。词语意义的发展演变是人 类认知范畴化和概念化的结果。 范畴化是指人类对世界万物进行分类 的心理过程,在此基础上形成了概念,概念依附于符号而获得意义。 随着社会的发展,概念会不断扩展,意

2、义也因此得到发展,产生新的 意义,继而形成多义现象。 总的来说, 范畴化理论有两个代表性理论经典范畴化理论和原 型范畴化理论。 这两种范畴观有着本质的不同。 经典范畴化理论认为, 范畴由成员共有的一组充分必要条件来定义。20 世纪 50 年代,维特 根斯坦提出了“家族相似性”原理。这一原理是对经典范畴理论的突 破。维氏通过对“游戏”这个范畴的分析,指出在范畴中的每一成员 至少有一个特点与其它一个或更多成员相似, 但是几乎没有任何特点 是用于所有成员的,决定范畴的是家族相似性而不是共有特征。家族 相似性原理启发了原型范畴理论,被纳入原型范畴理论中,成为原型 范畴理论的构建基础。 经典范畴理论在运

3、用到具体语言现象时,表现出不可克服的缺 陷。多义词是一个语义范畴,对于一词多义现象,多个义项不能用经 典范畴模式提炼出核心意义。 而用家族相似性原理能很好地把握多义 词的本质,解释不同义项间的关系。 认知语言学家 Taylor把家族相似 语义范畴的家族相似性及其启示 The Family Resemblance of Semantic Categories and its Implications ii 性原理运用于多义词的解释,提出了意义链(meaning chain) 。多义 词内部表面不相关的意义通过意义链发生联系。 本文以原型范畴理论下的家族相似性原理为理论框架, 探讨多义 网络现象。

4、文章分析了多义词“cut” 、 “垫” 、 “打”的家族相似性网 络,指出:多义词范畴的不同的义项间的关系不是离散的、任意的, 而是有理据的;扩展意义都是由原型意义通过相似性,隐喻,转喻等 各种认知方式衍生而来;语义范畴处于动态的、开放的发展中,没有 明确的边界,随着范畴的扩展,边缘变得越来越模糊,离原型义项更 远;因此,看似不相关的义项可以通过意义链联系起来。 对多义词不同义项间的家族相似性网络的分析为外语教学提供 了有益的启示。在进行词汇教学时, 该原理的应用可以帮助学生认识 到看起来似乎没有关联的义项间是如何通过意义链联系起来的,而 且,从认知角度分析语义的引申机制,使他们能理解一些词具

5、体义项 和抽象义项间的联系。通过提供多义词多个义项的理据分析,能减轻 学生学习词汇的记忆负担,也能使他们更深刻地把握多义词的内涵。 从文章的分析不难看出, 家族相似性原理对一词多义现象有较强 的解释力。 多义词的家族相似性网络体现了凝聚在丰富多彩的语言中 的人类认知,再次证明了人类语言是建立在认知基础上的。 关键词:原型范畴理论,家族相似性,一词多义 语义范畴的家族相似性及其启示 The Family Resemblance of Semantic Categories and its Implications iii Synopsis Polysemy is a pervasive phen

6、omenon in human languages. It meets the economical need of language. A polysemous word as a synchronic entity is the result of diachronic development. Meaning extension is due to human categorization and conceptualization. Categorization refers to the psychological process that humans classify the w

7、orld, and conceptualization is based on categorization. Meaning is produced when a concept is attached to a sign. With the development of society, the concept extends, which leads to the meaning extension. This is how polysemy phenomenon generates. Generally speaking, there are two representative th

8、eories of categorization classical theory and prototype theory. The two theories are essentially different in position. According to classical theory, categories are defined by necessary and sufficient features. In the 1950s, Wittgenstein put forward the notion of family resemblances in the analysis

9、 of the semantic category “ Spiel” (game), which is a breakthrough of classical theory. According to the principle of family resemblances, every member of a category has at least one, and probably several attributes similar to one or more other members, but no, or few, attributes are common to all m

10、embers in the category; what decides the category is the principle of family resemblances rather than common features. “ Family resemblance” then contributes to the establishment of prototype theory. It is adopted in prototype theory and becomes the basic structure of prototype theory. The classical

11、 approach is defective in the analysis of language phenomenon. A polysemous word constitutes a semantic category. However, it is hard to extract the core meaning from different meanings if we use the classical model. The principle of family resemblances can well explain the nature of polysemy and th

12、e relationship between different meanings. Cognitive linguist Taylor applies family resemblance approach to the explanation of polysemy. He uses meaning chain to describe the 语义范畴的家族相似性及其启示 The Family Resemblance of Semantic Categories and its Implications iv family resemblance network in polysemy.

13、The seemingly discrete meanings could be connected through meaning chain. This thesis discusses the polysemous network under the framework of the principle of family resemblances in prototype theory. The family resemblance network of polysemous words “ cut” , “ di n(垫)” , “ d (打)” are analyzed in th

14、is thesis. Through the analysis, we point out: the relationship between different meanings is motivational rather than discrete and arbitrary; the extended meanings are all derived from the prototypical meaning through cognitive devices, such as similarity, metaphor, metonymy etc.; the semantic cate

15、gories are open for dynamic development, so there is no clear boundary; with the extension of categories, the newly- developed meaning moves away from the prototypical meaning gradually; the seemingly discrete meanings can be connected through meaning chain. The exploration of family resemblance net

16、work between meaning members can have favorable implications for foreign language teaching. As for the vocabulary teaching, teachers can help students realize how the seemingly discrete meanings get associated through meaning chain. Moreover, analysis of the extended mechanism from cognitive perspective make students better understand the relationship between concrete meaning and abstract meaning. By pointing out the motivation between different meanings, we can lessen students



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